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Naming Policy Update

OG Doc


Chapter 5: Naming Policy 

  1. Do not use names that are associated with extremist groups
  2. Do not use vulgar, racist, sexist, ect type names
  3. Do not use a tag in your name that begins with [OS] as this is reserved for staff members only
  4. Do not use names such as Admin, Moderator, Administrator, ect
  5. Your name in game must be easily distinguishable from other names on the server. These names must be easily pronounced, use your common sense. Any names that do not fall within this rule will result in administrative punishment.
  6. Gang tags must relate to your gang name and must be distinguishable.




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  1. Gang tags must relate to your gang name

so gang tags like Brotherhood's [-Name-] and The New Kings *Name, Oceanus -7-, are against the rules now? Ruins a lot of the variation and uniqueness of gang tags, which we already have so little without a more vast character selection.


(I know all these gangs are disbanded, just an example.)



  1. Your name in game must be easily distinguishable from other names on the server. These names must be easily pronounced, use your common sense. Any names that do not fall within this rule will result in administrative punishment.This is the single most retarded rule we've updated as OS.

+1 lol

sleazy turd racoon


New cartels, Auction house, arms dealer?? add this to make olympus great again

not a fucking trump shirt :)

  • Like 1
Isaac Newton


45 minutes ago, Rogue said:

New cartels, Auction house, arms dealer?? add this to make olympus great again

not a fucking trump shirt :)

These things don't happen over night.  Some projects are still ongoing.  Though to reassure you, we think these are good ideas too :)

Buffalo Bill


  1. Your name in game must be easily distinguishable from other names on the server.

There is a number that you are given when the same name is used = distinguishable.



i get y they did it so that the IIIiiIIiiIiiIiIii and IIiiiIIIiiIiiiiiIiiiIII and nnnnnmnmmnnmm and all that shit goes away but   These names must be easily pronounced, use your common sense. Any names that do not fall within this rule will result in administrative punishment. REALLY?! the fuck thats the whole part of RP people have fucked up names.



10 hours ago, Augustus said:
  1. Gang tags must relate to your gang name

so gang tags like Brotherhood's [-Name-] and The New Kings *Name, Oceanus -7-, are against the rules now? Ruins a lot of the variation and uniqueness of gang tags, which we already have so little without a more vast character selection.


(I know all these gangs are disbanded, just an example.)

Augustus is right, it does ruin a lot of the creativity and uniqueness that comes from making a brand new gang and now makes creating a new gang common and boring without any diversity. 

I understand and like the other rule changes but not the gang tags one, -1 on that idea. 



32 minutes ago, Jpeg said:

i get y they did it so that the IIIiiIIiiIiiIiIii and IIiiiIIIiiIiiiiiIiiiIII and nnnnnmnmmnnmm and all that shit goes away but   These names must be easily pronounced, use your common sense. Any names that do not fall within this rule will result in administrative punishment. REALLY?! the fuck thats the whole part of RP people have fucked up names.

This will probably be pretty lenient. If you have a name like Abdullah Ali-Zebediah or Phil Scfecko, etc, then you should be fine. As you stated this is more pointed towards adfsfjlljdk and llliliilill.

  • Like 1
Isaac Newton


Yeah, people are getting really worried and upset for no reason I think.  It is as Rex said pretty much.  Not everyone with a strange name or gang tag is going to be banned or anything lol.  Just relax.  When staff decided to implement this, it was mainly because there was really no where in the current rules that specified any type of limitation to how ridiculous a name can be.  We like funny, unique, interesting names and gang tags.  Gang tags will be a little more regulated, sure, but in a reasonable way.  I've only ever kicked like... 3-5 people for names that were just too ridiculous.  All of them caused issues.

Which brings me to my next point,

9 hours ago, Jpeg said:

i get y they did it so that the IIIiiIIiiIiiIiIii and IIiiiIIIiiIiiiiiIiiiIII and nnnnnmnmmnnmm and all that shit goes away but   These names must be easily pronounced, use your common sense. Any names that do not fall within this rule will result in administrative punishment. REALLY?! the fuck thats the whole part of RP people have fucked up names.

You are wayyy wrong here.  These are the names we are focusing on, or gang tags like dashes or ' or something just completely irrelevant to your gang name.  You say that this diminishes from RP?  In fact it aids RP.   Sending a text saying hands up or die by the "Example Gang" and then dying to some guy name - dudeface, makes no sense.  At least people now should be able to accurately state demands and whatnot now.  "Hands up or die" is not very good RP but you can substitute that with any demand or RP and clearly see where the issue might come up.  If a tag doesn't represent your gang, it isn't a tag.  

Back to names, A cop trying to process a guy named IIIiilllililililli  or mmmnnnnmnmnnnnnnnnnnnnsdssds  is just annoying.  ESPECIALLY when there are two of them.  The other day there were two people with the IililIlilii1i11il names, running around breaking rules.  One, the staff have a really tough time actually administering punishment to these people, and two, if they were to be caught by the cops... say one was caught and the other was not ... Imagine how annoying it is to try and tell the difference between the two.  It's possible obviously, but a waste of effort.  Pick a proper name and stop complaining :) Most of you posting here and griping about it have never had the issue so I'm kinda scratching my head at the fact that you feel the need to whine about it... but I digress.  Relax.  Enjoy your time.  

I imagine it will still be quite rare we actually enforce this rule to the point it comes to a ban.  The point is, now at least it is stated in the rules to use common sense when trying to pick a unique name.

  • Like 2


You guys might wanna remove the rebel shop too, you know, remove any sense of diversity we have just to improve our uniqueness. Ya know, just like big towers :). Sounds like laziness is taking over, play Asylum and look at all these cancer tags that have no correlation to the alphabet or their gang name, then come and tell me it's hard to distinguish The New Kings and a star that everyone will eventually become accustomed to.

Isaac Newton


4 hours ago, Phizx said:

You guys might wanna remove the rebel shop too, you know, remove any sense of diversity we have just to improve our uniqueness. Ya know, just like big towers :). Sounds like laziness is taking over, play Asylum and look at all these cancer tags that have no correlation to the alphabet or their gang name, then come and tell me it's hard to distinguish The New Kings and a star that everyone will eventually become accustomed to.

I read this like 6 times and still have no idea what you just said.



15 minutes ago, Isaac Newton said:

I read this like 6 times and still have no idea what you just said.

Nevermind :) 

Sgt. Salty


I like the gang tags one to an extent, i've always found an issue with yelling out "Guys I just got engaged by dash dash slash backslash dash dash at least if you're going to use a tag like that use a letter that directly correlates to the gang tag IE: --/A\-- you seeee? now i can tell my gang members i got engaged by fancy a ;) 



i find your name hard to distinguish Doc, plz change name as Doc is a very common thing, its even a type of mints here where i come from and alot of people use doc, your not a exception to the rule plz change. (just going from this "DEV" update thats all)



This is purely for people who have gang tags and/or character names that legitimately confuse people or make it hard for us as Staff to pick them out. Names like lllllllllll or afuijhrgujhe and gang tags that aren't really gang tags but are just a period punctuation mark at the end of a name, example: "Jill." "John." "Jack." Obviously having a period at the end is not good enough for a gang tag. 


Most if not all of you are not affected and are in fact bitching for no reason. If you ARE actually affected by this, we will let you know and ask you to change it before anything else. 

  • Admin
Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup


As far as I know none of you here has ever had an issue with this. Then why complain? I know bitching on the forum causes sexual excitement for some but just refrain from complaining if you are not directly affected by this. 

We are trying new things. Things to make it easier for both players and staff. If we deem something to be unreasonable then we will handle it accordingly. Now go play the game and use whatever name you want just use common sense. 




Restrictions such as these wouldn't be necessary if dipshits weren't naming themselves "         " or "|||||||". Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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