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4 hours ago, Pledge said:

Although I have seen many of these, and have had 3 years to think about it, I ironically have no idea what I should say. After 1,111 days my time with the APD has finally come to an end. However, I will be staying on with the Development staff as a contributor and will continue to hang around (AKA if you are staff and didn't get an @ thats why).


Not all of you know me, and honestly you aren't missing much. Some of you may remember me as "that asshole who took my rank" or something along those lines. For you: Rejoice.

However, a small group of you actually know me, and to you I owe everything. It's been a wild ride and I have loved every moment. Through the ups and downs, the late nights and weekend meetings. I came to this community over 3 years ago and I knew nobody besides @Asylum player, who showed me the server. By the time I had become a cop I hadn't even left Kavala. Little did I know that I would be sitting here now actually writing something about my time here, and I definitely didn't expect to meet so many fantastic people. I was given a chance on support team, as a corporal, and as a senior APD member, and for these chances I am grateful. But after all this time I have a few things to say:


Obligatory Mentions: These people have been tremendous examples, leaders, and friends.


@Gibbs - You took a chance on me, not once, but twice. Without you I wouldn't have gotten past PO, and I wouldn't be here today.

@Maddog - When I came to this server you took me in, taught me, mentored me, and made me want to be a Corporal one day. To this day you are still the greatest Corporal I have ever seen.

@Peter Long - From day one I was just a young kid, and you gave me the chance to be something more. You got me into the support team, made me a senior, made me a lead, and then a moderator, and a developer. You worked with me and were a hell of a friend (even tho I bribe you with Pizza) We definitely need to play some more PUBG or something sometime soon.

@an overweight giant retard - Even though we don't see eye to eye now, it was awesome to work with you, and you are the living version of Frank Underwood. May your scheming continue.

@GoodDustin - I love you. We make a hell of a team, and I can finally say you are better than @Decimus

@Decimus - See above and below (love ya bud)

@Stuuurrt- #TeamScoutPlane

@Jordan540 - The grind was real, but we made it. From POs -> Chiefs

@Goodman - You're like me, but better at everything. Thanks for always giving me a run for my money and bringing the support team back to life

@iPopsicle - You have always been super chill with me, and are super awesome to talk to. Maybe I will stop by sometime for another car contest....

@tyler - You know how I feel.

@Dante - Thank you for trusting me with the APD, and taking a chance. Although I may have to thank @Hot Pocket too :Kappa:

@TheCmdrRex - Our friendship has been the definition of a roller-coaster. From grinding together to "pulling you up", to being passed up and serving under you. It's been a wild ride, thanks for putting up with me.

@Sandman - Thanks for always being a workhorse and speaking your mind, even if it was about landing.

@Hylos - You are the spitting image of what cop should be. Keep your head up and make it happen.

@Luke Duke - The CS legend himself and fellow 3% member. Wingman will continue.

@hawk - Frenchie. Wouldn't have been able to go 6 months without you, and you were a great Dep Chief

@ChrisGG - You have come far, and surprised me at many points. The improvement you have made, even since becoming Dep Chief, far outweigh my expectations. You will be a great Chief.


To the APD

Just know, even as a deputy who knows nobody, or as the most hated PO, you can do it. Keep working, and you will go far.


My final words are these--


“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

[Commencement Address at Yale University, June 11 1962]” 

― John F. Kennedy


Take others as they are, give them a chance. Take your previous ideas and throw them away. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they don't deserve a promotion.


The key is honesty. Tell others what you think, and be heard, whether they want you to be or not.


man its been a while since we actually caught up, enjoyed breaking out of your custody o7 man dont become a stranger

If it wasn't for you I don't think I would still be around. From a nobody PO breaking rules constantly, to a corporal and a moderator. You gave me the inspiration to keep on pushing and it has got me far, enjoy retirement you did good for the APD.


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Thanks for giving me the chance to be a corporal while you were chief, you are a great chief and a chill ass nibba


o7 @Pledge

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13 minutes ago, maxg said:

Thanks for giving me the chance to be a corporal while you were chief, you are a great chief and a chill ass nibba


o7 @Pledge


  • Lord of Tickets

Honestly, didn't go the total direction I hoped when I left it with you, but you stuck to your guns for the most part and if I had to have a re-do on who I left the APD with, I wouldnt have changed anything. Welcome to retirement @Pledge.

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o7 man, thank you for giving me a chance on senior support, I met most of the people I still play with today there, and it was easily the most fun I've had on Olympus. Good luck out there.

  • Downvote 1

@Pledge, it's been a while since we were able to talk, but I've tried keeping a tab on Olympus since I left and I have to say, some of the changes I saw you make were outstanding. As a friend, you were always very helpful and encouraging and I wish I took your advice to stick out for Sgt so long ago, who knows where it would have led. o7 to you and good luck in your future endeavors. btw we should play something soon. luv u bb

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A shame I never get to saw you in your prime as head chef, however proud of how far you've come. 

Keep in touch and we'll have another session just like the old days some time ^.^

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