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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Corporal Moob

  1. The Humour Level of Police officers in my country. 015a0d8e8dfc1eac2593d1bde4760eaa.png

    Jesus Christ.

    1. Orgondo


      I actually laughed


    2. Bow


      Haha, that was actually a pretty good use of a pun.

  2. 1st of July, 102 years ago today we remember the greatest generation of men we will never know.


    The men who wanted nothing but to keep the world free and peaceful. 


    Some gave all, all gave some, and at the going down of the sun, we will remember them. 

    Lest we forget.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      If I did this on an American Military remembrance post you'd have a shitfit. Don't try and throw double standards at me. 

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Moob today is Canada Day, it’s 151st. The conferation of my great country. Don’t try to overshadow the most important event in the history of the world with one battle.

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Canada is just Americas hat though where the farmers milk the moose and put it IN FUCKING BAGS.  Is it actually a real country? 

  3. When you're the only senior at the fed and you make it to lethals


    1. GhostFace


      did this take you 2 weeks to upload in 4k?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Vcx


      I got google banned for 4 days off the forums by accident before :/

    3. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      @Grandma Gary pls do someting ty thank love you long time ty xxx <3 

    4. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob


      When you hand out peoples IP's and make comments about your booter/botnet It's not a joke any more. It's a sideways threat.

      Also. Laugh at your insult. 



  4. @Colt likes Seamen on his poopdeck.

    1. Ajax


      U sir are clever

  5. *Southern Hick Voice* Savage: "Hyuck hyuck, I know, if we find out who the chillest staff member is, Then we'll just tell RP Slayer to send all his ban appeals to him for a better chance, hyuck hyuck"
  6. S/o to all the cops that fought with me in our situations today. Great Cop work all around. 

    1. KrispyK


      Moobs back? :peterscream:

    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      I still play cop every now and then. 

      and fly armed planes around.

    3. Vcx


      Fly armed planes around my worse nightmare...… I'm already getting flashbacks

  7. Little bit late to the party.. But this nigguh's a real one. Even gave me a present for my 21st Birthday. What a champion. Loyalty, Respect, Skill = RambleR. o7 my disgustingly long haired Prince.
  8. The best thing I’ve seen come out of this Island since the Rubberbandits. 

    @Grandma Gary tell me you’ve seen this already hahaha


    1. MAV
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Your fucking profile song started playing over the top of this one and made it 10x better =D

    3. iPopsicle


      The wee bird was stinkin

  9. Happy Birthday @TheCmdrRex and @Ryan The unsolicited half chub pics are legal now.

    1. Ryan


      Haha thanks 

  10. How 2 fix Civ Rep cancer


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arigato


      No one above that age with the maturity to boot wants the job lol.

    3. MrB1
    4. Julian


      That literally takes out all the toxic underage candidates.I agree with this.


  11. Happy Birthday Orgasmo @Orgondo

    Ye big fenian ye.

  12. @GHOSTK1LL3R good luck lmao. 40 Brits.

    Rookie numbers son hahaha.

  13. A reminder of how precious life is.

    A good cop and someone who played the server in the way that it's meant to be played.

    Suicide when it comes down to it, is not a joke. For all the "Kys'es" This can be the result.


    And for anyone else who might be thinking of drastic things, Stop. Reconsider your options, and remember the decision is permanent. 

    Rest in Peace @Sociopathic


    1. QKSILVR73
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. 

  14. I loved you like a son Ignis. An ugly son.
  15. Plumber offered to film it

  16. The second I read the words Unbanning DDoS'ers and cheaters will revive gang life guiz Some of the worst logic I've possibly ever read.
  17. What a shame. Without question one of Olympus's most loyal sons, Sometimes you were a little Nazi on the forums, but without doubt one of, if not the best Admins because of your calm collected unbias opinion and your drive to see Olympus grow. This guy is a guy who actually devoted time and effort to this place. What a fucking o7. Edit: They're gonna need a hell of a replacement for ya. Don't worry Lucki, you'll get one too.
  18. Happy St. Patricks days you Fenian Dicks



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Monkeysz


      Can I get barbie girl?


    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      12 hours ago, Fat Clemenza said:

      This is a much better Rebel song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLy3f_mPugg


      Passed along your recommendation.  Moob is lucky to have someone who understands his cultural heritage almost as much as he does.

  20. o7 Decimus

    1. Wong
    2. RogueMK
    3. proud


      ill never forget the man decimus, who recently got corporal

  21. Все тихие на Восточном фронте теперь Дикхеды.

    1. proud



    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)


      Я не люблю ниггеров

    3. Savage


      вернуться к инвалидной коляске xd
  22. I have both, Whatchu payin nikwah?
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