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Status Updates posted by BadserverBadPlayersl

  1. Finally freed from @ ThatNerdyGuy gay  ass prison

    anyways, nice one letting @ Doke TV (a guy who’s quality standards are so far in the shitter).  
    when you ban the able minded expect the incompetent to take their place 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. N9ne


      Buying Ifrit Smoke!

    3. Toretto


      Hahaha reminded me how hard those dudes are asking around for Ifrit Smokes! Paying ANY price for one 😂

    4. Doke


      didn’t you JUST get an exploiting ban?

  2. @ SPBojo restore warponts?

    1. SPBojo


      only if it affects everyone but you

    2. BadserverBadPlayersl


      Get it done then I would love to see people actually fighting cartels and scatting in towns. 

  3. @ Dante  you are retarded they handing mod out like candy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. doubleueyeceekay


      Yeah @ Scribble  why you'll never get it

    3. Scribble


      You forgot the AGAIN part

    4. doubleueyeceekay


      Sorry Scribble. Senior R&R have allegedly groomed an underage girl AGAIN

      Reporter @ Boovin may have more details.

  4. Just posted 2 granit t's on auction and other junk, Get it while its hot

  5. @ Zahzi 1d6d6ba897d42261ee28066494d60ebf.png might be a bit longer before im ready for web development 

  6. What gimp moved rebel boat?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheHeroNoob
    3. BadserverBadPlayersl


      @ Mighty Theres truth in that, yet what gimp put it in the most obsolete position? Its either in kav bay or pharma. And it shouldnt even be in kav scatting from what i can tell is dead.

    4. Mighty


      It belongs in the bay with the aircraft carrier!

  7. Not playing Olympus until  @ Montez unbanned 

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      That’s cool, just make sure you cook my fries fresh at McDonald’s lil nigga 

    2. BadserverBadPlayersl


      @ Big Boss Fredo u eat  at mcdonalds lol obese shit. U say that like its a insult u were playing pokemon at 15 dont talk to me

    3. Skys


      pokemon goes crazy 

  8. Only real mfs know what this map is called 1a3eb7a5715e2ec81c51bc2417c3dd30.png

  9. 16 SHEEPcd4377e5c857a49b159c5461ba01aab6.png

    1. BadserverBadPlayersl


      @ XnavrasX I dont see u here  little buddy is everything ok?

  10. kny obese and bad at the game double L

  11. These new seniors will  definitely increase apd fed win percentages totally  not role-players 💯

  12. @ ThatNerdyGuy  The ravens going to the superbowl and the Bengal's will miss the   playoffs

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Started 0-2 last season

  13. Is the s erver telling me to quit? @ monster fdb3f899c9da461f1a40fd8c0245592c.png

  14. 4d80de721480603826d46fd707f102f6.jpgdam

    1. codeYeTi


      @ Doc Youre labeling prisoners add your property now? Kinky

  15. @ Tammy happy bday one of the realest out there

  16. all these tards  have the same birthday must be born from the same mother

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