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Conquest Changelog 12/4/21




  • Smokes now generate a blur & limit view distance
  • Updated gang textures


  • Ifrit glass now takes additional damage
    • 70% increase on the main front panel
    • 20% increase on the front side panels
  • Reduced warmup intermission from 6 minutes to 3 minutes
  • Time will no longer change during Conquest
  • Aerial vehicles have been removed from shops
  • Armed vehicle pull price has been increased by 3x
    • .50 & Upgraded .50 - $450k 
    • Armed Qilin - $450k
    • HMG Prowler - $750k


  • Armed Vehicle pull price
  • Image display errors for map objects
  • Missing Cop textures throwing errors


  • Old gang textures


Hotfix #1


  • Cruise Control


  • Smoke
    • Smoke blur has been reduced by half
    • Radius of effects reduced 33%
  • "Star of Life" has been exchanged for a Heart icon to lessen confusion


  • Texture errors

More changes will follow in the coming month, a special thanks to @ Weaz  for the work put in making the Conquest Experience more enjoyable for everyone.

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  • Ifrit glass now takes additional damage
    • 70% increase on the main front panel
    • 20% increase on the front side panels
  • Haha 1


  • Ifrit glass now takes additional damage
    • 70% increase on the main front panel
    • 20% increase on the front side panels

      you kids must be brain dead cant wait to get ripped out of my ifrit by a pdub 
  • STFU 2


Just remove the HMG Prowler simple

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  • Lead Developer

Not entirely sure about the armed vehicle pull prices, but the smoke change is fairly nice.

40 minutes ago, Big John1 said:

also the blurred smoke only works on asylum because they ban people with esp

at this point just admit you cater to cheaters for profit and player count. you are disgusting 

And you're saying we don't ban people for cheating? That's interesting, considering I alone have 20+ cheater bans in the past 2 weeks. Other than me, there have been quite a few other scripting bans that have been handed out by various staff members. People help out where they are able, but they're obviously not going to be able to catch everyone.

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Big John1 said:

and the price increase of 75,000% really shows how out of touch and retarded you are tbh

also the blurred smoke only works on asylum because they ban people with esp

at this point just admit you cater to cheaters for profit and player count. you are disgusting 

cry more you 33 year old man child

Edited by Skys
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damn all the 88 kids mad about the 50. cal changes what a surprise.

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Doc Holliday


The September 11 attacks in 2001 were followed by initial shocks causing global stock markets to drop sharply. The attacks themselves resulted in approximately $40 billion in insurance losses, making it one of the largest insured events ever.

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johnny goose


big john really crying he cant pull out 50's for free. You do understand it was always meant to be that way? They didnt nerf it because of you and your aids gang it was just broken lol. Go cry to templar while u play roblox arma you man baby. Every change here has a +1 from me.

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9 minutes ago, Strafe said:

big john really crying he cant pull out 50's for free. You do understand it was always meant to be that way? They didnt nerf it because of you and your aids gang it was just broken lol. Go cry to templar while u play roblox arma you man baby. Every change here has a +1 from me.

suck the staff off harder virgin 

johnny goose


27 minutes ago, 1emplar said:

suck the staff off harder virgin 

i didnt even mention staff lol, someones mad the only way they can get kills got nerfed 😞 go cry

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3 hours ago, Big John1 said:

so i get 750k comp when people rvd my shit at conq now right?

your bias is showing

rvd goes back in your garage on s3 and you can suck my cock if you didn't abuse them this probably wouldn't have happened

3 hours ago, 1emplar said:
  • Ifrit glass now takes additional damage
    • 70% increase on the main front panel
    • 20% increase on the front side panels

      you kids must be brain dead cant wait to get ripped out of my ifrit by a pdub 

Pen doesn't change only takes more damage and wears quicker

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  • BlessUp 1


revert smokes, stop putting flags inside of buildings and conquest is fixed

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4 hours ago, Big John1 said:

remove smoke, make prowler 250k pull other armed vehicles 150k. then conq is fixed. 

ah yes, a vehicle that can pen straight through an ifrit, switch to gunner from driver, and can move fast offroad be 250k to pull out in a game mode that is meant for competitive players not disabled rejects like you.

All 50 cals should be deleted from conquest so freaks like you don't have a handicap and get an ego from holding a narnia point with the easiest vehicle to use in the game.

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wasabi xox


Hush, little baby don't you
Hush, little baby don't say a word
Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird
And if that mocking bird don't sing
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring is brass
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat don't pull
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over
Papa's gonna buy you a dog called Rover
And if that dog called Rover don't bark
Papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart turn round
You'll still be the sweetest little babe in town (be the sweetest litte babe)
Still be the sweetest little babe in town
La, la, la, la, la, la
Hush, little baby don't you cry...

@ 1emplar  @ Big John1

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I wonder if anyone not in 88 will complain about the price increase on armed vehicles 🤔

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