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Altis Life Update - 5/16/18 - Housing Inventory Overhaul



The crafting will come probably Friday of this week. Just had some stuff we had to figure out that was a bit more complicated than originally thought.

- REMEMBER - with the new inventory system, etc., if it's too good to be true it's probably not intended and you should report what you've found. Please report any and all issues with the new systems directly via PM to Kurt & I. Thank you.


  • Redesigned house inventory storage
    • Physical/Virtual items now accessed via 'T' menu
    • All crates have been removed from the game, all gear has been transferred to the houses' virtual menu
    • Physical trunk upgrades are now separate from virtual trunk upgrades
    • Anyone who had crates got automatically compensated $150,000 per crate via our transfer system
  • House searching system
    • Visit your local Realtor located in any of the major cities to browse vacant houses in a remote area
    • Ability to view house details such as max virtual/physical inventory
  • Two new vehicles added to the servers available vehicles
    • The Tanoa Jeep offroad with a LIM has been added to a rebel shop near you
    • The Offroad Anti-Tank has been added to the Blackwater loot table
  • Zafir has been added to the Blackwater loot table
    • Magazines will be sold at the warpoint shop
  • Roadkits will now be available for Corporal+
    • Access via Y menu
    • Select desired item and hit the windows key to confirm placement
    • Use the window key to pick up equipment when finished
  • APD now has access to a blue respirator which will act as a teargas mask
  • An optional ability to animate doors on specific vehicles when locking/unlocking them 
    • Able to be enabled/disabled from the Settings tab in the y menu (off by default).
  • An additional confirmation menu when purchasing vehicles/clothing which requires un-owned DLC
  • Vehicle Interaction menus (win key menu) now has the ability for you to force yourself into the driver seat of vehicles you don't have the DLC for.
    • APD/RnR/Civilian all have the ability
    • The vehicle must be unlocked, not broken beyond repair, and not have anyone already in the driver seat
    • Note - Scroll wheel will still not work and prompt you to purchase Bohemias DLC (we recommend you purchase it to remove the ads they litter you with).
  • Confirmation menu for cops searching vehicles
  • Gang member's names in the y-menu will now update every server restart
  • Show off your Takwando skills with Shift+8
  • New savable Y-Menu setting option to toggle Lottery Notifications
  • Option to add timestamp to map markers
    • Timestamp will be in "minutes until restart" for ease of reading
  • Added an additional stage of processing to Frog, Heroin, Weed, Cocaine, and Mushroom.
    • Simply process once and scroll for another process option
    • These drugs will always sell at 25% extra of whatever type you're doing
    • Portions of these drugs will go to cartel owners, so cap them cartels for $$!
    • New images will be added with next update
  • Added 3 new goldbar traders across the map
    • Old NPCs that use to accept gold will no longer be accepting Goldbars


  • Houses will now expire after 45 days of not interacting with them instead of 60
  • All illegal items got a buff in sell price
  • New Neochori & Kavala Vigilante Outpost design
  • New Sofia APD HQ design
  • Blackwater & Warpoint Changes
    • RPG Launcher removed from war point shop to Blackwater exclusive - RPG ammunition still sold at war point shop
    • Mar-10 removed from war point shop to Blackwater exclusive - Mar-10 ammunition still sold at war point shop
    • Each Blackwater crate now spawns an additional two Pilot Coveralls on top of the current loot table
  • Mod Shops at gas stations now have a repair vehicle only option. At this time it's a complimentary repair.
  • Salvage sale prices have been slightly reduced to be more in-line with other legal runs
  • APD 911 calls now update locations if another 911 call is made by the same player
  • Time since request on the dispatch menu and map for medics will show the time since the player first requested medic (no longer resets after subsequent requests)
  • APD lethal money cap reduced to $200,000 from $600,000
  • APD money earned from arrests reduced by 10%
  • "Put in Car" will now select vehicles of the player's own faction before others.
  • Vigilantes will now receive an arrest towards their vigilante tier for sending a suspect's bones they tased/restrained to jail
  • Weight of jail charges has been halved. So you should spend less time in jail for petty crime.
  • Excavating can only be done at a few select locations on the map now, they're marked with a purple boat icon.
  • You can now windows key revive a player with a Epipen or if you want to you can use the Y-menu still
  • Gang member names will now update quite frequently to have their most current name in your Y-menu roster
    • You can hover over a name to get their playerid.
  • Some optimizations
  • Now if a vigilante goes to jail he/she will only drop down a rank of vigilante
    • May get removed depending on if it's showing undesirable results


  • Medic Ambulance texture fixed
  • Tasing timer should no longer reset when a tased player is pulled out of a vehicle
  • The ability to terminate the escort mission should not show up after the vehicles have spawned.
  • View distances should now update properly when you get in to and out of vehicles. (Please post feedback on the tracker if this is not the case).
  • When winning the lottery you shouldn't lose your money anymore.
  • Submarines will no longer have the ability to upgrade turbo at mod shops
  • Support uniform removed from public use (should be at least)
    • Support team can now use rank 2 for white-listing abilities.


  • Some unused code, files, and stuff

Hotfix #1:

  • Houses will now only cost $150,000 per physical upgrade (those who spent money on upgrades have received some compensation directly to their bank accounts)
  • Physical storage upgrades will now upgrade by 150 instead of 100 (already purchased storage has been adjusted) (applies to gang sheds as well)
  • Vigilante arrests will now properly set on the player when sending someone to jail
  • Turtles can now be harvested once again
  • APD can now EpiPen each other with windows key as well
  • The new double process drugs have received some new icons
  • Oil upgrade cost will properly display now
  • If for some reason your housing weight becomes skewed it should automatically fix itself
  • APD dispatches will now appear properly
  • Item dupe fixed

Hotfix #2:

  • Apd will now detect when illegal second processed drugs are in a vehicle
  • Houses that didn't have any physical storage has been fixed and your homes will now have storage as proper.
  • Like 13
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Recommended Comments

1 minute ago, Nerdy said:

I can think of many times when cops need money.  To buy vehicles for patrols, when someone takes a Medic hostage and wants something, and when buying more magazines/y inventory.  I'm not saying I would spend as much money if I were on civ fighting a cartel or doing federal events but there still is a cost associated to playing.

The vehicles cost nothing that is a terrible excuse. When someone takes a medic hostage the minimum they should be getting is 1 MX with if the negotiating cop is NICE. Theyll end up getting a sting which costs nothing...

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Vehicles do cost something after you have to re turbo and buy new vehicles because they get blown up or you need one for a new wave 

22 minutes ago, Wobbles said:

The vehicles cost nothing that is a terrible excuse. When someone takes a medic hostage the minimum they should be getting is 1 MX with if the negotiating cop is NICE. Theyll end up getting a sting which costs nothing...


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1 minute ago, NokiaStrong said:

Vehicles do cost something after you have to re turbo and buy new vehicles because they get blown up or you need one for a new wave 


Who tf buys turbo.... thats a waste of money. I've never bought turbo and I've caught up to all suspects.

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1 hour ago, TheCmdrRex said:

Calm down fam it was already brought up to remove lethal split.

Is that going to happen within this update? Or are we going to have to bare a month of 30k lethal money?

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3 hours ago, McDili said:

Anyway to school you here, the lethal cap was raised to 600k from 200k because lethals were bugged and barely ever paid out. That has been solved for a while now, so it's back to where it was originally intended to be. But go ahead and talk about how you somehow "Deserved" the raise for literally no other reason beyond "I just want more money." I'd expect more than a kneejerk response from a corporal.

Exactly how and when was this fixed? Lethal money is slightly more consistent than it used to be, but is not fixed. I have lethaled 1mil+ multiple times and got jack shit :/

12 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

Fuck if I know

30k lethals here we come! Well looks like I'll be loading tasers at rebels and warzone cause thats how I'm making more money and that's exactly what every civ on warzone wants

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21 minutes ago, Wobbles said:

The vehicles cost nothing that is a terrible excuse. When someone takes a medic hostage the minimum they should be getting is 1 MX with if the negotiating cop is NICE. Theyll end up getting a sting which costs nothing...

Vehicles cost nothing?  Thanks to federal events I've bought 30 vehicles just to make sure I have enough for each wave and I'm a Patrol Officer.  I couldn't imagine being a Corporal or higher have to spend money on helis(Hummingbird, Orca, Ghosthawk for Sgt) or Seargents buying hunters to attack federal events.  

Hostage situations can be a mixed bag depending on how many prisoners the taker has and what he is asking for.  I mean obviously if they guy wants 500k he isn't getting that he'll totally get something reasonable if there is a high enough rank online to get exactly what he wants. i.e. Guy wants a MK1 taser but there are no Senior APD on.

Lastly I'll say this.  Cops deserve to be compensated the way that they are because of the cancerous and horrible people that they have to deal with on a daily basis.  You know how many times Trident has held up processing for over an our because they come out of the ground like weeds?  Do you know how many times some kid yells that he is recording and that I broke 18 rules and that he is taking my rank?  This is why some cops do the minimum roleplay because they have a civilian that is spouting off random rules trying to get them deranked or banned.  If you want more of an RP experience, maybe civilians should actually make an effort on their end. 

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5 minutes ago, Wobbles said:

Who tf buys turbo.... thats a waste of money. I've never bought turbo and I've caught up to all suspects.

If civs buy turbo then u gonna need it to keep up. Gurarantee if you have played cop for a week you would have lost a suspect

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2 minutes ago, Nerdy said:

Vehicles cost nothing?  Thanks to federal events I've bought 30 vehicles just to make sure I have enough for each wave and I'm a Patrol Officer.  I couldn't imagine being a Corporal or higher have to spend money on helis(Hummingbird, Orca, Ghosthawk for Sgt) or Seargents buying hunters to attack federal events.  

Hostage situations can be a mixed bag depending on how many prisoners the taker has and what he is asking for.  I mean obviously if they guy wants 500k he isn't getting that he'll totally get something reasonable if there is a high enough rank online to get exactly what he wants. i.e. Guy wants a MK1 taser but there are no Senior APD on.

Lastly I'll say this.  Cops deserve to be compensated the way that they are because of the cancerous and horrible people that they have to deal with on a daily basis.  You know how many times Trident has held up processing for over an our because they come out of the ground like weeds?  Do you know how many times some kid yells that he is recording and that I broke 18 rules and that he is taking my rank?  This is why some cops do the minimum roleplay because they have a civilian that is spouting off random rules trying to get them deranked or banned.  If you want more of an RP experience, maybe civilians should actually make an effort on their end. 

If your a corporal+ and cant afford to buy an aircraft, you are terrible with money. Cause the time it takes to get there is a LONG time and talking about the cancerous people, YOU signed up for it you knew what you were getting into if you thought APD was gonna be all sunshine and rainbows you're wrong.

5 minutes ago, NokiaStrong said:

If civs buy turbo then u gonna need it to keep up. Gurarantee if you have played cop for a week you would have lost a suspect

I have been a cop for almost two months bud. Don't get aggressive cause your wasting your money on turbo losing suspects.

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This kinda seems unfair where corporals lethal someone and get dirt crap while that individual has the opportunity to get cleared without paying shit. "Capturing" them is not always an option. On the other hand, I don't see the point of reducing income from arrest by 10%.

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2 minutes ago, Wobbles said:

If your a corporal+ and cant afford to buy an aircraft, you are terrible with money. Cause the time it takes to get there is a LONG time and talking about the cancerous people, YOU signed up for it you knew what you were getting into if you thought APD was gonna be all sunshine and rainbows you're wrong.

So if you're going down the being irresponsible with money route.  Who is to say that someone only plays cop?  example. I'm a cop but I also play in a gang that fights cartels.  I spend my money on loadouts on civ now I have less money.

Put it like this, if I become a cop in real life.  Do I have to buy my loadout, no.  Do I have to buy my car, no.  Do I have to take my personal money into a hostage situation to get someone out of it, no.  Cops are compensated the way there are to offset these costs AND allow the cop to have some bring home money.  

On the cancerous side of things, I acknowledge that.  However, when people go on the forums or send a dispatch immediately after being processed saying how "APD are OP" or "APD doesn't RP".  That pisses me off because they themselves are the reason things didn't go the way they would've liked to after the fact.  If you are going to be cancerous don't question why you had a limited RP experience because you didn't allow it to happen. 

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Now if a vigilante goes to jail he/she will only drop down a rank of vigilante

  • May get removed depending on if it's showing undesirable results

Time to get buttraped by vigies in Kavala again. I guess I have to move out.

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41 minutes ago, Wobbles said:

If your a corporal+ and cant afford to buy an aircraft, you are terrible with money. Cause the time it takes to get there is a LONG time and talking about the cancerous people, YOU signed up for it you knew what you were getting into if you thought APD was gonna be all sunshine and rainbows you're wrong.

What. I guarantee if you were given the option to take a corp test you would take it. You're acting like all corporals are rich, now why would you think that? Cause they have can do heli patrols and have lethals, but helis require money to insure and lethals just got a huge nerf. And if you have ever been a part of or seen the apd you know they crash/blow up helis more than any other faction.

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Just now, Aunt Jemima said:

What. I guarantee if you were given the option to take a corp test you would take it. You're acting like all corporals are rich, now why would you think that? Cause they have can do heli patrols and have lethals, but helis require money to insure and lethals just got a huge nerf. And if you have ever been a part of or seen the apd you know they crash/blow up helis more than any other faction.

If they crash than its your own fault for crashing. If they blow up in any other fashion as in getting arma'd - report it rammed into - report it.

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12 minutes ago, Wobbles said:

If they crash than its your own fault for crashing. If they blow up in any other fashion as in getting arma'd - report it rammed into - report it.

Alright, so what about getting shot out, titaned or chopped or civs take it and crash in it? Surely I can get comp right?

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1 minute ago, Aunt Jemima said:

Alright, so what about getting shot out, titaned or chopped or civs take it and crash in it? Surely I can get comp right?

Thats the APD life. What you want me to tell you lol.

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" APD 911 calls now update locations if another 911 call is made by the same player "

Was this also updated for R&R? Pretty sure it has/had the same problem.

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1 hour ago, TheCmdrRex said:

Calm down fam it was already brought up to remove lethal split.

I think lethal should be made to work like arrests, where a higher percent is available for the split when there are more cops around.

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11 minutes ago, Wobbles said:

Thats the APD life. What you want me to tell you lol.

So dont tell me I can get comp and don't say if I'm a broke corp I'm bad with money. It's not always my fault that I lose helis.

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  • Head Admin

APD receive buff after buff after buff since the servers went live and receive a nerf and the sky is falling.  Your income will be lessened obviously but the fraction it costs to be effective on the APD is still by far in your favour when it comes to money.

I know not every situation can be resolved with tasers but god forbid you occasionally try to capture someone.

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4 minutes ago, Ludde said:

Bw buff???? Wtf we have no tanks, what we gonna shoot it at

Hawks, ifirits, hunters, striders, armed planes, and people. Also it is a off road not hard to take out a off road 

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1 minute ago, DeadPool said:

Hawks, ifirits, hunters, striders, armed planes, and people. Also it is a off road not hard to take out a off road 

You got an image so i can see what it looks like, and would there ever be anti air vehicles

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26 minutes ago, Aunt Jemima said:

So dont tell me I can get comp and don't say if I'm a broke corp I'm bad with money. It's not always my fault that I lose helis.

Ok Auntie J

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