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Kyle Lake

Retired Coordinator
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Status Updates posted by Kyle Lake

  1. When you make your profile picture a medic holding a gun, and bunch of medics get blacklisted after checking logs including yourself.


    1. Hunter
    2. ikiled


      Lmfao I actually laughed at this. Usually ur memes r ass but this one was rlly good

  3. @HuntK_

    Tune in he is not playing Olympus, Because he is banned but still come watch.

    1. Strae


      what did my man huntk get banned for

    2. HuntK_


      i shit on them too hard its cool ill be back 3 days <3

    3. JESSE JEW
    1. Strikke
    2. Richard


      I’m surprised he even came out of creative tbh

    3. JESSE JEW


      whenever you can can you you lookk at my ban appeal thankks <3

  4. I have a modded minecraft server if anyone wants to join in the mean time

    1. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      it better have equivalent exchange

    2. Strikke


      What mod pack?


      7 minutes ago, Dank MeeMoo said:

      it better have equivalent exchange

      Instant turn off. most OP mod ever. makes everything else useless.

    3. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      FTP Infinity Evolved @Strikke

  5. #UnblacklistDeadPooL

    @Pledge @DeadPool

  6. Congrats on Supervisor @JakeyPoo

    1. JakeyPoo


      Thanks for the kneepads!

    2. Lukeee


      not making times now gets you supervisor :pog:

  7. Congrats @Dr Bambino you were the best worst option

    1. Dr Bambino

      Dr Bambino

      Thanks I love you baby

    2. GregoV1


      I'm still the worse worse option, ez

    1. monster


      if yall niggas aint vote little ceasars for that deep dish pizza, yall missin out

  8. Finally passed you up @Isaac Newton 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Richard


      @KGB JOSH unfortunately they do not.  Hence why he has all the free time to continue pressing it.

    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      It's about time. Proud of everyone who has reached 10k and up. It was my number one goal for a long time. It's time for you guys to set the new standard of what's considered the new all time high. I just wanted to be the first one to reach that milestone before I retired. Keep going :)

    4. Richard


      Guess I need to be active again.  Fuck @Kyle Lake, #AmIRight

  9. o7 you will be missed. Hope to see you around. Hit me up if you want to play some games.

  10. Gang Wars Finals will be streamed tomorrow at 2pm Central Time.

    TI vs Plague

    1. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      do you like what you see?

    2. virus


      why isnt 3rd being decided off stats anymore

    3. rapidaax


      1 hour ago, coolbean said:

      why isnt 3rd being decided off stats anymore

      It’s already been decided that a 3rd place game/consolation will occur after the final match. 

  11. Gang Wars will continue, Going to take a break and get some food. Will update everyone with when we will continue. If you guys would like to suggest when you want to pick it back just reply to this.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. swrvy


      you've got 3 minutes to make a fuckin microwave mac and cheese i've been sitting at home for 7 hours waiting to fight 

      you've got 3 minutes to make a fuckin microwave mac and cheese i've been sitting at home for 7 hours waiting to fight 

    3. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      you've got 3 minutes to make a fuckin microwave mac and cheese i've been sitting at home for 7 hours waiting to fight 

      you've got 3 minutes to make a fuckin microwave mac and cheese i've been sitting at home for 7 hours waiting to fight 

  12. Congrats on Supervisor @LukeTheSup

    1. LukeTheCoop


      Thank you! Your still a bully.

  13. o7 @LukeTheCoop I always thought you were a good medic.

  14. PSA: @Plumber was part of the navy.

    1. drama


      Isn’t the navy full of gays

    2. MAV


      100men go down 50 couple's come up

    3. CocoisDead


      i always new @Plumber was seamen i mean a seamen

  15. The Cartel Event that was scheduled for tomorrow will be pushed back to Sunday at the same time. If you have questions feel free to ask.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      16 minutes ago, Papi Pods said:

      Who is going to fight plague vs plague?

      As long as they are not banned

    3. Papi Pods

      Papi Pods

      1 minute ago, Kyle Lake said:

      As long as they are not banned

      Is this foreshadowing? 

    4. Mr GOAT
  16. Congrats on Supervisor @Slumberjack and @Secret Agent. Well deserved for the both of you.

    To those who applied and didn't get it don't worry your time will come. I had to apply 3 times before I finally got it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slumberjack


      Thank you kind sir 


    3. Secret Agent
    4. Millennium


      didn't you say it took you 4 times, last time you said this :Kappa:

  17. That feeling when you have pressed windows key 10,000 times.


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