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Altis Life Update - 2024-06-06 - June Update

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  • Blackjack dealer AI rework
    • The dealer will no longer keep pulling after 17
    • The dealer will now always hold on a value 17 or above
    • The dealer will only continue to hit at 17 if it is a "soft 17"
    • Players will always be able to double down on their first hand
    • Should generally be as fair/rigged as an actual casino 
  • Blackmarket loadouts
    • Alike rebel outposts, players able to create, manage and purchase loadouts at black markets
    • Loadouts saved at blackmarkets are specific to blackmarkets and will not affect your rebel kit space
    • Players are unable to save or load equipment to their loadout that is not obtainable from blackmarkets
  • Armed Plane HUD 
    • Players in the Armed Plane will see an ammo count HUD showing how much ammo they have left
    • When the plane is out of ammo and reloading the HUD will indicate it by showing red
    • Works for any armed plane provided the player is a civilian or a cop
  • Firefighting ocean refills 
    • Medics can bring their taru over the ocean to refill their water reserves while fighting fires
    • The medic can be at any speed they like but must not turn their vehicle while filling
    • If the medic accidently cancels refilling progress will be saved
  • Zubr revolver added to weapon shops
    • Civilians will now be able to buy the Zubr revolver from gun shops, WPL and Rebel
    • When bought it comes with the Yorris optic included with the gun but can be removed
    • Price: $10,000
  • Spike strip bolt cutting 
    • Usage of bolt cutters nearby spike strips will destroy them
    • The action takes 5 seconds and must be uninterrupted.
  • Vigi renown shop additions 
    • .45 suppressor
      • Costs 4 renown points
      • Requires 200 or higher arrests
    • 5.56 suppressor
      • Costs 6 renown points
      • Requires 300 or higher arrests
  • Roadkits for EMT+ 
    • EMT+ road kit newly accessible items: 
      • Road cones
      • Road barriers
      • Ladders
  • Panic button keybind
    • Key customization in the Olympus keybinds menu (;keybinds)
    • Works for both R&R and WPL panic buttons
  • Warzone airdrop warnings for R&R
    • One warning will be an hour before, another a half hour before
    • This will prevent accidential dope crate issuances prior to the event
  • Additional charges
    • Impeding Traffic
      • $5,000
    • Failure to Identify
      • $2,500
  • Vehicle menu button refill vehicles with gas canister
  • Dispute notifications now show a preview of the messages content
  • Healing at NPCs now use a progress bar
  • Bone rotation physics for firefighter gear
  • Air Garage to DP 11 Vigilante Outpost
  • Gas Station to Athira Square
  • Textures


  • Terrors
    • Terrors are now KOS for all players (apart from medics) within the zone
    • All players that are not medics or inside group will be "red named"
    • Players inside the zone will not see players outside as "red named" (also vice versa)
  • New sound to alert R&R fires
  • Water immunity after revive increased from 1 minute to 2 minutes
  • Tutorial quest (Step 22):
    • The weapon players are now instructed to purchase any weapon instead of a protector
      • Newer players were under the impression that the Protector they were supposed to buy was the WPL not the physical weapon
  • All redzones now have anti-ghosting applied
    • Players will be teleported to the perimeter of any redzone they log out inside similar to Rebels
  • Vigilante outpost redesigns


  • Broken session tracking for stats
  • Cop y-inventory duping on death
  • House Expiration notification not showing
  • If the Blackmarket is unsealed then it cannot be captured by another gang
  • Evidence Locker truck spawn blowing up vehicles on the pad
  • Rangefinder bug
  • Titan locking
  • Advanced rebel license sell bonuses
  • Team deathmatch staff events
  • Vehicles spawning in the ground at Pyrgos hospital
  • Ghost houses on the realtor
  • Vehicles despawning while being towed by RnR
  • Special Purpose/Pilot Helmets being deleted when taking NVGs from a house
  • Tier 3 Vigilante Vermin is a lethal
  • Blackmarket being uncapturable
  • Faction role switch cooldown extended or non-existent
  • False positive disputed while away notifications on login 
  • Evidence locker escort being started during other events
  • Not being able to rob art gallery more than once
  • Gold escort not allowing cops to hold the checkpoints
  • Repaired houses not reappearing after repair
  • Jetpack fall damage killing players on landing
  • Parmaceutical vehicles being used at federal events
  • On map "needs medic" displaying despite being eligible for epi
  • Temp key holders not showing up on houses
  • Various illegal items showing as legal within housing menus
  • Cops vest dropping on the floor while seizing items from houses
  • Impounding vehicles while players are inside
  • 1km kills not being tracked
  • Vigi's not getting kidnapping goverment official charge
  • Warrants being set on on duty staff members
  • Escort checkpoint notification error
  • Ignition bomb detonation error
  • Interaction error post shed repair
  • Giving dope on medic error
  • Being able to gather at resource fields while tased
  • Falling through certain areas on the Aircraft Carrier
  • Pyrgos HQ Training Dome able to be destroyed
  • Minor map fixes


  • Textures
    • Royalty Tracksuit
    • Grim Fatigues
    • TP Orca
    • TP Ifrit


  • Gold not spawning after completion of a Federal Reserve robbery
  • Restraining players now has a proper cooldown to prevent systemchat and additional charges
  • Casino restrictions now prevent coinflips
  • Some illegal items not getting seized on being sent to jail
  • Completing quests paying out the reward repeatedly
  • Massive damage handling optimization
  • Kicking players from gang now works as intended
  • Magazine count on Armed plane is now accurate
  • Jetpack issues in Events


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HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very good update 

I heard @ Milo  tried to deny this so -1 developer but @ Mako  littlebro'd sigma maled him and had it put in anyways so +1 community manager

  • Like 2
  • BlessUp 1
  • Haha 2
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I love how we were actively told on CC that BM loadouts were w aste of time and too much work and NOT HAPPENING all the while you were CLEARLY WORKING ON THEM lmao

That's what it takes for a great update though.  Break 100  things and then fix them all at once. 

Fr tho good update.

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I'm simply the best vigi councilman, I pushed for supps really hard expecting it to be shot down by Winters using the excuse "just join the APD if you want X items" like all the other times they tried to push supps in the past. 

@ Milo ETA on Fursuits?

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  • Developer II
9 hours ago, Element_ said:

I'm simply the best vigi councilman, I pushed for supps really hard expecting it to be shot down by Winters using the excuse "just join the APD if you want X items" like all the other times they tried to push supps in the past. 

@ Milo ETA on Fursuits?


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  • Developer II
19 hours ago, Mudiwa said:

thanks for updating blackjack after ive been fucking raped out of 100m

@ Ryan begged me not to fix it but I took one for the team and did it anyways 🫡

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  • Owner
1 hour ago, Milo said:

@ Ryan begged me not to fix it but I took one for the team and did it anyways 🫡

I actually held his pay hostage until he did fix it 😛 

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