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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Status Updates posted by silton

  1. @Ryan s3 conquest when?

  2. hahah you aim like a bag of cement

  3. Your parents paid 30k a year for 13 years just for you to get cpl

    good on ya hero @Truthy

  4. @Creepy the fat mexicans were done with getting slapped

  5. yeah its the staffs fault not the braindead cunts who play and cry about anything and everything. 🙂🙂🙂

    1. MarveL


      you sit in kav all day and just talk shit and ddos off your sisters laptop. were looking for valid opinions 

  6. same guys that complain about bw being too easy cant even get the bomb to blow 🙂🙂

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jig


      d09c22b8379db63d9367bea6005ffeea.pngthey were throwing i had 16 and the second most was 7

    3. silton


      3 hours ago, Jig said:

      d09c22b8379db63d9367bea6005ffeea.pngthey were throwing i had 16 and the second most was 7

      kinda funny how the guys wanting tier 3 got rolled by cpls with tier 2. Also funny I ran in on foot and killed more then most doing the BW. I think most of apd doesn't understand what it takes to do a BW. 

    4. billdroid


      player diff not gear diff

  7. Hahaha dune user bra head

    1. maiko


      piss drinker111

  8. fuck the waff all my homies hate the waff

  9. @Headless  Delete that dogshit cap NOW and NEVER EVER design anything for wz again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horizon


      i liked it a lot  but it just caused my game to freeze ONLY when im literally about to smack a nibba everytime

    3. Masonn


      The concept was good. But shoving 50 rocks inside each other will never work out well.

  10. Selling Ghawk hmu good price 

  11. Conquest should have group cap change my mind

  12. id ban a kid for 14 days aswell if they were this shit


    1. Vcx


      Yeah I'd care about a video game ban that much too if I ddosed my school to look cool!

    2. Elements


      i ddosed my school so we didnt have to do work and we watched a movie

    3. silton


      @Elements they still had the paper textbooks rookie error

  13. Hmu for air vehicle backpack dupe instructions

    Also hmu if you got a dms or 7.62 suppressor 

    1. Noahhh!


      I have a DMS. I'll sell to you boss.

  14. this @SuWooP kid is hopeless shoulda given it to the longest standing civ council member 🤷‍♂️

    1. Linka


      i am right here buddy

  15. Nice one @Trimorphious you fucked the fps

  16. Undo the sell glitch patch

  17.  who does this shit

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Airborne


      @Richard would totally do this since he's a complete faggot 

    3. Richard


      Meh, @Airborne isn’t wrong that I would do it.  But the faggot portion is wrong.  

    4. UnAlpha


      keep the money and report 

  18. PC returns from feds tomorrow

  19. When are executions being added? Cheers

  20. Sandman is a pussy

  21. People really do complain about cartel life then just defend OG. Please go somewhere else

    1. Drippp


      Well they did put og as arms dealer so not much incentive to go elsewhere, that’s the only cap worth fighting over

    2. silton


      21 minutes ago, Drippp said:

      Well they did put og as arms dealer so not much incentive to go elsewhere, that’s the only cap worth fighting over

      Cause theyre dumb cunts. Also surely there is more reason to fighting that getting gang funds

  22. Save young breezy from coming home from installing high quality solar solutions and to play arma with the boys

    Image result for solar panel electricians"

    just want to see him smile like this again

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