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Status Updates posted by DashTonic

  1. Anyone know a good tv show to watch got done watching the son of anarchy

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. -dante-


      ^ no better duo than Shawn and Gus. 

  2. My little pony fan club meeting today at 5pm eastern time:bender-dance:

    1. Redmer


      Jesus christ some people in this community 

    2. Temple


      say no more


  3. I thought the update is  next month

    1. Plumber


      He shot the Hawk! Do you realize how scared I was when he shot the hawk!? Like I think I tinkled a little

    2. DashTonic


      that was still the funny as hell


  4. last day of the contest if you think you got the highest bounty.You could win a $60 game and same if you caught the highest bounty.

    pm your pid for the highest bounty or send in a video if you caught one. I put it here on the docs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jGLOXH7sbih0B46PhWPDvP_1WqVZy0c74SotiTJ2OOI/edit?usp=sharing

    1. ItsGG


      I swear if someone finds a way to beat a 7mil bounty

  5. Arma3 is free for the weekend prepare for the rdm

  6. When you scroll down Facebook a see someone you went out with has a arrest warrant out for them. LMAO

    1. PoptartRex


      You know I really am not surprised considering your standards :D 

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      What is his name?

  7. Peanut or just regular M&M's

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      M&Ms or Reeces Peices

    3. Egnazio


      @Mighty were you the kid that asked me that earlier? you had me fucked up hahahaha

    4. Mighty
  8. Happy birthday @Africa. you shit

  9. Remember April 30 @12:59 pmCST is the end of the giveaway

    1. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      What are you talking about?:huh:

    2. DashTonic
    3. MrB1


      DO IT FOR THE MEME 2018

  10. this is fun116853c579d4455502a89877157b94ef.jpg

    1. Savage


      since ur rich and all u should buy me the game :) 

  11. So do you put jelly on top of peanut butter or peanut butter on top of jelly?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dangus


      YES! People who do it deserve to die. You’re cross contaminating the two jars which is a cardinal sin.

    3. hawk


      Do you put cereal in milk or milk in cereal?

    4. Dangus


      @hawk knowing you, you definitely do cereal into milk. You monster

    1. ScreaM


      Looks like a scene from the purge. Basically implies that in the kavala event, all of staff is against peter and will collectively hunt him down. Not 100% if that implication is right, but either way, blessed be our new founding fathers, a nation reborn.

  12. When my friends don't have a PC so we play mobile pubg https://photos.app.goo.gl/i1243YZIiC3AUQcF3

    1. Mighty
    2. DashTonic


      me and a group of randoms were bullying everyone 

    3. RambleR


      Dayumm! I missed out on that booty!

  13. I pay someone 2mill ingamemoney to crawel from kavala to airhq they have to video the whole thing to get the money

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KrispyK


      4 mil and we have a deal. i flew to colonia 3 times already in elite dangerou, google how long that shit takes.

    3. DeadPool


      make it 25 mil

    4. Prime


      Id do that for half that. Im poor as fuck

  14. Happy birthday you dirty cunt

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