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Everything posted by ikiled

  1. I come on this website for two reasons now. To remind everyone that the FAKE photo in @Grandma Gary's teamspeak is NOT me

    and to wish my birthday twin @buckiea happy birthday!

  2. ikiled


    Throwback to when you made me make you a designer so you could use it to become an admin again @Outcast
  3. This image accurately represents @Panda :)
  4. cartel winners from @Outcast's event


  5. When he blacklisted Hunte as @Winters, I don't think I have ever laughed harder. Honestly gold.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rossco


      That was my fukin heli!

    3. swrvy


      @Millennium yeah he did it to me he was in our channel under some random name not talking or joining game and the entire time im getting chased around by this hasan freak talking shit to me in messages

    4. zoomzooooooom


      niggas sit down when spazeed drops a video

  6. HAHAHA i forgot that even existed What about @Grandma Gary though who actually put my irl photo on the olympus twitter and status update and is actively his teamspeak avatar???? Pretty sure he is the dox man
  7. yeah fuck corrupt @Outcast kid.
  8. @Zahzi - lives in england but says hes from the US (cap) @Outcast Coronavirus Positive @Civak deploys to fallujah in exactly 8 days no cap 97 on ASVAB @Fusah that's Dr. Fusah soon here and who tf is @Trimorphious
  9. https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/imm/covid-sex-guidance.pdf

    @rapidaax rimming mouth on anus spreads coronavirus according to this. you're gonna need to cut that habit man we are all just looking out for you

    1. DeadPool


      I love it says

      • Washing up before and after sex is more important than ever.

    2. Billeh


      @DeadPool Good thing its just my hands.... I was getting worried

  10. happy april fools during your coronacation everyone

  12. like goat said, the shit you did probably got fixed within 30 seconds... you guys should try something interesting instead of the generic duping! make @Fusah and @Ryan work for their $$
  13. I log onto the forums and see this shit wtf is this gary LMFAO
  14. that actually cracked me tf up lmao @zoomzooooooom
  15. happy you joined the SQF class and actually took a chance at learning. I was happy to help you learn and see how far you went, exceeding all expectations. You did a great job as lead dev. Congrats on retirement corona c******
  16. FYI its not @Fusah's birthday this is the date he put to get into the APD while underage xD

  17. he talks to me by calling my cell phone number that he gave to all of you so that's why hes not going to be unbanned, no sparks need to fly.
  18. stupid terrorist named "Hadi Mokdad" thought it would be a big LOL to dox me and threaten to send a hitman to his house little did he know, we all know who he really is. He's not actually as rich as he says he is, hes just some Pakistani retard that's all talk with a fat mouth.And his profile is gone for that reason ? been doxxed so many times and he knew that so IDK why he thought this was gonna be a big deal especially when some of the information either wasn't right or he claimed to have but didn't actually. Maybe he still had his hard on from when he was fucking his pet goat but we may never know.
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