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Altis Life Update - 2022-6-11 - June Content Update




  • Evidence Lockup Compound
    • Evidence Lockup has been separated into it's own event
    • Evidence Lockup has been moved West of Athira
      • Features its own Anti-Air
    • Evidence Lockup Loot Pool Rebalancing
      • Titan (Rare) -> Titan (Common)
      • Mk-1 Taser (Common) -> Mk-1 Taser (Rare)
      • 7.62 Suppressor (Uncommon) -> 7.62 Suppressor (Ultra-Rare)
  • Taxi
    • Players can now become Taxi Drivers
      • License purchased at Taxi Hub
        • Taxi Hubs located in each major city
        • Players cannot own a Taxi License alongside a Vigilante/Rebel Training
          • Taxi Drivers can possess a Worker's Protection License
      • Taxi Drivers can send invoices to players
        • Invoices are taxed by 10%
      • Taxi Drivers can receive dispatches from players requesting rides
  • Team Death Match Additions
    • Player counter
    • Round time limit
  • Toggle for APD members to disable Shift+R reloading in settings menu
  • APD deaths inside of Airdrops cause money loss on respawn
    • Officer must be Patrol Officer+
    • Tax is 75% of Physical loadout
  • 2 Minute unseal timer added to APD Escorts
    • Scroll action
    • Once completed notifies server and changes map icon
  • Prowler to Rebel Vehicle and War Point shop
  • Legacy Confirmation boxes toggle
  • Gas stations now offer Coffee exclusively to Police Officers
  • Fireworks to Rebel Markets for $15 donors
  • Alphabetical sorting to virtual shops
  • Alphabetical sorting to player inventory and vehicle inventory
    • Storing items in a vehicle still lists based on chronological order
  • APD Dispatch Rewards
    • APD members responding to dispatches can windows key the player who sent the dispatch
    • Confirmation on the Civilian's part will result in a $50k reward being dispersed to officers in the area
  • Activity based House Tax
    • Players that are inactive will pay increased taxes
    • Players that are actively playing will receive either no difference or a discount
  • Textures


  • Increased sell prices in virtual market
    • Dope shot $20,000 -> $40,000
    • Redgull $100 -> $650
    • Pepsi $20 -> $250
    • Epipen $1000 -> $6,000
    • WPL Panic Button $50 -> $8,000
    • Lockpick $25 -> $60
    • Pickaxe $100 -> $500
    • Other misc. prices
  • Pocket Go-Kart virtual weight reduced from 15 -> 10
  • All Jeep variants and Quadbikes now take half as much damage from crashes
  • Blood bag now stops Pure Heroin visual effect
  • Vehicles now adaptively pull for different prices from garages dependent on vehicle price
    • Minimum $1,000
    • Maximum $35,000
      • If a player pulls from an owned garage or gang shed then there is no fee
  • Medics now only have the "[Sr. Medic]" tag while a Sr. Medic title is equipped
    • Ex: Supervisor, Coordinator
  • All Anti-Air Markers are now centered based on the Anti-Air location
  • Anti Air status markers have been center and formatted
  • Hunter (Smoke) smoke launcher
    • Much tighter spread
    • Increased from 1 Canister to -> 2 Canisters
  • "Diary" page now redirects to the Keybind menu
  • Jail Design - @ Brandyn


  • Inability to sell some items to the market
    • Ex: Nitro, Spikestrip, etc.
  • Inability to insure Medic Xians
  • Fire damage dramatically decreased
  • Inability to claim Xian
  • Chop/claim not terminating on player death
  • Recovering a stolen vehicle now displays the correct name
  • Bodies deleting when storing a vehicle
  • Bodies de-spawning/invisible for some clients
  • Players spawning at 0,0,0 when revived
  • Another Vaulting in restraints exploit
  • Delivery mission spelling error
  • Vehicles spawning inside other moving vehicles
  • Optimized titles on server side
  • Optimized player syncs
  • Optimized chat channels
  • Optimized dynamic map rendering


  • 100% Honest Farmers Gang Uniform

Hotfix #1

  • Listing a house used the default value
  • Lottery tickets broken due to new input menus
  • Civilians only being served piping hot coffee
  • New players not receiving money on first login
  • Vehicles not applying the correct texture after a restart
  • Cleanup script missing some vehicles
  • Civilians can now sell money bags without the banks needing to be sealed
  • Moved Neochori Drug Dealer
  • Better formatting for ;players
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Recommended Comments



Does this include the fix for houses selling for incorrect prices?


Posted (edited)

cool man wtf is this evi locker shits horrible way to ruin the game this server will always be cop sided


Lil Jewzie Vert


jump spot straight to dome? along with no wave rule? not to mention the 2 mountains inside of red zone, the countless corridors connecting the 30 slam and jump spots. People say BW was changed to favor cops with walls that fall down but this is blatantly bullshit and will make this server die if the 5 people who control how these fucking events work keeps doing this bullshit. People respected by the entire community like @ WALT  who are here to try to keep cop/civ balance no longer have their opinions and views taken seriously the only fucking person worth any weight other than walt is @ Siltonious Milton II and he doesnt play s1 nor does he give enough of a fuck to put in effort that will result in changes.  this was literally made by a Lieutenant @ Brandyn  who hasn't been seen on civ since he got po. I dont know how much more obvious it can get, this is a disgusting circle jerk of egos and people with crippling social issues given power over people who are collectively hated for being consistently toxic to the ENTIRE community. 

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38 minutes ago, Lil Jewzie Vert said:

jump spot straight to dome? along with no wave rule? not to mention the 2 mountains inside of red zone, the countless corridors connecting the 30 slam and jump spots. People say BW was changed to favor cops with walls that fall down but this is blatantly bullshit and will make this server die if the 5 people who control how these fucking events work keeps doing this bullshit. People respected by the entire community like @ WALT  who are here to try to keep cop/civ balance no longer have their opinions and views taken seriously the only fucking person worth any weight other than walt is @ Siltonious Milton II and he doesnt play s1 nor does he give enough of a fuck to put in effort that will result in changes.  this was literally made by a Lieutenant @ Brandyn  who hasn't been seen on civ since he got po. I dont know how much more obvious it can get, this is a disgusting circle jerk of egos and people with crippling social issues given power over people who are collectively hated for being consistently toxic to the ENTIRE community. 

EL was not made by Brandyn 😐

Also there is a wave rule, if you're referring to the 10 this was in place due to how cops were getting stomped at the Jail/Evi Locker. Now that the update has went live the handbook will be changed to reflect this new EL and jail.

If you have any more gripes please feel free to hmu

55 minutes ago, SICARIOOO said:

cool man wtf is this evi locker shits horrible way to ruin the game this server will always be cop sided


If you have specific complaints/ways that in your opinion would make it better (I.e an actual example of how to fix something and not just "THIS IS ASS") I would be more than happy to talk to ZeRo about it and get things fixed/changed.

  • Like 3
Lil Jewzie Vert


13 minutes ago, TapTap said:

EL was not made by Brandyn 😐

Also there is a wave rule, if you're referring to the 10 this was in place due to how cops were getting stomped at the Jail/Evi Locker. Now that the update has went live the handbook will be changed to reflect this new EL and jail.

If you have any more gripes please feel free to hmu

If you have specific complaints/ways that in your opinion would make it better (I.e an actual example of how to fix something and not just "THIS IS ASS") I would be more than happy to talk to ZeRo about it and get things fixed/changed.

if u want constructive criticism u can suck my dick from behind that wasnt the point of the post u fucking mong, the point is that its literally impossible to do and was purely done out of the reactions we would get from cops. example, monster breaking his desk

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1 hour ago, Lil Jewzie Vert said:

jump spot straight to dome? along with no wave rule? not to mention the 2 mountains inside of red zone, the countless corridors connecting the 30 slam and jump spots. People say BW was changed to favor cops with walls that fall down but this is blatantly bullshit and will make this server die if the 5 people who control how these fucking events work keeps doing this bullshit. People respected by the entire community like @ WALT  who are here to try to keep cop/civ balance no longer have their opinions and views taken seriously the only fucking person worth any weight other than walt is @ Siltonious Milton II and he doesnt play s1 nor does he give enough of a fuck to put in effort that will result in changes.  this was literally made by a Lieutenant @ Brandyn  who hasn't been seen on civ since he got po. I dont know how much more obvious it can get, this is a disgusting circle jerk of egos and people with crippling social issues given power over people who are collectively hated for being consistently toxic to the ENTIRE community. 

4 jump spots new record



3 hours ago, Lil Jewzie Vert said:

jump spot straight to dome? along with no wave rule? not to mention the 2 mountains inside of red zone, the countless corridors connecting the 30 slam and jump spots. People say BW was changed to favor cops with walls that fall down but this is blatantly bullshit and will make this server die if the 5 people who control how these fucking events work keeps doing this bullshit. People respected by the entire community like @ WALT  who are here to try to keep cop/civ balance no longer have their opinions and views taken seriously the only fucking person worth any weight other than walt is @ Siltonious Milton II and he doesnt play s1 nor does he give enough of a fuck to put in effort that will result in changes.  this was literally made by a Lieutenant @ Brandyn  who hasn't been seen on civ since he got po. I dont know how much more obvious it can get, this is a disgusting circle jerk of egos and people with crippling social issues given power over people who are collectively hated for being consistently toxic to the ENTIRE community. 

Hello! Thanks for your feedback. I have a few things to comment.

  1. Brandyn is one of the only designers who hasn't touched the EL design.
  2. @ Siltonious Milton II demanded we do a play test before the design went live. This is why it took a while, but he wanted to make sure it wasn't cop sided. When doing said play testing, the cops were absolutely destroyed. Not once, twice. Nearly everyone on the cop side had lethals also.
  3. Continuing from the civ sided testing we saw, there is one thing to note. The walls were jumpable but we did not allow them to be jumped on. This is not intentionally done. I went in after testing an replaced all the walls so they could not be jumped on. My test jump script is clearly less powerful than olympus's script as there are many easy jump spots that fell through the cracks.

I'm curious, have you tried to fight the event? or is the 88 gang discord just collectively LIVID that we didn't put it on an island with 1 entrance?

I think only time will tell on how the balance plays out. Though again jump spots over walls are not intentional but we saw that this event would be very civ sided in tested so we must still decide whether to fix the it or not. You could help out by attempting one of these events on s1 as we've had a low turnout rate so far.

Thanks again,




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Activity based House Tax

  • Players that are inactive will pay increased taxes
  • Players that are actively playing will receive either no difference or a discoun

I wonder how much this is going to cost. Also like how does it work? Inactive for how long? Could we get anymore details?



out of curiosity who asked for the taxi system n fucking why, hatchbacks are 30k and the probability of someone being stranded and needing a taxi is less then 5%.

congrats whoever coded this, you coded something thatll be fucked around with for a month and completely forgotten about.

the dev work is good so no hate on the devs, just hating on the people who make them code dumb shit like a whole taxi system instead of the gangbase update or the s3 invasion update.

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8 hours ago, proud said:

out of curiosity who asked for the taxi system n fucking why, hatchbacks are 30k and the probability of someone being stranded and needing a taxi is less then 5%.

congrats whoever coded this, you coded something thatll be fucked around with for a month and completely forgotten about.

the dev work is good so no hate on the devs, just hating on the people who make them code dumb shit like a whole taxi system instead of the gangbase update or the s3 invasion update.

There are more players on this server then just the wants wanting to PvP. Literally took zero coding shut up you spastic. Devs work for free they can do what they feel.


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Posted (edited)

9 minutes ago, Siltonious Milton II said:

There are more players on this server then just the wants wanting to PvP. Literally took zero coding shut up you spastic. Devs work for free they can do what they feel.


coding or not its useless. if they dont wanna do the work then why apply? the community has been asking for good shit and yall release a fucking taxi system that was apparently copied and pasted.

thank you for pleasing the 50 players that came because arma 3 was 50% off now us who used to enjoy s1 are drowning in cringe cuz of the past 3 updates

almost like if it takes more then 5 minutes of work then literally no one will touch it, hire devs at this point so useful shit can be done

Edited by proud
  • STFU 3


On 6/13/2022 at 7:33 AM, proud said:

coding or not its useless. if they dont wanna do the work then why apply? the community has been asking for good shit and yall release a fucking taxi system that was apparently copied and pasted.

thank you for pleasing the 50 players that came because arma 3 was 50% off now us who used to enjoy s1 are drowning in cringe cuz of the past 3 updates

Taxi is fucking sick. But it's up to the devs on what gets done and lately APD get the choice, nothing much we can do.

  • BlessUp 1
  • Haha 1


please add somthing to replace the founders carryall sense it was taken out. it wasent really used so taking it out was understandable but it one one of the few ingame perks of founders.

  • +1 1
  • Community Manager


4 hours ago, proud said:

coding or not its useless. if they dont wanna do the work then why apply? the community has been asking for good shit and yall release a fucking taxi system that was apparently copied and pasted.

thank you for pleasing the 50 players that came because arma 3 was 50% off now us who used to enjoy s1 are drowning in cringe cuz of the past 3 updates

almost like if it takes more then 5 minutes of work then literally no one will touch it, hire devs at this point so useful shit can be done

Never seen a more delusional statement in my life, good work. Development staff contrary to your belief all have some form of real life expectations, whether that is school, work or something else. The amount of work done on a patch to patch basis is genuinely staggering. I understand that you might not understand that when it's behind the scenes but the individuals that do work for the server definitely don't like seeing comments like this especially given how hard they're pushed to make sure that the experience is seamless for players.

Can't wait for the broken English response, good luck typing it.

4 hours ago, Siltonious Milton II said:

Taxi is fucking sick. But it's up to the devs and the community mangler on what gets done and lately APD get the choice, nothing much we can do.

The only APD changes in this patch are nerfs and separating the EL/Jail which was suggested by Civilian Council so I guess that you're implying it's APD choice in that regard

May Content patch was an APD nerf for Airdrops and literally TDM which is more assuredly a general more-so Civilian event.

April Content was Rare Alloy Run (Civilian), Auction House (Civilian), Automated Gang Tags (General) and Keybinds (General).

The most I could say was an APD patch this year so far was the February Content patch as there weren't really any additions besides: https://gyazo.com/68a8047239d89f47d8c2b4c1a4eb5c0d

I'd say it's pretty dumb to blame me for what gets done and how APD are preferential in treatment per patch considering that it is not reflected at all in the changelogs nor the Roundtables. I'd genuinely expect more out of you especially given the fact that you're trying to slander me in public for giving preferential treatment to the faction that I manage when it's not the case, hopefully any individuals willing can review the listed above and see the hard work that development staff put in.

This also doesn't include the Conquest Changelogs which are 90% Civilian related and SWAT balancing/fixing.


4 hours ago, FrankieTwinkletoes said:

please add somthing to replace the founders carryall sense it was taken out. it wasent really used so taking it out was understandable but it one one of the few ingame perks of founders.

We're looking to rework things on the back end and that will most certainly involve new donator perks, definitely a stay tuned type thing.

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2 minutes ago, Mako said:

Never seen a more delusional statement in my life, good work. Development staff contrary to your belief all have some form of real life expectations, whether that is school, work or something else. The amount of work done on a patch to patch basis is genuinely staggering, I understand that you might not understand that when it's behind the scenes but the individuals that do work for the server definitely don't like seeing comments like this especially given how hard they're pushed to make sure that the experience is seamless for players.

Can't wait for the broken English response, good luck typing it.

The only APD changes in this patch are nerfs and separating the EL/Jail which was suggested by Civilian Council so I guess that you're implying it's APD choice in that regard

your the biggest fucking dumbass in this community, you do nothing but say yes or no to suggestions and thats it, the devs apparently copy n paste useless shit n add it in.

i need you to reread my statement cuz melena had you skip so many classes, infact ill type is again for you, if they dont wanna do the work why apply?

what behind the scenes, i know people have school and jobs and shit, just funny how instead of telling them to do something useful like a gang base update thats heavily needed you tell them to make fucking taxis.

its as simple as i stopped caring what people think, if i dont point out that the development team hasnt coded anything big since the new progress bars update then who will? these updates are literally same shit different month, all these things your adding dont make any difference in s1 gameplay.

if you wanna keep going ill keep going i dont care who you are ur just another simp in the world

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  • Community Manager


8 minutes ago, proud said:

your the biggest fucking dumbass in this community, you do nothing but say yes or no to suggestions and thats it, the devs apparently copy n paste useless shit n add it in.

i need you to reread my statement cuz melena had you skip so many classes, infact ill type is again for you, if they dont wanna do the work why apply?

what behind the scenes, i know people have school and jobs and shit, just funny how instead of telling them to do something useful like a gang base update thats heavily needed you tell them to make fucking taxis.

its as simple as i stopped caring what people think, if i dont point out that the development team hasnt coded anything big since the new progress bars update then who will? these updates are literally same shit different month, all these things your adding dont make any difference in s1 gameplay.

if you wanna keep going ill keep going i dont care who you are ur just another simp in the world

Probably, nope, and also no.

aha x, they want to assist the community and develop things that can make people's experiences more enjoyable. If they're drove to do work by slave drivers then it'll burn them out and cause worse quality work to be produced. Not everyone wants to spend every waking hour making things, they're at their PC and most certainly slack to play other games as expected.

You're complaining about Taxi overall it took around an hour. The developer assigned to Gangbase changes will probably have to do 6~8 hours worth of reworking and testing things and has a higher priority assignment at the moment that being Server Stability.

You're literally just wrong lmfao, I linked the current year's worth of changelogs you can review what's been added but if you think that progress bars is the last big thing that was developed I shudder to think what you consider "Big".

You're literally retarded lol.

  • Love 1


1 hour ago, Mako said:


at this point your just ignoring whats being said

dont care if it took an hour a year or a second, its not what anyone asked for. for example, we've been wanting the gang base update for over 3 months and still nothing, but you add a taxi system cuz again it was copied n pasted.

fuck ur change logs fuck ur server stability issue just give us what we want instead of what u think will make a pefect server

  • STFU 1
  • Admin


18 hours ago, Shadowtrail said:

Activity based House Tax

  • Players that are inactive will pay increased taxes
  • Players that are actively playing will receive either no difference or a discoun

I wonder how much this is going to cost. Also like how does it work? Inactive for how long? Could we get anymore details?

The wiki team is in the process of updating the house page to reflect this update. 

  • BlessUp 3


Gameplay on s1 hasn't changed since I seriously started playing in 2019 and even in 2018 nothing had really changed. We simply don't care about the thousands of quality of life features and all the small features when there hasn't been any new content to do. There hasn't been a fight on og in ages, the server is constantly at its knees and there have been problems with the server that have been around for ages that haven't been fixed that won't be fixed. If devs are busy that's fine but when simple fixes and problems aren't solved for years it shows a lack of resolve and futurity for the server.

The Antichrist


EL was ridiculous before.  Was easier to do than banks which made absolutely no sense.  Love the new design.

Hopefully this gets some of those welfare lim tasers out of the hands of shitters who didn't rightfully earn them.



Just a note that house selling doesn't appear to be fixed, houses still sell at the price purchased from market regardless of how much you list them for.

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