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Altis Life Update - 2022-6-11 - June Content Update


  • Evidence Lockup Compound
    • Evidence Lockup has been separated into it's own event
    • Evidence Lockup has been moved West of Athira
      • Features its own Anti-Air
    • Evidence Lockup Loot Pool Rebalancing
      • Titan (Rare) -> Titan (Common)
      • Mk-1 Taser (Common) -> Mk-1 Taser (Rare)
      • 7.62 Suppressor (Uncommon) -> 7.62 Suppressor (Ultra-Rare)
  • Taxi
    • Players can now become Taxi Drivers
      • License purchased at Taxi Hub
        • Taxi Hubs located in each major city
        • Players cannot own a Taxi License alongside a Vigilante/Rebel Training
          • Taxi Drivers can possess a Worker's Protection License
      • Taxi Drivers can send invoices to players
        • Invoices are taxed by 10%
      • Taxi Drivers can receive dispatches from players requesting rides
  • Team Death Match Additions
    • Player counter
    • Round time limit
  • Toggle for APD members to disable Shift+R reloading in settings menu
  • APD deaths inside of Airdrops cause money loss on respawn
    • Officer must be Patrol Officer+
    • Tax is 75% of Physical loadout
  • 2 Minute unseal timer added to APD Escorts
    • Scroll action
    • Once completed notifies server and changes map icon
  • Prowler to Rebel Vehicle and War Point shop
  • Legacy Confirmation boxes toggle
  • Gas stations now offer Coffee exclusively to Police Officers
  • Fireworks to Rebel Markets for $15 donors
  • Alphabetical sorting to virtual shops
  • Alphabetical sorting to player inventory and vehicle inventory
    • Storing items in a vehicle still lists based on chronological order
  • APD Dispatch Rewards
    • APD members responding to dispatches can windows key the player who sent the dispatch
    • Confirmation on the Civilian's part will result in a $50k reward being dispersed to officers in the area
  • Activity based House Tax
    • Players that are inactive will pay increased taxes
    • Players that are actively playing will receive either no difference or a discount
  • Textures


  • Increased sell prices in virtual market
    • Dope shot $20,000 -> $40,000
    • Redgull $100 -> $650
    • Pepsi $20 -> $250
    • Epipen $1000 -> $6,000
    • WPL Panic Button $50 -> $8,000
    • Lockpick $25 -> $60
    • Pickaxe $100 -> $500
    • Other misc. prices
  • Pocket Go-Kart virtual weight reduced from 15 -> 10
  • All Jeep variants and Quadbikes now take half as much damage from crashes
  • Blood bag now stops Pure Heroin visual effect
  • Vehicles now adaptively pull for different prices from garages dependent on vehicle price
    • Minimum $1,000
    • Maximum $35,000
      • If a player pulls from an owned garage or gang shed then there is no fee
  • Medics now only have the "[Sr. Medic]" tag while a Sr. Medic title is equipped
    • Ex: Supervisor, Coordinator
  • All Anti-Air Markers are now centered based on the Anti-Air location
  • Anti Air status markers have been center and formatted
  • Hunter (Smoke) smoke launcher
    • Much tighter spread
    • Increased from 1 Canister to -> 2 Canisters
  • "Diary" page now redirects to the Keybind menu
  • Jail Design - @ Brandyn


  • Inability to sell some items to the market
    • Ex: Nitro, Spikestrip, etc.
  • Inability to insure Medic Xians
  • Fire damage dramatically decreased
  • Inability to claim Xian
  • Chop/claim not terminating on player death
  • Recovering a stolen vehicle now displays the correct name
  • Bodies deleting when storing a vehicle
  • Bodies de-spawning/invisible for some clients
  • Players spawning at 0,0,0 when revived
  • Another Vaulting in restraints exploit
  • Delivery mission spelling error
  • Vehicles spawning inside other moving vehicles
  • Optimized titles on server side
  • Optimized player syncs
  • Optimized chat channels
  • Optimized dynamic map rendering


  • 100% Honest Farmers Gang Uniform

Hotfix #1

  • Listing a house used the default value
  • Lottery tickets broken due to new input menus
  • Civilians only being served piping hot coffee
  • New players not receiving money on first login
  • Vehicles not applying the correct texture after a restart
  • Cleanup script missing some vehicles
  • Civilians can now sell money bags without the banks needing to be sealed
  • Moved Neochori Drug Dealer
  • Better formatting for ;players
  • Like 10
  • Love 2
  • Haha 1
  • Clown 1


Recommended Comments

  • Senior Developer
On 6/11/2022 at 8:33 AM, madcat said:

Does this include the fix for houses selling for incorrect prices?


On 6/12/2022 at 9:52 PM, proud said:

at this point your just ignoring whats being said

dont care if it took an hour a year or a second, its not what anyone asked for. for example, we've been wanting the gang base update for over 3 months and still nothing, but you add a taxi system cuz again it was copied n pasted.

fuck ur change logs fuck ur server stability issue just give us what we want instead of what u think will make a pefect server


  • BlessUp 1
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4 hours ago, codeYeTi said:



bro make an update that doesnt crash the server/ is useful💀

better idea test ur updates before launching em, obviously they aint perfect🤦‍♂️

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  • Community Manager
55 minutes ago, Raaburt said:

Hey there, would like to just throw it in there that you’re dumb as fuck. They had it in there before. And it’s tight as fuck and you’re not. Sucks to suck

Chad Taxi Enjoyer vs. Virgin freak of nature

Truly the most based reply on the changelog. God bless you.

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  • Senior Developer

3 hours ago, proud said:

bro make an update that doesnt crash the server/ is useful💀

better idea test ur updates before launching em, obviously they aint perfect🤦‍♂️

I like how I've spent my entire day on your gang base and you're over here acting like a 4-year-old who feels entitled to the valuable time of people who fucking volunteer to make a game for him.

Back-end infrastructure changes are the only way we're going to move past the performance issues we're seeing these days. If you knew the amount of time that was being invested to deliver you the game you play, and how little reward there is for it, I don't think you'd be behaving like this.

"futurecept", the new I/O backend, was the culmination of 500+ hours of work, and has grown to ~1/5 the size of the mission as a whole in terms of lines of code, at least. With it, we are seeing tangible benefits, including 7500% performance increases in some functionality. Changes of this size are going to have some growing pains, even with the literal 50+ hours spent on just fucking testing.

If you want to do the work, be my fucking guest. Until then, why don't you try to work with us instead of just wandering around like a  whiny twat? I refuse to believe you're being 100% serious here; I don't think anyone can have that few brain cells.

I'm sorry for coming off unprofessionally here, but but pouring a bunch of my life into thankless shit and then getting told off by the person I'm trying to help is a bit of a motivation killer my dude.

Comparatively to things like "futurecept", the taxi system took one of our guys little more than an afternoon. Are there some inefficiencies in our processes that cause things to still take longer to get released even though they were developed quickly? Sure. But, I think you're misunderstanding how much development time goes in to various things. The taxi system took very little effort, from a very small amount of the team. The gang base changes that are in progress required reworking something in order to get the result that you desired; rather than just half-assing it, we're putting the work in to do it correctly so that it's a system we can work with going forward. Even if some of these smaller features were taking up as much of our effort as you seem to think, they're important to someone, which is why they decided to pick up that task. If you want to take it upon yourself to sit in TeamSpeak with me all day and work through the issues on gang base to accelerate the process, you're more than welcome to do so, but until you're willing to put the effort in to be a team member instead of just a third party advisor/complainer, then I don't really see you having any room to continue opening your mouth.

Hopefully this literature is more your speed. https://americanliterature.com/childrens-stories/the-little-red-hen

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1 hour ago, codeYeTi said:


I like how I've spent my entire day on your gang base and you're over here acting like a 4-year-old who feels entitled to the valuable time of people who fucking volunteer to make a game for him.


ngl didnt read anything but this, not my base as my s1 gang is wfb, but again again again your just not fucking understanding what im saying. i dont know if its you coding what you wnat or mako telling you what to code, nor do i care, i want to know why shit that the players ask for doesnt get added in? every time i ask this question i get told the same bullshit "theyre volunteered not payed" then why did they fucking apply if they werent gonna do anything?

the server hasnt had crashing problems like this ever until kind of recently, literally reminding me of how much asylum used to crash, dont think adding a whole new taxi system is the way to go answering that one. also considering the new evidence locker crashed the server every time it blew, just another reason i think its dev sided the server crash.

fuck off with ur paragraphs trying to look smart do something useful

1 hour ago, Mako said:

Chad Taxi Enjoyer vs. Virgin freak of nature

Truly the most based reply on the changelog. God bless you.

bro didnt u get rejected over the internet and still cry about it to this day? couldnt be me💀

  • Clown 1
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On 6/12/2022 at 8:56 AM, proud said:

out of curiosity who asked for the taxi system n fucking why, hatchbacks are 30k and the probability of someone being stranded and needing a taxi is less then 5%.

congrats whoever coded this, you coded something thatll be fucked around with for a month and completely forgotten about.

the dev work is good so no hate on the devs, just hating on the people who make them code dumb shit like a whole taxi system instead of the gangbase update or the s3 invasion update.

"No hate on the devs." 🤣 

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11 minutes ago, Weaz said:

"No hate on the devs." 🤣 

ily man, but youre one of the problems. your not bad, just inactive. i understand what your doing, life, but we've been wanting updates and have been receiving anything but, its just frustrating when no one that has power listens and just do what they want.

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  • Owner
On 6/12/2022 at 5:27 PM, Siltonious Milton II said:

Devs work for free they can do what they feel.


10 hours ago, proud said:

 "theyre volunteered not payed"

yo idk who is spreading this 🧢 but I fish out a disgusting amount of money paying out people every month, this last payout alone made me want to cry since I gave out a bit extra then normal due to how well we did last month. I SHALL NOT TAKE THIS SLANDER SMH

That is all 🙂 

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On 6/12/2022 at 8:56 AM, proud said:

out of curiosity who asked for the taxi system n fucking why, hatchbacks are 30k and the probability of someone being stranded and needing a taxi is less then 5%.

congrats whoever coded this, you coded something thatll be fucked around with for a month and completely forgotten about.

the dev work is good so no hate on the devs, just hating on the people who make them code dumb shit like a whole taxi system instead of the gangbase update or the s3 invasion update.

I had like $5-10k in my bank for a while wish this was a feature then 🙏

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On 6/12/2022 at 5:56 AM, proud said:

out of curiosity who asked for the taxi system n fucking why, hatchbacks are 30k and the probability of someone being stranded and needing a taxi is less then 5%.

congrats whoever coded this, you coded something thatll be fucked around with for a month and completely forgotten about.

the dev work is good so no hate on the devs, just hating on the people who make them code dumb shit like a whole taxi system instead of the gangbase update or the s3 invasion update.

At the risk of having my head bitten off, in my experience the taxi system can be a source of excellent roleplay scenarios, and also a fun way to help new players when they get stuck somewhere or when they need help finding their way around. And yes, there's plenty of potential for people to exploit it, either by robbing the taxi drivers or the customers. But even that at least provides more opportunities for people to interact in this game, which I think is good. When you send a taxi request, you never quite know which way it's gonna go, and whether you'll even get a response, and when you receive a request, you never quite know what kind of people you're going to be serving. And that's terrific fun. 

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On 6/14/2022 at 2:45 PM, proud said:

the server hasnt had crashing problems like this ever until kind of recently, literally reminding me of how much asylum used to crash, dont think adding a whole new taxi system is the way to go answering that one. also considering the new evidence locker crashed the server every time it blew, just another reason i think its dev sided the server crash.

Yeah cuz some cheats have ways of crashing the server. 

The taxi system was previously in the server, so its as simply as copy and pasting it, and having map designers make the locations or whatever.

I would go further in detail about the devs doing shit, but that's just pointless cuz clearly your close minded on this topic after what Yeti already said.

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On 6/14/2022 at 1:24 PM, codeYeTi said:

I like how I've spent my entire day on your gang base and you're over here acting like a 4-year-old who feels entitled to the valuable time of people who fucking volunteer to make a game for him.

Back-end infrastructure changes are the only way we're going to move past the performance issues we're seeing these days. If you knew the amount of time that was being invested to deliver you the game you play, and how little reward there is for it, I don't think you'd be behaving like this.

"futurecept", the new I/O backend, was the culmination of 500+ hours of work, and has grown to ~1/5 the size of the mission as a whole in terms of lines of code, at least. With it, we are seeing tangible benefits, including 7500% performance increases in some functionality. Changes of this size are going to have some growing pains, even with the literal 50+ hours spent on just fucking testing.

If you want to do the work, be my fucking guest. Until then, why don't you try to work with us instead of just wandering around like a  whiny twat? I refuse to believe you're being 100% serious here; I don't think anyone can have that few brain cells.

I'm sorry for coming off unprofessionally here, but but pouring a bunch of my life into thankless shit and then getting told off by the person I'm trying to help is a bit of a motivation killer my dude.

Comparatively to things like "futurecept", the taxi system took one of our guys little more than an afternoon. Are there some inefficiencies in our processes that cause things to still take longer to get released even though they were developed quickly? Sure. But, I think you're misunderstanding how much development time goes in to various things. The taxi system took very little effort, from a very small amount of the team. The gang base changes that are in progress required reworking something in order to get the result that you desired; rather than just half-assing it, we're putting the work in to do it correctly so that it's a system we can work with going forward. Even if some of these smaller features were taking up as much of our effort as you seem to think, they're important to someone, which is why they decided to pick up that task. If you want to take it upon yourself to sit in TeamSpeak with me all day and work through the issues on gang base to accelerate the process, you're more than welcome to do so, but until you're willing to put the effort in to be a team member instead of just a third party advisor/complainer, then I don't really see you having any room to continue opening your mouth.

Hopefully this literature is more your speed. https://americanliterature.com/childrens-stories/the-little-red-hen

Most of this server, especially anyone who's done any even moderate amount of coding, appreciates the mind numbing work you guys do to drag this game's fun into almost a decade after its launch.  I apologize on behalf of anyone giving you shit.  Most of us don't think like this.  We appreciate the entire dev team.

Taxi was great.  The problem is people on this server have trouble seeing that other people enjoy playing it differently than they do.  
I feel like some of these people are genuinely surprised to find out that that server 1 exists outside of gangbase events.

People enjoying the game differently than you, are valid members of the community.  People who are less skilled are equally valid to the skilled players.  


Hell, if anything, skilled players on this server are worth less than unskilled players because they get all the events tailored to them, and put them out of reach of less skilled players, and then the skilled players who set the bar so high just fuck off and leave everyone else to roleplay as taxi drivers and farm copper.

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On 6/20/2022 at 12:33 AM, Marty said:

At the risk of having my head bitten off, in my experience the taxi system can be a source of excellent roleplay scenarios, and also a fun way to help new players when they get stuck somewhere or when they need help finding their way around. And yes, there's plenty of potential for people to exploit it, either by robbing the taxi drivers or the customers. But even that at least provides more opportunities for people to interact in this game, which I think is good. When you send a taxi request, you never quite know which way it's gonna go, and whether you'll even get a response, and when you receive a request, you never quite know what kind of people you're going to be serving. And that's terrific fun. 

i still remember the days i used marty as a personal uber

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