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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Everything posted by Peter Long

  1. Your momma said get in here - twitch.tv/sirpeterlong


  2. The august rewards are up. YOU ARE ALL FUCKED!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      So gangs can use their staff gang members as bait

    3. tagged


      So, if someone in our gang kills someone that is OS and a gang, are when then initiated on the entire gang, @Grandma Gary? Seems like you could hit the OS first, then attempt to gang-wipe the rest without ever initiating. Am I wrong in thinking this?

    4. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Is it like actually gonna happen cause I wouldn’t be surprised if a bunch of people get banned for rdm because mods or something forget that they have tags and are kos 

  3. After 4 years of dropping boats on you guys, the boats struck back. I have been stuck on a boat with a dead motor all night. Karma is a bitch.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Genghis Khan
    3. Prime


      hahaha should of called me I would of flew over with some tow hooks or a sui vest irl 

    4. Millennium


      You should just stream from the boat

  4. So my GPU fans are rattling, time for a new GPU. Accepting all donations of a NVIDIA Quadro GV100. :P 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MAV


      13 minutes ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

      So what I’m hearing is you selling Olympus money for new gpu 

      ya, just submit a comp request labeled GPU and he'll drop you a paypal link :-) :Kappa:

    3. monster


      ill send you a new GPU and a Pizza for an unperm

    4. Julian


      I hear some people have something called a savings account.:bender-dance::DPEducated:

  5. Too many to count. This community had been awesome for 4 years. O7 guys, keep the moments going.
  6. If i had to skip a meal for everytime i heard olumpus was dying, i would be skinnier than a polish jew at Auchwitz.
  7. Ill take a look and see what Twitch had saved. I didnt pay too much attention out of frustration after the last gang wars. If there is anything there i will upload it.
  8. 1 offroad A/T
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prime


      Shit @Kyle Lake looks like your secret is out there now. @Bocaj it's complicated 

    3. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      @Prime I told you not to tell anyone!

    4. Ryan


      Peter Weeb

  9. Did someone say Gang Wars?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Theory


      letssssssssssssssss gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    3. obeymatt


      Idk you tell me 

    4. MZY
  10. This is hilarious.
  11. Cheat somewhere else thxbb. o7

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. monster


      Canada im pretty sure he got shot from the side..

    3. monster


      i honestly cant tell cause Gyazo has no sound 4 me so i cant hear if he shotgunned but it looked like he got shot from the side

    4. Ryan


      Peter long just gave him the Peter Dong.

  12. Go give your dad a hug. Trust me, its awesome for your dad.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KrispyK


      My dad abused me

    3. Homicide


      Happy Fathers Day Peter I wish i can hug mines but he died a long time a go but ill just hug my kids instead

    4. DeadPool


      3 hours ago, obeymatt said:

      im still looking for him 


  13. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
  14. Fair. Fun. Balanced. A time for a new era boys. o7 to the BBB. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Daddy Fenwick

      Daddy Fenwick

      Who got permed? Majed?

    3. maxg


      thank god 

    4. Pledge


      55 minutes ago, Nerdy said:

      The Better Business Bureau? :Kappa:

      Honestly what I read it as though

  15. Podcast is up! If you missed it, check it out here 


  16. I like drama. Go!
  17. Dont forget - PODCAST TONIGHT 8PM EST

    1. monster



  18. Peter Long Podcast TOMORROW NIGHT 8pm EST

  19. You are next.
  20. Did someone say squeaker banathaon round 2? 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. -dante-


      Don’t worry the other half has joined him. Successful banathon. 

    3. Colin L

      Colin L

      [VX] @Twitchy

      You can read my profile right?


  21. Well I guess you didn't learn from your Bunk Bed Buddy, so it looks like you are next on the roasting spit. First, let us talk about the incorrect facts in your statement: "He's 30 years old" - Incorrect. I may be twice your IQ, but not your age. "He is going after 15 year olds" - Incorrect. I simply roast people who stick their necks out on the forums/in game and who deserve it. In the case of your brother and yourself, I should have done this months ago. Your Siamese twin brother made a comment a little up the thread that I thought was hilarious : "Ok I'm most of the toxicity, and I enjoy my seat there, but it's like u think I'm 100% of the toxicity. Like neck urself" Let us take some examples of you being the bigger, less toxic inbred child: And my personal favorite : What the actual fuck were you trying to say here? It looks like you need some help in school with basic grammar and sentence structure. This should help: https://www.hookedonphonics.com/ By the way, it is spelled "Your", not "ur". I mean for fucks sake, here is an ACTUAL SCREENSHOT of your last ticket : Bottom line is, I am tired of seeing you and your failed clone on the forums derailing posts, being toxic, and overall shitters. Proud had to sit out a month to learn his lesson, and I am going to give him a few more days to clean it up on the forums. However, in your case, its time for a timeout of your own. Oh, before I forget : Nah I'm good buddy. If you need someone to help you find your pecker however, I suggest you ask your doctor.
  22. You wont be back, not legitimately at least. Ill be waiting for the ban evading accounts. Don't cheat, keep playing. It's simple.
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