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Status Replies posted by GregoV1

  1. ETA on server 3 being turned into malden with cartels and medics this time?

  2. I like fat rabbits

  3. Toxic supervisor smh my head

  4. this is how you know you got a career cop

  5. @MAV Comp doesn't matter anymore? Got it.

    1. GregoV1


      5 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

      Well obviously there is a difference between doing it once on mistake and doing it multiple times :4head:

      Agreed, yet I did one mistake

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  6. @MAV Comp doesn't matter anymore? Got it.

    1. GregoV1


      I remember comping a certain group of people and still got banned :Kappa:

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  7. My broke ass needs an actual good computer. Been playing with y’all with about 10-24 frames max.

    Lol so on top of slow reaction timing from my weed I also just have a shit computer. Anyone want to help me build something that works well and is cheaper? Need assistance. 

  8. Curious, do you guys mainly use light theme or dark theme?

  9. Anyone want to hook me up with the new DLC? :3 76561198058020062

  10. Y’all ready for shotguns and tractors?

  11. This is it ladies and gents. Bambino is putting in his o7. To all my fellow medics I will miss yall and wish you all the best. I wont be mentioning many people because I could honestly go on for hours about the friends I've made in Olympus. I have had many great memories with a lot of great people. But a few people I'd like to mention. 

    @Claysive @Richard yall have been great friends and great gang leaders. I had some of my best civ moments with yall. 

    @Slumberjack you're a great guy and you're gonna make a phenomenal coord. I'm glad I got to do the finest of RP with you and @Secret Agent

    @Shades @Gluxdator please. Never. Come. Down. Yall are the chillest most entertaining couple of potheads I've ever met. I've had some wonderful moments of laughter in the RnR and some hilarious memories. "Tell me when I'm close to the ground, I'm high and dont have NVGs" is still one of the greatest statements I've ever heard from a pilot while in the RnR. 

    @Rossco @Headless @Dank MeeMoo @Brolaf @doc (there are too many docs and I never knew your forum name but you know who you are) support team is dumb and should be disbanded. But all seriousness I have sat in tears with all of yall from laughing so hard at some idiots in support. Whether it was newbies or another member of support team. Yall are good people. 

    And last but not least @Coffee you will always be my dad and I will cherish the first time I flew a GhostHawk in the RnR whilst high as fuck. That was the single most stressful moment of my life. We had a lot of laughs and some good drives. #flightrevalASAP learn to land better. 


    Like I said I'm not gonna mention everyone and if I missed you I probably still love you. Unless you're a tard. If any of yall want to keep in touch with me message me. I'll be checking back and I'll give you either my snap or discord if you dont already have it. 


    Long Live BPM


    PS @Brolaf I am resigning from support team. 

  12. Just been invited to the ghost recon break point technical test, it's a closed NDA confidential release tester, I can invite 3 other ppl, who's interested to play? Strictly now streaming or video captures allowed, opens this friday for weekend. 

  13. Ayyy @Hadi Mokdad @Hylos

    Good work Kami @Kamikaze staff just got a bit stronger!!

  14. Hope you guys enjoy the eye candy in the latest hotfix last night. Cant wait to get on tonight. 

  15. Hope you guys enjoy the eye candy in the latest hotfix last night. Cant wait to get on tonight. 

    1. GregoV1


      8 minutes ago, Shades said:

      @Zeuse I’ll check it out and if it is then easy to fix. Hope you like it still. 

      I’m going to be honest, I don’t like the skin, and I’ll give you some examples. 

      1) The ahp humming is made by a different person

      2) The orange color is not the same and looks like dijon mustard

      3) It looks really sloppy with all the ahp badge around the heli and how stuff isn’t lined up. (There are 7 badges on it)

      Fix those and it would be a dope skin :) @Shades @Gluxdator

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  16. Ryan throw an event and let me run it 

  17. Decided to hop on the forums to see how y'all doing. Love you....








    Well not you cause you're nosy. 

  18. How you gonna do my nigga Gino like that @Parker R

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