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Everything posted by ItsGG

  1. hbd @Tommy you said you were like 20 tho:thinking-face_1f914:

  2. newbie-0 posts member-50 posts admirable member-200 posts (i think) dexterous member-500 posts commendable user -1000 posts ( u can change your title at this rank)
  3. Is there a list of all the titles and what you need to get them somewhere?

    1. Scribble


      when you click on the locked ones they tell you what you need to get them. *ticket*

    2. ItsGG


      ok ty 

      *writes 5 star review*

  4. Ok so @thor. makes sense but ngl @Hurricane your ass surprised me lmao gratz guys <3

    1. Hurricane
    2. Scribble


      Don’t worry he surprised us too

    3. thor


      ty ty xd :wub:

  5.  Nice.

    1. N7Zero


      Good Song. 10/10 montage.:Kappa:

    2. Decimus
  6. Recently heard news of a Malden server coming out, is there a post about this or something somewhere?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. SPBojo


      As much as i can agree that having a "new fresh taste to it all" i still dont agree with having a new chief, if anything have that chief be below Rex, for instance a new Dep.Chief who only has "powers" on Malden. As you said it yourself, you trust rex, and without that he wouldn't be chief on Altis even.

    3. ItsGG


      I personally dont like the idea of a whole new police force, maybe a new branch or new squad but the idea of a whole new chief and sapd I find people would consider the malden apd chief as a meme compared to the other sapd. But if thats already written in stone then I guess we shall see how it goes.

  7. This post has more dick sucking than pornhub
  8. If only there was a new gang with decent players who fight and do fed events...:thinking-face_1f914:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Savage


      @Ryan when @Proud is back we r gonna be hitting Feds and cartels like there is no tomorrow, also with all of our nEw rEcRiUtS we should have the numbers 

    3. Ryan
    4. Bucko


      lmk if yall start one

  9. Why do we care about your gang's over exaggerated drama?
  10. Dude if that cop had a lethal you would be dead. I drive around all the time in quilins and sometimes I get hit and live and other times I get 1 tapped and I’m always wearing a vest and pilot helmet. It’s arma man
  11. No matter what you post if you are proposing a nerf to the apd there will always be career cops who disagree. That’s why when proposing a nerf you need to say more than “cops are too op” or “nerf cops”, those kinds of posts will always get instantly shut down by apd members. Make realistic propositions that give examples and that are reasonable, they will still get some hate but civs will be able to agree and if the idea is actually thought through then the apd shouldn’t have much to shit on the post with. Civ is not a white listed faction tho. Anyone can play as a civ...
    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      imo, it's always better to buy all of your parts at once for risk of compatibility issues between newer and older hardware.  I'd say save up for when you are building the new PC and buy all the parts together.

    2. Orgondo


      If you can wait for Cyber Monday i would definitely wait, PC parts are dropping soon because of the Crypto changes

    3. MAV


      ^^ this 

  12. do you accept arma money? lol
  13. The apd out here going straight at each others necks lmao goddam


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryan


      To be fair it just ended up turning into a shitty roast fest between Nicole and lil j

    3. Genghis Khan
    4. DashTonic
  14. I mean this helps but its still hard af to catch a blackfish or prevent it from taking off... kind of a pointless change imo I swear they nerfed plane storage?
  15. 4b87da178f60e323e74c849529f5b2e6.png @kev lmaoo 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ItsGG


      I know those ones, when mans are all set up for a bw and the 7th cop gets off lol

    3. Ryan




    4. Bloodmoon


      That's fucking gold lol

  16. Season 2 of 13 reasons why has got me all kinds of fucked up holy shit

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ItsGG


      It picks up a bit after season 1 kind of like the aftermath

    3. Temple


      you are a woman

    4. Hoonter


      Did it come out?

  17. I don't understand how mans are hearing yanny lmao tell me where you hear a y like what. It's Laurel.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      @Dangus I love you dangus but im pretty sure people are just fucking stupid

    3. KrispyK


      I only hear yanny.

    4. Dangus


      @lou25000 you’re probably right

  18. Happy birthday to an og rat [VX] @TheCmdrRex and happs to a dope editor @Ryan

    1. Ryan


      Thank you :) 

  19. So dont tell me I can get comp and don't say if I'm a broke corp I'm bad with money. It's not always my fault that I lose helis.
  20. Alright, so what about getting shot out, titaned or chopped or civs take it and crash in it? Surely I can get comp right?
  21. What. I guarantee if you were given the option to take a corp test you would take it. You're acting like all corporals are rich, now why would you think that? Cause they have can do heli patrols and have lethals, but helis require money to insure and lethals just got a huge nerf. And if you have ever been a part of or seen the apd you know they crash/blow up helis more than any other faction.
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