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Status Replies posted by JayJay

  1. @TheCmdrRex so when the update comes out for arma, there are gonna be tractors available on olympus right

  2. Jake we are starting a movement 

  3. happy bday @.Jake

    happy bday @Brennan

  4. To clear up the recent drama on my ban

    I was originally permed for making a pulldown and selling in for in game money. It is not deniable, that is what I got banned for. I made an effort to get unbanned, and I brought it up to @Grandma Gary to get him on my unban. I was lucky enough to be unpermed. I did not know why I so easily got unbanned at first, but I didn't question it. 

    My unperm only happened because of the evidence that was against me was deleted.

    A month or so after I have been unpermed, @Peter Long and the rest of the staff find out I was unbanned, which should not originally even happened. The only reason I was unpermed was because of a miscommunication within the staff. The rest of the admins ( @Dante and @Peter Long) wanted to correct the error they had made, which was find the evidence against me still it existed out there somewhere, and reinstated the ban on me. 

    Yes, it is quite unfortunate on my side of what happened, because it gave me a false hope; but at the same time, I understand the error that was made. There's literally nothing I can do at this point to be unbanned, what happened has happened. No matter how much the admins "want" to unban me, they can't because they want to be consistent with their bans. If one gets unpermed, the rest get unpermed.

    I am in complete understanding of the actions the Olympus staff have taken, and I do not have a position to argue with it at this point. The ONLY way I can get unbanned, is if Olympus changes their policy on bans, which is near impossible.

    I am writing this to be completely transparent of what really happened, and to not have anyone wrongly angered at the Olympus staff for the decisions they have made to reinstate my ban. 

    @Dawn @Zurph @DetoX21 @Ignis @McDili @Heathen @Invu @Harles @Aunt Jemima @Panda :) @Jesse @Vac. @GHOSTK1LL3R

  5. Life is taking a very interesting turn and I am closer than ever before to decent paying job. Did the interview today and it went really well. Wasn't expecting any of it tbh. Decision in a few days. 

  6. @.Jake @Brennan happy bday from me and @Proud

    1. JayJay


      thanks buddy 

  7. Eagles are gonna win,  if not I'll give the first person that comments a mil

    1. JayJay


      so Grandma can spawn the mill i cant so hook me up?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Anyone know a fix for shadowplay not recording audio?

  9. @Proud I am fighting you back with kindness.  Don't spam down vote me it's rude ;)

  10. Any good players looking for a gang that won't die after Gang Wars hmu

  11. does I LIKE CATSe now decrease rep like it used to?

    1. JayJay


      I had the ama problem typing I LIKE CATSed too lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. I have been waiting for 2 hours straight in the APD whitelist Applicants

  13. Ayee thank you all very much for the birthday support! 

  14. 78673eb09cc524973208ca8b4594d732.jpg
     You boys better look out we have lennie the god tier roleplayer and me and Zurph the god tier roaches!

    1. JayJay


      Wow you got me dude  I am so sorry...........get blthe fuck out of here never @ me again

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Happy bday @Jake12

    I remember when all we did was fly blackfoots/kajmans on KoTh xD

    1. JayJay


      Thanks man I appreciate it!!

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