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APD Officer
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Status Updates posted by Phizx

  1. Ight so who am I ordering pizza for? tryna skip this corp and get sergeant real quick🙆‍♀️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. grar21
    3. Linka


      i would prefer just giving me the money, but i will pull some strings

    4. Phizx


      @Panda :) LOL most of them haven't been around for long enough to understand the joke anyway xd

      @Linka I have cashapp 😄

  2. Regicides recruitment post is back up ladies and gents :D

  3. Hows it goin fellas

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Phizx


      @DeadPool Yeah hopefully that happens lol

      @Egnazio Gang rank 5 won't help if he comes back in a wheelchair :bender-dance:

    3. DABESTeva
    4. Phizx


      @DABESTeva dabest you're a virgin

  4. Great gang wars btw guys


    1. Parker R

      Parker R

      Lets me honest you would lost anyways LOL

    2. Phizx


      @Parker Radley lol we were up by 5 before the whole god mode shit went on lol same with the second fight before superior ran through cap

    3. Parker R

      Parker R

      WOW! really cause what i saw was a 10v12 and TI still won with no lag at all the last game

  5. Shits finally starting to pick up in life

    I'll see y'all around, don't know when

    Steam mobiles still active if anyone wants to message me :D

  6. I don’t necessarily agree with the decisions that had been made but regardless:

    Shoutout to @G.O.A.T. for making the APD what it has become and doing his job when it comes to Chief duties. So o7 bud , we’ve had some great laughs in the 2 some odd years since we’ve met 

    o7 to @EatMeth as well even though we weren’t that close of friends

  7. 47dc0500415c215a7b735819ba85c070.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      If thats true u should perm him

    3. proud


      ok who fucking doesnt?

    4. JebronLames


      bet its pineapple pizza too. faggot.

  8. If you guys don't congratulate me on PO after all this sweat I am going to off myself as well

    1. Phizx


      @G.O.A.T. Blood sweat and necks

  9. Vote cha boi for Civ Rep :)

  10. Regicide looking for a couple more people to fill the roster, msg me on forums

    1. Majed


      arent you in prime?

    2. Ryan


      didnt regicide disband?


    3. Phizx


      Regicide is still fighting gw

  11. And the ting go skrra

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. proud


      rip dabesteva 

    3. i Andrew

      i Andrew

      @Garrett  i miss you homieeee all homo

    4. Garrett


      i'll probably be back from college around thanksgiving my guys

  12. Regicide is back up boys, feel free to apply or message me on steam :)

    1. Corbaaan


      Regicide? were is centurion

  13. Have a good one Pete, I'll see ya tonight :D

  14. Happy Birthday to all my bday twins :D

  15. @Decimus I was the first and only person to tell you that you sounded like a girl when you first got that new mic in MC, congrats.

    @Fushigi One day , maybe even just one day I will be back for us to break a rule or two together for old times sake, congrats to you too brother .

    I know both of you will do an outstanding job even though I won't be there to see you do it :)

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Life without the possibility of parole sucks, bro.

  16. So this work-off activity in jail, does it chisel at your prison time or bail price? 

    1. iPopsicle
    2. Phizx


      1 minute ago, Ignis said:


      Peep the "or" >.>

  17. I can post again :DDD

    Thanks @Poseidon

    1. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Did I miss something are you unpermed

    2. Nephew


      unpermed is next 

    3. Snare



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