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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Pledge

  1. Pledge

    o7 Gamers

    o7 man. To be honest I didn't know much about you until I heard you and @Noodles:D interviewed for FTO. And to be entirely honest, those two interviews gave me a lot of hope for what the APD could be. So whatever you do, give it your all. Because nothing can stop you if you really work. Goodluck man. You will go far.
  2. @destruct Congratulations on contributor!

  3. Selling APD promotions $20 If you donate $50 you can make a handbook update
  4. Happy birthday to a legendary cop and a fantastic teacher @Maddog


    Also, birthday wishes to the new sAPD Sheet Man @Sandman


    And you too @Proud, you also are a cop. Oh yeah.... There's another twin too....


    1. proud


      thanks bro <3

  5. o7 @Fusah You were a fantastic Dev and it was awesome working with you. You always seemed to have a solution to everything and I can't thank you enough for the chance you gave me. We have to play Dead by Daylight again soon...
  6. The 11 currently active senior APD members logged over 150 hours this week. Activity here we come!

    1. silton


      yuck cunt theres better shit to do on weekends

    2. Bloodmoon


      When you have 11 people and you barely beat my 94 hour week :4head:

    3. Gravity
  7. Pledge


    SO HOLD UP! Wanna give the good critique here. @Decimus retired like 75 years ago and doesn't have any girlfriends... he lives a lonely life. Also: FIXED THAT FOR YOU
  8. The real project 83 @Trash Panda


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Super_Nova


      who gave you access to that top secret plan?

    3. Ryan


      7 hours ago, KGB JOSH said:

      Im gonna rape you


    4. Trash Panda

      Trash Panda

      So like, is this something we can do?

  9. Congratulations @zoomzooooooom

    I can still remember you lobbying to be unpermd when I was a mod :) 

    1. zoomzooooooom


      8 months in the ban center every fucking day was painful

    2. Ryan


      You do realize as a Senior Designer man can get staff sgt, I would of thought you would be mad at this :happygary:

  10. APD launched Project 83 today. Things will get.... interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hawk


      25 minutes ago, Zeuse said:


      Elaboration shall happen later this week :D 

    3. Zeuse


      2 minutes ago, hawk said:

      Elaboration shall happen later this week :D 


    4. Millennium


      1 hour ago, hawk said:

      Elaboration shall happen later this week :D 

      it will be difficult with your pringles can mic

  11. D E M A N D    T H E    T R U T H

  12. Good question
  13. Originally it was so that if someone found an exploit that it would be harder to abuse, and limit it to only so many chunks. Now a days its to prevent serious gambling issues.
  14. Just a reminder that you can always ask the senior APD for feedback on how to improve.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pledge


      @KGB JOSH Trojan.

      @Millennium your mom says her brand works pretty well.

    3. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      @Pledge can I has corporal now? 

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      How can I improve myself as a wonderful deputy? @Pledge

  15. If only there was some gift I could give @DeadPool :thinking-face_1f914:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DeadPool


      24 hour sgt whitelist no fucking balls

    3. Claysive


      34 minutes ago, DeadPool said:

      24 hour sgt whitelist no fucking balls

      no balls, he won't

  16. I believe they are the sAPD fatigues. Not sure
  17. selling

    1 Sergeant, 1 LT

    pm me

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. destruct


      are you selling the people or the slots? looking for slaves.

    3. zoomzooooooom


      omgoshers pledgers your so funny!!! xDDDDDDDD are you a comedian on your spare time you have me so dead rn!!!!!!

  18. 7666eb13273eff890ccc9158bbe58d7f.png

    @McDili and @Peter Long knew it back in 2017. Visionaries.

    (They changed my forum name to these)

    1. proud


      and now look at u, leading the apd to ez fed and bw victories just too ez

    2. SPBojo


      1 hour ago, Proud said:

      and now look at u, leading the apd to ez fed and bw victories just too ez

      92% winrate for civs but sure, he has those 8% to be proud of :)

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long



  19. @Ryan @TheCmdrRex


    Happy birthday to the duo of Ryans that keep Olympus afloat. Love you both <3

    1. Ryan


      Thanks qt :wub:

  20. No. As stated.
  21. I'm a reasonable man.
  22. Chapter VI - Processing Suspects Processing Suspects 1. Suspects are to be notified as to why they are being restrained 2. Suspects must be processed within 15 minutes after being restrained. 1. Exceeding the 15 minute limit is grounds for cruel and unusual punishment and all charges are pardoned. 2. The 15 minutes DO NOT start until the situation has been fully neutralized. 3. If processing 5 or more suspects, then APD is allowed to go over the normal 15 minute rule within reason. 4. If the civilian chooses to RP the situation, such as just randomly talking or asking questions, the 15 minute rule starts at the end of the RP session. 5. The processing must begin within 5 minutes of capture and clearing of the situation (excluding transport and other exceptions to the 15 minute rule) 3. Suspects may be taken to a safer area (e.g. a police HQ) to be processed. If a suspect is killed while in police custody, their charges will be pardoned ONLY if the death was a direct result of the actions of the police officer. (IE: An officer crashing a vehicle that results in death, etc.) 4. Suspects may request a superior officer, provided they have a valid reason to do so. 1. The handling officer must make an attempt to request their immediate superior officer. 2. If the superior officer is too far or busy, they can decline to respond, and the suspect is processed by the handling officer. 3. The 15 minute rule does not take effect until the superior officer has entered the area if they are going to handle the request. Processing A Criminal 1. When processing suspects always follow the L.I.S.T. acronym. 1. L – Licenses. Check licenses. 2. I – Inventory. Search the player and their backpack if you have probable cause. 3. S – Seize weapons if you have probable cause. 4. T – Ticket the suspect. 2. A suspect may waive their rights and allow an officer to process them despite any active situations. Once a suspect has waived their rights, they are waived for the rest of the time that they are in police custody. 1. Suspect must be in a panic room. 2. Suspect must give verbal or written consent to an officer.
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