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Altis Life Update - 3/31/20



@Zahzi @Civak @grar21 @raykazi @Horizon



  • Pilot coveralls for 10 warpoints
  • Staff KOS per the donation goal
  • Scroll wheel option on flagpole to clear any cartel of vehicles
    • Requires 75% of all people on cap to be within 10m of the flag 
    • Only clears legal vehicles with no y-inventory in them
  • Two new dancing animations (shift + 0 and shift + minus) for $50+ donators (thanks to @ChillX)
  • Ability to see houses on map that you have perm keys to
  • Map markers for Conquest rebels
  • Notification for lights on/off while on cop, same as sirens
  • First aid kits, tool kits, and night vision to dope crates
  • APD enter as commander option for striders
  • MXC to rebel outpost for 50k
  • Armed plane to warpoint vehicle shop for 75 warpoints
  • Armed jeep for corporals for use during any means
  • Doored prowler for tier 5 vigilantes, costs 200k
  • More vigilante titles for total arrests
  • Supervisor+ can now look into other medic's backpacks
  • Cyanide and Headless to "Moderators" upon login
  • R&R Taru for Search and Rescue+
  • Texture


  • Dancing animations now cancellable
  • Marked houses are now khaki colored
  • Custom icons no longer appear on cop and medic
  • Cop lethal splitting
    • 50% of the bounty is split between all cops within 300m
      • Payout cap is 400k for the lethaller and 50k for all non-lethallers
    • In the case of Ghost Hawk kills, 50% of the bounty is split between gunner and pilot
      • Both pilot and gunner payouts cap out at 200k
  • Group passwords can now be changed so you don't have to make a new group
  • Cops now auto-load lethals when entering the Conquest zone
  • Legal vehicles can now be stored on cap
  • Players in cop restraints can now be robbed
  • Reduced price of the vigilante SPAR-16s from 150k to 125k
  • Reduced price of TRG-21 and MK20c to 40k
  • Standard DP mission payout now increased by 20%
  • Fed garage doors can no longer be boltcut without 5 cops online
  • Halved the money given for Adv. Paramedic windows key impound
  • Conquest
    • Rebels
      • Reworked and given 4 additional vehicle spawns each
      • Map markers appear on event start
    • Capture points
      • DP4 Castle reworked
      • DP5 Hill point minor changes
  • Medic windows key impound money now caps at 15k
  • All R&R impound titles now require half the impounds as before
  • Hitman bounties now pay half for players on restrictions
  • Updated Gang Wars winners' titles
  • Updated support team titles
  • Salt Processor reworked and relocated
  • DP11 Garage and Gas station minor changes and service station added
  • Texture


  • Vigilantes can now save the carrier lite in their loadout
  • No question mark on medic dopamine crate message
  • Actual group hex icon now used instead of the thicker one
  • Garage and pee should no longer be on cooldown before even using them
  • Custom icons now appear if a player is on Cop or Medic
  • Gang shed icon now updates on map upon leaving/joining a gang
  • Pharma now properly splits between cops within 5km and reduces based on rank
  • Bank timer now properly deletes after bomb blow/defuse
  • Bank map markers now disappear when bomb blows/is defused
  • Camera angles for clothing shops, should now go through walls less
  • ATM bug causing it to be closed for no reason
  • Issues with spawning vehicles at a Sand Processor Gang shed
  • Enabled damage to Conquest objects.
  • Enabled damage on Neochori APD HQ buildings


  • Duffelbags, briefcases are back
  • Grey background from food/water/etc hud elements
  • R&R Mohawk for Search and Rescue+
  • Doorless prowler for tier 5 vigilante
  • Cool down on armed plane teargas smoke
  • Altis Highway Patrol (AHP) orca skin
  • Some names from the login screen
  • Testing NPC

As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.


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Scroll wheel option on flagpole to clear any cartel of vehicles\

First aid kits, tool kits, and night vision to dope crates


Edited by evannnn
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  • Carrot Kid
37 minutes ago, silver said:

How large is the cap clear radius?

think it's 150m.

19 minutes ago, Millennium said:

How do I go about changing my cop orca skins if I dont have the option (Police) since I aint a corporal. 

They've all been updated in the database.

3 minutes ago, Masoooooooooon said:

ETA on doing so conquest does shared payouts

This is dependent on another couple things, so hopefully it'll be in by the next update (~1m)

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  • Senior Admin
Just now, Zahzi said:

think it's 150m.

They've all been updated in the database.

This is dependent on another couple things, so hopefully it'll be in by the next update (~1m)

So can I make a request to get conquest money due to my retarded restrictions?

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  • Carrot Kid
32 minutes ago, Masoooooooooon said:

So can I make a request to get conquest money due to my retarded restrictions?

If you have the rank 5 hit me up with how much should be transferred I can probably hook you up

30 minutes ago, Monks said:

lol i hope it plays music with the emote. Would be legendary.

Idk if you made that post before or after the donation goal, but I remember this being a donation goal from fucking ages ago that never got implemented lmao

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@Zahzi so wondering about something if we can claim apd hatchback and claim it and that it turn into a vandal. I just want to make sure does it do that same can we claim APD orca or it just a skin in general?

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  • Senior Admin
53 minutes ago, Zahzi said:

If you have the rank 5 hit me up with how much should be transferred I can probably hook you up

Idk if you made that post before or after the donation goal, but I remember this being a donation goal from fucking ages ago that never got implemented lmao



Could also just remove my restrictions aswell 😄

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  • Carrot Kid
48 minutes ago, Coconut said:

@Zahzi so wondering about something if we can claim apd hatchback and claim it and that it turn into a vandal. I just want to make sure does it do that same can we claim APD orca or it just a skin in general?

APD Orca is not claimable and APD Vandal Orca is not illegal

10 minutes ago, Millennium said:

I thought the dancing was impossible to do in mulitplayer

Apparently not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

11 minutes ago, Millennium said:

Also seems like dufflebags hitbox is very small

Yeah it's kinda aids, gonna see how it goes, might end up having to change it back; we'll see.

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10 hours ago, ChillX said:

wheres my @? 😞

lmao funny i didnt even see this post but i also thought 50 dollar dono would be good. i'll @ u in the post. also about music maybe we'll add it in the future if it doesnt impact performance too much, right now the animations only plays for people within 50 meters of you, much like the pee animation

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  • Carrot Kid
8 hours ago, Walrito said:

im gonna miss my mohawk, why was it removed? just curious



5 hours ago, Strafe said:

news van? So all im hearing is olympus news team is coming back. That shit was some of the most fun i had on olympus.

No news team, literally just a texture for roleplayers.


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