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Everything posted by swrvy

  1. remove rain and night
  2. @Mr Majestic give me sr back this kid is useless
  3. ts is synergyontop. stupid website wont let me send messages after i deleted some @Zahzi



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    1. Squid


      Just cleared my inbox

  4. you want to bring more players to your server? make it worth their time playing. the game and especially this server are getting more and more stale and only thing that will change that is adding new content such as Conquest that have been in the works for almost 2 months now. servers that are worse off player base and donation wise such as asylum are able to put out way more content in updates than olympus with a third of the number of devs. our last update had nothing substantial added. get Conquest done and do it right and you will see more people playing, especially if it were to come out around same time as gang wars
  5. @Civak eta on conquest? nothing else could bring me to play this game again

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    1. Civak


      won’t be home for a few days

      finishing gang wars when I’m back

  6. imagine crying about people seeing your email because it was your login for a booter that's been used to deny people internet because they play the same video game server as you

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    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. billdroid


      Why did oly even start unbanning ddosers. 😐 
      its disgusting

    3. Vcx


      Shut up boomer

  7. @destruct doing Gods work. that fat little cunt jrod has been hitting the lad off non stop this week and needs a permanent time out. now lets ban that orphan greasy gabe because they share the same login to the booter and he's still been using it.

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    1. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      if someone got that evidence, pull up on the block wit it

  8. cheers m8 i think ill be joining ya soon in arma 3 heaven
  9. now recruiting mw2 billcamers

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    2. Azeh


      2017 yikes

      2011/12 were the good days

    3. Jerrod


      I was in BO2 synergy stg

  10. 209-2092828-alvin-and-the-chipmunks-hands-in-pockets-alvin

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    2. Elements


      more likes on this than your montages

    3. Millennium


      would have been better on Theodore but still +1

    4. iPopsicle


      Respect the drip Karen

  11. ok time to let @codeYeTi get dev now

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    1. codeYeTi


      Unfortunately got the news the other week its not happening, sorry to disappoint.

  12. you support team retards bash staff any little chance you get because you think you deserve it more. yall are glorified toilets and the majority of you are power hungry little kids who have too much time on your hands. trying to blame ryan for nonexistent problems isnt how you’re going to get your way. ryans the best owner we’ve had in the 3 years ive been playing this server so get off his neck

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    2. billdroid


      swervy unban me from your teamspeak! I come home from college and im banned for a a year 😪

    3. Linka


      @KrispyK swervy has actually been here so much longer than you

  13. imagine being one of these greasy social justice warriors that sit here and type a long ass post complaining about how a somewhat edgy joke on a gaming forum hurt your feelings and is wrong to say

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    1. Ziggyuwu


      people are angry at the fact that a staff member made an edgy joke on a sensitive topic when staff are supposed to be held to a higher standard

    2. swrvy


      @Ziggyuwu who cares? the kids that want to be staff and got denied

  14. i need someone from teamplayers, plague or ti on cartel council. apply in the support tab if interested

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    1. JuanDeaged


      What about team liquid?

    2. Elements
  15. server is unplayable because of lag

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  16. can we get a hotfix on this quilin price so the remaining cartel players dont quit the server because they have no money

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    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      If anything they should be 150k and legal. I think that's a fair middle ground between making them too cheap and limiting the losses.

    3. Elements


      you are a career cop making decision for civ like wtf

    4. Civak


      Idk if I'm on crack but last I checked the Qilins are LEGAL as of right now btw

  17. mod drippp make it happen

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