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Altis Life Update - 11/2/18



Limited Time Features (Ends 12/2/18):

  • 20% discount for Weapon shops (Gun store, Black Market, Rebel Weapon shop)


  • VIP $50+ Donator Tier:
    • APD
      • Black US Cap
      • Blue Beanie
      • IDAP White Ht
      • Ear Protectors White
      • Ear Protectors Black
    • Medic
      • TBD
    • Civ
      • MX-SW Green Camo
      • MXM Geen Camo
      • MX Green Camo
  • VIP $100+ Donator Tier:
    • APD
      • Bandana Sport Mask
      • Bandana Beast Mask
      • Bandana Shades Mask
      • Blue Beret (Patrol Officer+)
      • Headset White
      • Headset Black
      • Long Sleeve Uniform (Patrol Officer+)
    • Medic
      • TBD
  • Added MX-SW to Rebel Shop + Warpoint Shop (We're aware that the MXSW spawns with a bipod, any players caught duping this item instead of purchasing the bipod through the Rebel Weapon Shops will be dealt with accordingly)
  • Added Bipods to Rebel Shops for 10K
  • Added MXM to Rebel Shop + Warpoint Shop
  • Added MX to Rebel Shop
  • Added MK18 to Warpoint Shop
  • Three New Warpoint Ghillies
  • Receive Medical Assistance from a Vigilante Outpost
  • Gaining a misuse of emergency service charge will result in you being delayed for 15 minutes before being able to text the APD again
  • Strider + Hunter now purchasable from Rebel Outposts
  • Staff members can now access admin panel through their admin panel hotkey while in restraints
  • Garages where Taxi Garages used to be


  • When sending a combat logger to jail, it will now display in the chat their Player Name followed by their PlayerID to help with reports
  • Tac Vests reduced to 10k from 25k
  • Deck Crew Vests reduced from 30k to 20k
  • Vigilantes can no longer capture cartels
  • BW loot drop %'s modified
  • Striders price reduced to $550k from $600k
  • Additional logging for drug dealers
  • Warpoint values adjusted
  • All processors for legal and illegal items are remodeled
  • Removed spawning at houses in redzones (inventory still able to be accessed)


  • FTO Training Island Strider
  • FTO Training Island Anti Air can now be repaired
  • Type-115 yielding max warpoint weight
  • Vehicle unlock speed should now be improved for both purchasing and pulling owned vehicles
  • Exploit to bypass the HQ timer in Kavala


  • Bandana Sport Mask from sAPD shop
  • Bandana Beast Mask from sAPD shop
  • Bandana Black Mask from sAPD shop
  • Bandana Shades Mask from sAPD shop
  • Removed all unarmed vehicles from BW loot table
  • Removed .50 Cal from BW loot table
  • Bipods from Warpoint shops

Hotfix #1

  • Event vehicles & admin spawned vehicles no longer spawn in weapons and magazines in their trunks
  • Anti Air bug fixed
  • Training island Strider fixed
  • Bipods changed from 1k to 10k in rebel shop
  • Warpoint shop MK-18 magazines / ASP magazines now have the correct magazine type displayed
  • Bug with claiming crafted vehicles
  • Removed a taxi map marker that got left behind
  • Fixed the APD training island strider
  • Fixed the salt flats garage not spawning vehicles in the proper location
  • Increased the overall value of loot spawned at the blackwater outpost
  • Donator Beret (for APD) is now changed from Patrol Officer+ to Corporal+
  • Fixed an exploit with the war point clothing shop
  • Changed loot weights for blackwater item spawning

As always if a bug is found please submit it to the tracker. Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.


Recommended Comments



  • Vigilantes can no longer capture cartels 

Fucking Poggers 

  • Like 1


Excellent update for the speed it was out nice job!

but I must ask what does

type-115 yielding max warpoints mean

anf how much are hunters

  • Like 1


8 minutes ago, NokiaStrong said:

Excellent update for the speed it was out nice job!

but I must ask what does

type-115 yielding max warpoints mean

anf how much are hunters

1) You don’t get hella warpoints for a retarded type kill. 

2) go look 

  • Like 1


Why is there a script on giving cop donor items. 

  • Like 1


2 minutes ago, rapidaax said:

1) You don’t get hella warpoints for a retarded type kill. 

2) go look 

In school can’t check. Just asking



please change moonshine pro back

The new one is actual ass and you cant fit more than 4 trucks



type no longer a wp machine? ): 

24 minutes ago, NokiaStrong said:


anf how much are hunters




6 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Pygros Rebel location moved yet?




27 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

Why is there a script on giving cop donor items. 

If we let everyone drop donor items on cop what’s the point of actually donating to get them?



24 minutes ago, rapidaax said:

If we let everyone drop donor items on cop what’s the point of actually donating to get them?

To share. Whats the point in donating and being greedy to the point where you cant share ?



can you add pictures of what the clothes look like on the donation page ?

  • Community Manager


1 hour ago, NokiaStrong said:

Excellent update for the speed it was out nice job!

but I must ask what does

type-115 yielding max warpoints mean

anf how much are hunters

The Type 115 was bugged when we made our transition like a year ago to change Type from the Black variant to add it to cops to the Hex camo variant therefore the hex camo which was on civ for a long ass time was bugged and generating max warpoint gain and needed to be fixed for balance.

Hunters are currently 400k as they're tied to the APD counterpart and there really isn't a need to adjust prices on either side. The Strider is 550k down from the 600k that it was at and is also purchasable.

1 hour ago, Deadpool said:

Why is there a script on giving cop donor items. 

There is a script in place to limit cops who repeatedly spawn in with the same gear from sharing said gear. The other option would be removing it and demoting/banning people sharing their donor perks on cop. This is different then the civilian perks strictly due to the fact that you're whitelisted and spawn with the same clothing in contrast to the civ side where you have to repeatedly purchase items.

49 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Pygros Rebel location moved yet?

Plans are still there to move the Pyrgos Rebel from the current location to the 2016 variant however our Map designers have been very busy pushing content relative towards balancing, new processors and various other tasks as well as being busy with personal affairs.

55 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

please change moonshine pro back

The new one is actual ass and you cant fit more than 4 trucks


8 minutes ago, 1-800TryHards said:

can you add pictures of what the clothes look like on the donation page ?

https://imgur.com/a/oKAGeo5 here is an album of the items added, however some are still pending due to the fact that we have to make confirmations with Bohemia Interactive.

  • Like 1


51 minutes ago, Deadpool said:


It was already passed bud.  Not to mention more people wanted it back than wanted it to stay the same.

6 minutes ago, Mako said:

Plans are still there to move the Pyrgos Rebel from the current location to the 2016 variant however our Map designers have been very busy pushing content relative towards balancing, new processors and various other tasks as well as being busy with personal affairs.

Sounds good, I just wanted to make sure it was still in the cards to be done.



Removed quilins and added hunters and striders? Sounds like a big fuck you to cartel babies, I love it. Are these also seizable by APD? 



3 minutes ago, Kazuto said:

Removed quilins and added hunters and striders? Sounds like a big fuck you to cartel babies, I love it. Are these also seizable by APD? 

Yes they are illegal vehicles and also are a cheaper slightly less powerful version of the ifrit for the hunters case

this means they can be seized by apd claimed by other civs



30 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

It was already passed bud.  Not to mention more people wanted it back than wanted it to stay the same.

Sounds good, I just wanted to make sure it was still in the cards to be done.

I was saying no as in it is not in yet.



What drug locations moved ? Im banned ... 

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