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Everything posted by hawkg

  1. I have also heard you shoudnt be trusted around children.
  2. This guy still choking on big johns nuts lol. Take the dick out of ur mouth
  3. Shawn is this true?
  4. @ -Shawn- anime is pretty gay.
  5. by the time ryan does this giveaway im going to be permed from the server again

  6. Let me guess you guys rented a one room one bed hotel in las vegas. Enjoy the weekend dont gamble all ur money in one place. and when u guys do the gay sex put the do not disturb sign on the door, so u can spare the hotel staff of your degeneracy
  7. what do u plan on doing for ur birthday? U going to fly ur boyfriend out @ PolarBear lol
  8. @ XnavrasX  happy birthday gayboy

  9. Here’s Three keys for grey zone warfare K6PPM-M38SH-EQJ33

    don’t say hawkg doesn’t provide 

  10. how u get banned for something on cop and probably get  blacklisted demoted for the same thing shits gay 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. buckie


      I approve of the combat log fuck you monkeys 

    3. Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-

      Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-

      I am doing a study on speech patterns on people who report.

      How come everybody who reports people sound so dysgenic!

    4. hawkg


      @ Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-  Listen to the speech patterns of these  fools  


  11. U must not be playing arma recently but ur lucky to find enemy gang let alone enough to start a kill streak. People don’t war anymore because they lack an incentive that the old system provided. U spending too much time with that dead beat junky druggy alcoholic loser @ Metro Boomin . His degeneracy is starting to show on you.
  12. Because they don’t know the struggle of getting warpoints on server 1 they just cash in their gay staff points
  13. yeah i mean u die on server 3 u lose one warpoint. U kill someone on server 3 u gain 4. It doesn't make any sense to gain more warpoints on a server where war kills are more abundant. Warkills are more scarce on server 1.
  14. So then you’re just retarded? Anyone who says the main reason to get rid of the old war point system because it’s exploitable is retarded. U realize you can only get warpoints on server 3?
  15. did u play the server before 2023?
  16. wdym? The way it is now you can only really get warpoints from playing server 3. This is a problem for many reasons. Before the summer of 22 when you actually fought cartels and enemy gang u were properly rewarded. Now if you kill 2 people and trade with the second you will go negative in warpoints gained. Its pretty ridiculous. @ codeYeTi
  17. Is the warpoint system ever going to be reverted back to how it was before the summer of 22? I thought it was at the top of civ councils priorities but clearly not. The new system is retarded and it only rewards people who play server 3. The old warpoint system should come back. incentivizing players with warpoints is a very good thing. I am happy to provide the logic if it isnt already obvious.
  18. Everything except testing code
  19. @ johnny goose @ jig @ T o b y @ Greenarrow @ Orbit u have each won 10 mill dm for ur shit
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