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Everything posted by GregoV1

  1. Can the donor APD SUV/hatchback be baby blue and black instead of white and black? Make it a little different from the normal police version of them. Thanks @Pledge @Shades @Gluxdator

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      What about instead of white and black we make them black and white

    3. Millennium


      The problem with a baby blue is it would be too similar to the R&R SUV because that is white and baby blue.

    4. GluxDesigns


      Donor vehicles and clothings are planned to swap every 4 months. Its just about that time and im talking with APD and RnR to go over designs. I always listen to players on ideas and feedback. 

  2. GregoV1


    Vigilante council member
  3. Better streamer then Tb :) 



  4. im on right now so if you wanna join and talk lets do it

  5. +1 I hate those fucking rebels too.
  6. anyone want to donate $250 to my player id?

  7. @Eggman 


    1. Metal
    2. Drippp


      Why do I hear my voice in this 

    3. GregoV1


      Honestly I sound like a dip shit



    1. Guest


      When 480 p used to get 2+ million likes

  9. How about you get your ability to post on the forums removed?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      This is fucking gold

    3. GregoV1


      Just now, KGB JOSH said:

      How'd you find this lmfao

      I kept the DM from when you sent it to me.


    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
  11. Def my favorite streamer for the amazing games she plays 

    @Hadi Mokdad

    1. Guest


      oh gawd no

    2. Omar


      im banned from her chat lmao

  12. Just donate $100 and call it Patrol Officer Lounge if you want that lol. I'm taking this post as a meme
  13. Sabrina has died

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noodles:D


      At least Sabrina didn't meat shield.

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      She lasted longer than you did as a Corporal :);) 

    4. sped


      your sister's got nice tits 

  14. sAPD fall for these traps everyday

    Please watch and share to remove this disease


  15. Eta on overall server time stat titles????

    1. PoptartRex


      The only ones approved are the very few with medic perks

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