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Status Updates posted by Orgondo

  1. @Isaac Newton buddy you’re already Admin and Head R&R, you don’t need to donate anymore ;) 

  2. For those who are playing Destiny 2, try and beat this time. unknown.png?width=705&height=397

    1. Orgondo


      Update: We have now beaten the only known PC "World Record" for it, their time was 7:21. We got 6:58 unknown.png?width=705&height=397

    2. Orgondo


      @Panera Arcstrider is honestly dogshit for Nightfall compared to Nightstalker. Nightstalker grenades can cheese a ton of the mechanics in the strike.


  3. Happy Birthday to the wooden teeth @ArX And a big Happy Birthday to my lovely terrorist @hadi mokdad even though facebook says your bday is next month.

    1. arx
    2. RambleR


      I dont put my real bday on here either :)

  4. Big big big Happy Birthday to some of my favorites in the community. @Peter Long @FaceTooPastey Have a great day y'all

  5. I guess we haven't unlocked the Lou character yet.


  6. Olympus's #1 Terrorist just got corp, my god. @hadi my boi, grats

    1. Guest


      Now i can be a terrorist on cop too. Lethal force activated!   orgo my brother

  7. **WARNING** Racist as fuck and involves the N-Word. 


  8. How to Cartel with me 101

  9. BW changes just keep getting worse and worse....

    1. kev


      More time and now M900s

  10. Jesus fucking christ thank you SAPD, we all got fucking tired of him bitching and whining about Serg.

  11. Big Happy Bday to my main man @10Fps have a great one homie. We'll slay shit later tonight on Rust.


  12. We did it boys.... We did it...

  13. Firstly Nikoteen was even considered for Civ Rep?!?! Now Tman!!! Stay tuned for more "What in the fuck are you doing Olympus"

    1. Sociopathic
    2. Rusty


      nikoteen being civ rep, thats like me being a admin. it wont work. Too toxic and hes a fuck boi

  14. https://gyazo.com/469e858057a14213488c8de9ce1d8fc3

    I just want you to know I still love you @3 Rip I promise I was trying to cover you when they push ya lololol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      You probably put 100+ shots around me for the duration of primes push. That shit tilted me lol

    3. Orgondo


      2 hours ago, 3 Rip said:

      You probably put 100+ shots around me for the duration of primes push. That shit tilted me lol

      I had Lou laying beside me using Rangefinders on everyone getting me their distances lololol. No one would fucking die when i hit them, everyone was just fucking flinching

    4. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      u didnt hit me xd


  15. Just a little thanks to everyone who has helped say some good things for me in the Civ Rep election. I do appreciate the support. And for everyone else, I am still a current Civ Rep so if you have ideas you want known PM me and we can discuss!

    1. DeadPool


      I will crush you in the race HEHE XD jk please no ban

    2. HyperGoat


      my mf twigga right there

  16. Wow. Huge blow to the apd, love you @TheRealKyle but damn wasn't expecting that @McDili

  17. Hour and a half until i can board then 7hr flight to Illinois and 3hr drive home. Fucking hell i cant wait to be back home.

  18. I am out for vacation for the next 10 days, any Civ ideas you may have for the community please send them to @Corporal_moob as I will probably not be checking in all that much.

    1. Mooey


      Civ Reps get paid vacation?!?!? Wow... Congrats!

  19.  When you go alittle crazy 

  20. Tonight was a fucking blast. APD vs. Rebels at OG Shine. Think we shot down like 13 Ghawks lol. We can supply rockets allllll night long y'all haha <3 @Lil Bill @Monkey_Wrench @Potato @Midnightcamo @Lucki @Matt The Savage

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Midnight


      it was fun... btw it was 6 hawks lol

    3. Orgondo


      Other SAPD got on after you, i continued shooting them down lol

    4. Midnight


      i lost 3 landed 1. plumber lost 2 and lucki lost 1.. either way it was fun

  21. Dope crates are fucking sick @Dante Fleury Thanks for the care package earlier!

    1. -dante-


      Anytime! I'm glad to see you guys enjoyed it. 

  22. Happy Birthday to the most creative and imaginative kid on the APD @Ham

    1. Ham


      Thanks man :)

  23. No wonder I can't connect to S2, 21 fucking cops on jfc

    1. Brennan


      I think Sr APD forgot they can server redeploy.

  24. Rust Raidcam starting in 5mins. BrK attacking Tree. https://www.twitch.tv/shieldedgaming

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