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Status Updates posted by Ryan

  1. Grats @Millennium on admin and@Winters @Doc on mod

  2. New giveaway on discord, go peep. If you not in the discord, click the connect button at the bottom of homepage. GL 🙂 

    1. DevanMF
    2. Peterr


      eta on moderator role giveaway?

    3. SuWooP
  3. Happy Birthday @PoptartRex, finally legal to get wasted 🥳 🍻

  4. Would like to officially announce that the Status Update plugin was FINALLY updated and should now be working on dark theme again. Thank you forum addicts for the somewhat patience ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mako



    3. Ryan


      @Makotime to go like 😮 

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      I donate my entire paycheck to this server every 2 weeks and it takes you literally weeks to fix the forums...!?

      Thats it im gonna invest my paycheck into something more responsible.

      crack cocaine here I come

  5. Change log for this update so big that it doesnt even fit in one screenshot fully zoomed out 🤐



    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. House


      1 mil it wont fix the lag

    3. nomadox


      fix FPS pls these past few conqs have been shit frames wise

    4. Fusionz
  6. There will be maintenance on the forums this weekend. We will be trying to update it to the new version, with a slightly different dark theme. We have held off on this update for months, because our current dark theme has not been updated to the new forum software, and has since been discontinued with the development for it. We will try to make it look as similar as possible but there will be some obvious changes. Announcement has been made as a reminder at the top of the forums. 

  7. Grats @Slumberjack


    Happy Birthday @Claysive you old fart

  8. Final game drama aside, lets take a moment to appreciate the hard work @WALT @Tech @Noahhh!, the @Event Coordinator and @Designer's put in to make this event possible today. They put in countless amount of time and effort to make sure this event was possible.

    Also shoutout to the commentators and rest of the event coords, @Winchester  @Jaster @buckie @Zurph

    Good Job lads 🙂 Lets take the negatives of this one, and turn them into positives for the next one 😛 

  9. Happy New Years everyone 🙂 

    Hope everyone has a safe, happy and healthy year! Hopefully 2020 is the tutorial for 2021, bringing us an awesome New Year!

    1. Civak


      you do realize you just said you hope 2020 was the easier guide for what's in store in 2021, right?

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    3. buckie


      Ima beat the money bags outta you soros relative 

  10. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope everyone has a happy, healthy and safe holiday! Dont forget to go on the forum and check out the giveaway we hosted to see if you are a winner! We will be announcing a winner every day until new years! Remember if you dont have time in grade on the server you are not eligible to win, so go get some hours in before New Years!


  11. Drama aside... Anyone watching this Khabib vs Gaethje fight this saturday? Who yall betting on?

    Personally, calling Khabib will take it 😛 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ventar


      He has a background in div 1 wrestling but I have not seen him on the ground much in UFC, he usually throws a few punches then a lethal knee to the forehead or jaw. Crazy precision and timing though he is totally in control of the fight and basically moves on his own terms when fighting, That being said Khabib isn't like anyone he has fought so far so this will be his toughest opponent by far.

    3. Ryan


      @Ventar Ah gotcha. Seems like we gonna have a nice show then lmfao 

    4. bummm
  12. From meeting a few years ago with viper and xeltini, to becoming Great lads, to seeing the end of your journey here. o7 buddy. Thank you for everything you have done for Olympus, and thank you for whipping the apd back into shape ❤️  @Mr GOAT Hit me up on snap once in a while.

    Congrats to @Winters, I know you will do wonders with the apd. 

    1. Zeuse


      L56uJeI.png No retired staff fix this.

  13. I couped him guys im now the new lead dev, you wont be missed @Zahzi

    @Civak ill miss you qt

  14. 👀3e1875a662baa7f2a58a91ea624c93e8.gif

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Cale


      add in double downing and splitting

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Medics are going to love this

    4. Tech


      @Cale Double downing is already in. Splitting won't be in the release but I do plan on it eventually.

      @swervy Donation goal said roulette, slots, blackjack. Texas hold em is fun as fuck but would probably take more hours of dev work and testing then already spent on the initial 3 games.

  15. 🙂 d955c601e0b172c0517cf667f35c03d4.gif

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Toasty


      If those goes live right now I might, and just might, log on to Arma3

    3. Deluxe


      is green 14x?

    4. Tech


      @Deluxe as of right now, yes.

  16. For those that have been asking, as of today the donation rewards page has been updated to majority of what you receive. There may be a few things that are not listed that we missed but we will be updating them overtime. Shoutout to @Noahhh! for helping us out 🙂 

  17. Happy Birthday lad 🙂 

  18. https://www.twitch.tv/olympusftw - 5Mil bounty on this man, find out who it is and you win the money. Happy hunting ^_^

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