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Altis Life Development

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Conquest Changelog - 02-01-25

Added: FOV Check FOV above 100 will now be flagged and require you to change it Ports Titles Hexes Gang PAID Gang Fatigues @ Secret Agent COB Gang Fatigues Hot Shots Gang Fatigues  Nemesis Gang Fatigues @ Secret Agent Nemesis CSATs @ Secret Agent Nemesis Ifrit @ Secret Agent NSFW Gang Tracksui

Conquest Changelog - 08-07-24

Added: Textures Black Cunts Granit Fatigues CSAT Fatigues Kentucky Crips Granit Wetsuit Camera view is now saved on death If a player dies in third person and is revived they'll automatically be put back into third person SWAT capturing a flag now prevent re-capture of that flag for 1 minute Client Mod

Conquest Changelog - 4-16-24

Added: Steam Rich Presence™️ for all maps All maps now indicate what is being played by your friends for ease of access ex: Olympus Conquest -> Olympus Conquest (Altis) Players now receive Dopamine at the end of a round automatically Additional Carrier Rig for Clientmod users Added all existent Client Mod clothing to Rebel Clothing SWAT Carrier Lite (Snakeskin) to Spc. A3 2.14 Bandannas


Mako in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog - 3-9-24

Added: Client Mod Weapons SCAR-H 7.62mm SR-25 7.62mm SR-10 7.62mm Sting 9mm to Rebel Weapon shops Porting for Ifrit (360 Smoke) SWAT Mar-10 to SWAT Point shop for 45 SP .338 LP magazines available for $15k or 1 SP Airdrop ENVGs added to Airdrop at 10% chance LRR .408 added to Airdrop at 10% chance Comes with 7x 7rnd magazines


Mako in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog - 2023-04-04

Added: Zargabad Adv. Rebel vehicles Ported new clothing UI Y inventory not dropping on death Chernarus 2035 added Utes as a zone Disabled damage on buildings within 150 meters of each flag Changed: SDAR's price increased to $35,000 End of $10 million pot bonus donation goal Enabled damage on some Kujari cap buildings Delayed removal of caps until 5-10 mins after conquest starts Automatic zone deletion on round


Weaz in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog - 2022-10-20

Get into the server faster and help us out by downloading through these instructions Added: Respawn Timer reduction Players within 50m of a flag have a 15s reduction Players more than 50m but less than 100m get a 7.5s reduction PORTED Hex Scaling Players can enlarge or reduce Hex Icons View Distance Profiles Deny War Requests Denies all war requests


Masonn in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog - 2022-06-24

Added: SWAT Points SWAT members now gain an additional currency per kill Kills generate 3 Points Capture generates 5 points to the player that captured Deaths lose 1 point SWAT now have access to purchase additional equipment per death Equipment is lost on respawn  SWAT Point Weapon Shop Mk200 - 14 points 


Weaz in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog - 2022-04-15

Added: Boonie hats to SWAT clothing shop Deck crew vest to warpoint shop for 1wp Map Stratis Added "Airbase Holdout" sector Bottom rebel spawn for Kamino Klash and Airstation Mike-26 will spawn players on the side facing the zone with the car pull Tanoa Added "Bua Bua" sector Altis Additional capture point to 3 point sectors (Sofia, Ghost Hotel,


Masonn in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog - 2022-03-25

Added: HUD showing capture status of each point at top of screen and at bottom of flag Colors Rebels Uncontrolled => White Controlled by your gang => Blue Controlled by enemy gang => Red SWAT Controlled by #1 gang => Red Controlled by #2 gang => Orange Uncontrolled / SWAT controlled => Blue

Conquest Changelog - 2022-02-09

Add: Experimental tweaks to potentially mitigate network lag at the beginning of conquest - please consider manually downloading the mission file too Functionality for admins to change max points (for r3s) Some gang textures Vehicle engines turn off when dismounting Anti-explosion script for vehicles: vehicles with drivers should no longer explode to non projectile damage Change: Updated texture rotation from live server Group cap cooldown redu


Masonn in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog 1/28/22

Add: NETWORK, PERFORMANCE AND CLIENT OPTIMIZATIONS!! Kujari Additional vehicle spawner to Afofo Stratis Additional vehicle pull to Southern Rebel Black and CTRG T4 Vest variants to Warpoint Clothing Black Variants of all weapons to Olympus+ Subscribers Confirmation to safe redeploy while your respawn timer is still up Change: Kujari Kawiya Rebels moved closer to caps Ari


Weaz in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog - 2022-1-8

Added Added disputes. Use ;disputes or the new button in the y menu to access them. Bipods and flashlights for SWAT 75 round RPK mags added to war point store for 5 war points each. Added Tier 4 vest to war point shop for 10 war points.  88th Division Gang Uniform You now get put into your vehicle when you pull it from a rebel. Changed SWAT and Rebels share NPC's now Rebel's were changed in size accordingly, players should have more roo


Weaz in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog - 2021-12-22

Added Textures from mid December Altis Life update Missing gang textures SWAT NPCs to Tanoa hub   Changed Smoke changes based on poll results Names are slightly more visible and visible from slightly further away (~2-3m change) Fog is 25% less thick Players whitelisted as SWAT can login regardless of cop whitelist Map markers for group members 3 point zones now have a 3000 point max again   Fixed S


Weaz in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog 1/23/21

Added Added redeploy option to all Rebel garage NPCs Can't redeploy in combat 2 Additional zones to Malden La Trinité Houdan Highway 2 Additional zones to Tanoa Madman's Mixer Yanukka Island Changed Players now spawn inside the Rebel buyhuts Fixed Performance optimizations for respawn menu Fixed Conquest vote selecting maps players didn't vote for Fixed various map marker colo


Mako in Conquest Development

Conquest Changelog 2021-01-22

Changes Add Sahrani map Fix some map makers & angles Increase initial conquest pot to 17.5m Add garage fee to pull armed offroads/prowlers/qilin to discourage spamming aids All players receive dopamine when conquest ends Reduce delay between scheduled start time and actual start time  Reduce precap "warmup" timer to 5m from 10m Remove loadout loading progress bar Performance tweaks  


Zahzi in Conquest Development

S3 Conquest Changes 2020-01-10

Changes Included changes from the January update (textures, hints, etc)- hotfix for that coming soon Added Service stations near all rebels on Malden & Tanoa "Safe Redeploy" is now at the bottom of the scroll options Logging in and spawning directly at a rebel will no longer void your protection Temporarily disabled problematic code that caused network lag spikes under load


Zahzi in Conquest Development

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