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Genghis Khan

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Status Updates posted by Genghis Khan

  1. Be on the look out for a post by me titled ONE. It is a collaboration from my brother and one of his buddies. :Kappa: 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unjo


      shame some good frags in that

    3. Bloodmoon


      Why did they remove the video? Those kills were during a terror

    4. MAV
  2. What the actual fuck. How is this where im ending my night? 

    I went from three dog night to this and I dont even know how

  3. Tell me why there are not more people like Howard? 


  4. Holy fuck this guy is so God damn smart. 


  5. f742d1b26bb63d7e7513b49bfb36cabe.png
    This is honestly justice. Fuck Vigis

    1. Savage


      shit like this makes my day

  6. Well my twitch got completely deleted. Because some one was talking shit and I said "Meet me some motherfucking where nigga, I will make you choke on your teeth" 

    So R.I.P 2OP4Scrubs 04/2/2017-05/10/2018 

    It really does feel bad. Because I had some Fire ass clips and now they are all gone. ;-;



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Lmao that is me but my shits been exposed many times b4 bc of my meme tages. But idc lol.

      Gool looking out tho

    3. KrispyK


      I confirmed it by viewing the distance between the listed highschool and and the ZIP code on the ticket ;) you want no school tomorrow @Genghis Khan ?




    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      I graduated in 2016 lmao

  7. You ever want to go to the Gym at 11am. But then just sit on your couch for 4 hours contemplating your very existence. Just to have come up with noting so you just feel like shit? Just happened to me. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Linka


      shit happens man, start setting up a routine making it easy to go. I always make sure to go between 7-8 so it’s just habit now, it was hard to start though.

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      You exist for a reason.

    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Update Just got back and did a Sick Fucking Leg pump. Then did 40min of cardio. We were just in the feels. Thx for talking to me tho ni:b::b:as

  8. So @Bloodmoon Gave me a grate way to fight my war on vigies. "Genghis you should get cop back and make it you goal to seize as many vigie license as you can" 


    This nigga is living in 2030. He a real one. B)

  9. This Nigga vvv

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. KrispyK


      aint goin anywhere hun

      aint worried b u gucci

      i make posts for other people so their rep dont get ruined, i dont care about mine

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      Let's be real, if you're worried about rep on a forum then you got some serious issues.

    4. Genghis Khan
  10. People be straight Up tripping over civ rep. Like HOLY FUCK. Niggas need to chill. And run for Senior class president or some shit. That shit looks better on a resume the Olympus Civ Rep LMAO. Niggas straight tripping.   :b:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      I propose we give The Great Genghis Khan an honorary civ rep rank and to allow him to be at staff meetings.

    3. Genghis Khan
  11. So I have 27 votes for civ rep. + @McDilis so that should put me up to like 3,027. Just a rough estimate

    1. ikeem


      After careful review of your appeal the decision has been made to not remove the ban. In the future be sure to know and understand the rules so issues such as this do not happen again.

    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Wanna be Mod? ^ Oh wait I am a wanna be Mod. Lmao

  12. why am I in tanoa in S2 again?

    1. codeYeTi


      Show me your bypass

  13. Got my Shirt up on the amazon market place. Buy it and vote Genghis Khan for civ rep. https://www.amazon.com/Genghis-Khan-Cant-Screwed-T-Shirt/dp/B07BN52118/ref=sr_1_24?ie=UTF8&qid=1524283679&sr=8-24&

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. QKSILVR73
    3. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      When we click the link we can see you typed genghis khan shirt into amazon :D

    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Yeah ik But its just a meme bro.

  14. Why the fuck am I 15.4KM off the shore of Tanoa on S2? :deIlluminati:

    1. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      I spawned in S2 the other day in VR looking at a copy of myself and the rest of the online players .

      Explain THAT 

  15. Why isn't mount and blade bannerlord out yet?

    I wouldn't even care about my perm. 

    I got permed BTW 


    I pray the lord of the blue sky has mercy on his soul.

    For I will show no mercy.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M O N G

      M O N G

      How did they even catch you lol? 2 years later?

    3. ItsGG


      wait u permed???

    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      For now Im permed, and I didnt do shit lmao. Im waiting for a Formal apology.

  16. Im about to say fk it andget permed baned for  MASS rdm.

    Bc this shit is fucking ridiculous 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MrB1


      Let's face it perms aren't real amirite 

      @Plumber & @Ignis & @Mercury

    3. John Wayne
    4. Fuzz^


      No! I like watching the memetages....

  17. Does anyone ride? Im looking into getting a brand new 2017 Kawasaki Vulcan S, for $4,997 in may. Just want to know what you guys think. This will be my first motorcycle ever.

    Here is the link if anyone is interested.  

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      @Moose Yeah Bro, You good I am a fat boi but I'm working away from that. Im down 45lbs and I plan to keep going. 

      @Jesse I also did a 2 day course for my endorsement. I legit was only going 12mph but I felt like I was going fast as fk. lmao

    4. Moose


      I'm just saying, I'm 5'11 190lbs and I started on a 500cc. Sometimes trying to accelerate up a hill or past ~60mph can be a bitch. I'd say 650 is a good starting size. Not trying to trash you bro

      And I actually started on an 02 Vulcan. They are good bikes

  18. Only Real niggas can relate. 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      im gonna go out of my way to vigi you whenever you're on 

    3. ikeem
    4. N7Zero


      @Bloodmoon whats the point? he is just gonna alt f4 on u :DPEducated:

  19. Got a ban for Combat log. 

    Will not Rest until every vigi is 6ft under. 

    Also If they can send our bones Why get a ban? Just saves them time and me talking shit IMO. Also I should be allowed to CBL on nigs that RDM. 

    Dont say its Fail RP, There is no RP Here! (How can you fail something that is not present?) 

    The last time I seen RP I was fucking invisible and talking about a troll and some magic potion. SMFH.

    Also The APD was out to get me... because of a status update I made about one uping Big smoke. 

    Mysteriously soon after that I didnt make my times for 3 weeks. Thats odd as fk bc I have niggas like @codeyeti that agree with me bc I played with him and Others every day. 

    Going to turn into a forum warrior for 3 days. 

    Also Vote Genghis Khan For Civ Rep! (The only real one out here.)

    We gonna change shit my homies.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Homicide


      Yea ur fucked the rules state cant have a ban in the last 14 days

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Nah That is saying if I got a 15day ban in the last 4 months I cant do it.

    4. Homicide


      Ok i misunderstood that ma fault i reread it amd ur correct my friend

  20. I know How to fix Gang life....

    Get Rid of support team.

    I just watched a guy join that support team channel in TS and like 5 ppl joined him instantly like Holy FK.

  21. New Prison uniforms ar FIRE :peterscream:

    1. -dante-


      Somebody hit me with a pic pls ;(

    2. RogueMK


      You're welcome :)

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