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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Julian

  1. Congratulations to the gentlemen:

    @Arigato @MyersB @Edge

  2. Congrats to @Dante & @Jordan540 on Dep. Chief.

    Congrats to @falcon & @Stuuurrt on LT.

  3. Song of the week is very good.

  4. UMMMMMMM... When did the friendly guy in this post become,this...
  5. Congrats @Hot Pocket and @Ron

    on the promotions!

  6. Congrats to @Bow and @RambleR on the ranks.

  7. Welcome good sir
  8. @Plumber Congrats on the fatty promo.

    Well deserved!

    1. Plumber


      Appreciate it brotha

  9. I'm okay for those of u who care.Cell towers are down and I won't have power at least another month.So I love my boys who will know who they are. See u in the future. 


    P.S I was in the only place in PR with signal To be able To write this.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Seriously be safe. Heard its pretty gnarly down there, so im looking forward to you getting your life back together. 

    3. ItsGG


      Hope to see your ass soon!

    4. Guest


      julian <3 miss you my brother .stay safe

  10. I know everyone thought I was gay but sadly I'm not.
  11. I think for the first time in my life,I don't undestand english. But still o7 dude,Only met you once and you seemed like a cool guy.
  12. @lou25000 My boy needs them. @lou25000 My boy needs them.
  13. Congrats to @Bow @TheCmdrRex and @Pledge on the fatty Promos!

  14. This is the story of how @EatMeth got his name.


    Leave your opinions down below.






    I'm sorry if this is offensive or in any way bad.Just remove it if you wish.


    @OutCast is balding and he covers it up with the hair he has left.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Loopz


      JJ with the quality content 

    3. Julian


      This video was the day @RubberDuck got Corporal.I found it in my Temp files when I was deleting them.

    4. RubberDuck


      I remember this, ''twas the day I was waiting for. When my PC gets fixed, I will be back, expect the end of August.

  15. o7 man,sorry for your loss.
  16. Alright buddy,I was one of the officers that you killed when you thought we had teleported.As you can see in the video Sergeant @DeadPool1337 and me did not teleport. I don't mean to roast bud but just stop doing it to yourself and accept the fact that it was just Desync.Move on and just enjoy the game.
  17. I love when the dude sees the Admin ESP Enabled and you can slightly hear him say "oh my god...". This is why,since the first second I met Dante,I told myself "Never get in this dudes bad side". RESPECT!
  18. Congratulations to @Dante Fleury on the Sergeant Promotion.

  19. Congrats to @heyday and @TheCmdrRex on the promotions.

  20. Love it to bits! Thanks guys.
  21. Congrats to the boys @Pledge and @Dominick Ramos on the fatty Promos.Well Deserved.

  22. Happy Birthday @Maddog Hope you have fun!

    1. Maddog


      Thanks buddy, always will :) Hopefully see you around soon

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