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Status Replies posted by GregoV1

  1. Would you tase these guys or kill them 

    They had no idea what hit them

  2. Can we have this for when people say dumb shit please


  3. The APD sends it's regards, @Trump24


  4. Quick question, If @Kyle Lake is gonna be KOS are we allowed to VDM him? @Peter Long @Grandma Gary

  5. How do I freeze my level :4head:


  6. The REAL reason ex civ rep nerdy took our quilins was so he could easily catch us on warzone. Just look he was made Sgt it's a conspiracy I tell you! All of sapd are in on it!


  7. Handbook is manually formatted now. I did just stay up til 7AM doing this so any imperfections I will get to when I wake up. Jesus fuck. 

  8. Handbook is manually formatted now. I did just stay up til 7AM doing this so any imperfections I will get to when I wake up. Jesus fuck. 

  9. Handbook is manually formatted now. I did just stay up til 7AM doing this so any imperfections I will get to when I wake up. Jesus fuck. 

  10. I kinda want to give @hadi a suicide vest on APD. Thoughts?

  11. im just going to leave this here....


  12. cant do dome strat if there no dome a45906daa8debbfc9255c9f58cea5267.jpg

  13. @falcon and dropped a hunnid for you my g @Fernando_ rve1w6y.jpg

  14. Hey players, Olympus's prominent civ rep thatnerdyguy15 is looking for a new match on tinder, any chance you could hook him up with some asian poontang? -Sponsored by The Great Tree's Secretary SPBojo

  15. Im not trying to point any fingers. but this is odd. 

    https://gyazo.com/c6f1cfd2a9f8ec0a0ad8da07ee5c66e1 :thinking-face_1f914:


  16. grats @Hylos, couldn't have picked a better @Grego replacement myself :Kappa:

  17. If you buy a huron and are lower than dep Chief you gonna get a nice blacklist so you better sell it @APD

  18. Corporal re-evaluation  season in real time


  19. Official Statement - Kyle Lake is no longer KOS. 



  20. @CrustyKangaroo How THE FUCK are you not dead here.


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