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Altis Life Update - 2020-09-01 - September Content Update



@Lead Developer @Senior Developer @Developer @Contributor


  • Conquest Changes (The Walt Act):
    • Increase the initial pot to $10m (previously $5m)
    • Conquest payout increased for top 3
      • 1st place: 10%
      • 2nd place: 5%
      • 3rd place: 3%
    • 12 player gang and group cap during conquest - groups with more than 12 people will not receive points until 5 minutes after the 13th player leaves
    • Warpoint changes:
      • Kill red name now +3 points (previously +2)
      • Die to red name now -1 points (previously -2)
      • Kill white name now +2 points (previously +1)
      • Die to white name now -1 points (previously -1)
    • Night time & rain removed during conquest
    • Ability to spawn at conquest rebel anytime you die
    • [Front] [Back] Monthly conquest champs wetsuit given to the gang with the most conquests wins in the past month. (Congrats to sfa for winning August)
    • Combined South Warzone and North Warzone map into new map: Warzone
      • 5000 points to dominate
      • 5 capture points
      • 2 conquest rebels. Warzone rebel & bottleneck rebel
    • Conquest rebel safezone increased to 200m (previously 100m)
    • Timer for safezone shield on HUD
    • Capture point garages will be kept avaiable for 5 minutes after conquest ends
  • New ESC menu buttons for easy access to the website, Teamspeak, Discord, and wiki
  • Place marker on a players bones when they combat log
  • Vehicles will despawn if sitting on a spawn point for too long
  • Stat to record kills from a distance of 1km+ and titles
  • Ability to refill empty fuel cans by using them on a gas station pump
  • Confirmation before R&R redeploy
  • Texture Additions
  • Gang Textures


  • Reworked how vehicles are despawned, should be much more aggressive now
    • It is highly recommended to mark a vehicle you don't want to despawn in your key chain menu
    • Alternatively you can bind custom action 9 to use as a quick vehicle marking hotkey
    • Warzone, Kavala, and Conquest zones (while active) will despawn legal vehicles the most aggressively
    • Major cop vs civ events (Fed, Jail, BW, Bank) will aggressively despawn cop vehicles only when active
    • All major cities besides Kavala will despawn legal vehicles with medium aggression
    • Everywhere else on the map (or if your vehicle is illegal) the despawn is low-aggression
  • R&R redeploy now fills food, water, and health
  • Arms payout increased to 15% of weapon purchases (previously 10%)
  • Pharmaceutical marker styles changed
  • Art Gallery zone now stays red for 5 minutes after a painting is robbed or interrupted
  • Dynamically generated blackjack cards
  • Significantly improved market recovery. Selling items now increases the price of all similar items (ie all illegals and legals tied again)
  • Entire vehicle skin system reworked
  • Blindfold slightly darker
  • Spikestrip weight reduced to 10 (previously 15)


  • Support team members now spawn with the support team uniform
  • Getting tased with your map open no longer crashes the game
  • Floating player names are now more accurate
  • Default & Pink title color can now be saved
  • Cops no longer transform into civilians
  • Wanted system will no longer bug out above a certain amount of charges
  • Event payouts no longer remove money from the staff member hosting the event
  • AA repair titles
  • Various other fixes


  • Donation goal vehicle discount and pilot coveralls
  • Nerds gang vehicle


Hotfix #1

  • Removed automatic pad unblock, add windows key action to impound vehicles left on spawns
  • Admin vehicles should now despawn properly when dead
  • Fix wanted list - number x charge
  • Fix cops send to jail cooldown
  • Allow cops to impound illegal vehicles
  • Fix dead vehicles despawning

Hotfix #1

  • Removed Mudiwa's gang uniform
  • Removed Demon's gang uniform
  • Removed -TAP-'s gang uniform
  • Added gang uniform and vehicle for Timeless
  • Added gang uniform for 88

As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.


Recommended Comments

6 minutes ago, tayte said:
  • Confirmation before R&R redeploy

What does this mean?

  • Cops no longer transform into civilians

Happened on medic a few days ago aswell.

Forgot to take screenshot oops.

It prompts you with a yes or no button to confirm you want to redeploy.

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18 minutes ago, Tech said:

Forgot to take screenshot oops.

It prompts you with a yes or no button to confirm you want to redeploy.

Is it for ensuring medics don’t redeploy to areas of denial accidently :?

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59 minutes ago, tayte said:

Is it for ensuring medics don’t redeploy to areas of denial accidently :?

It is to avoid any accidental redeploying.

We now have a safety check to ensure the action is desired. This is to avoid awkward situations/ tedious situations where redeploy is hit accidentally and the medic has to respawn and walk back to the front desk. Main use is to save time, but also protects against accidental combat logging via respawn as well.

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