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Everything posted by Linka

  1. @TheCmdrRex im sorry to break it to you, but @Mr GOAT just big brained the fuck out of your coup

  2. @Strae was absolutely robbed 

  3. @xDRO I found out why they didn’t let the debate happen 

  4. i dont know if i just dont enjoy video games anymore or im not playing the right type of games

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Linka


      @vedalkenn if u actually show me how to play im down


      @Strafe @Billeh yaaa, i just bought animal crossing which is a type of genre i never thought id play 

    3. vedalkenn


      youve got yourself a fuckin deal 

    4. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      @vedalkenn @Linka lemme hop on this r6 action tho

  5. so who is throwing out bets for chief 

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      if @Linka doesnt become chief i will start a riot

  6. i wish someone from olympus actually made it in video games, it's insane how no one from this community went pro in any game. its so sad.

  7. خلاص... انت ما تضحك. انت قعد تسويلي bully الحين. Please stop. ولا انا بسير sad

    1. Billeh


      @billdroid can you translate this for me 

  8. my state finally in lock down lets get it

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      @Dante Congrats on your promotion to "essential employee" with that you get to work.

    3. -dante-


      @ThatNerdyGuy I’m now eligible to have the corona virus. It’s an honor. 

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      @Dante Coronavirus doesn't infect dudes because being inside a man is gay

  9. @billdroid congrats to my favorite gas station employee

    @rabid congrats on the reformation story

  10. hello, i am currently a campaign manager. however, these are the best choices for apd promotions: 

    @Hurricane 4 dep chief

    @Greenbum for lt 

    @FrankieTwinkletoes for corporal

    @Jig for corporal

    @ShoTime for sgt

    @ThatNerdyGuy for chief

    @Dank MeeMoo for sgt 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Richard


      Psh.  Wouldn’t settle for anything less than Dep Chief.  I’m a number 2 guy.

    3. Linka


      @Richard want me to campaign for it? 

    4. Richard


      Nah.  Can’t stand the role of APD.  It’s not for me.

  11. does anyone know any good exercises i can do with a global tear? 

    all i can find is rehab exercises but im not tryna get fat while i wait for surgery 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      I wouldn't trust the Olympus forums for accurate exercise tips especially when you have a serious ligament injury.


      Do exercises and stretches that minimize stress of the ligament and muscle groups that are injured, I'm not sure what a global tear is and google said it's rotator cuff related so long walks or runs if you don't feel pain should be fine.


      Your best bet would be consulting a physical therapist or personal trainer who can pass you a list of exercises that won't aggravate your injury.

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      All the stuff above me is shit. I want you to participate in a rigorous triathlon while carrying 70 pounds worth of military grade hardware

    4. Linka


      @sploding you're 100 percent correct, but ik there are a lot of athletes on here that might've gone thru the same experience so i was hoping.

      im more of a weight lifting person, i ran all of highschool so im kinda tired of it lol

  12. im officially team @Mr Majestic 

  13. Linka


    soring break one more time??
  14. anyone think it's crazy @Main sucks up all of his higher ups and then talks shit behind their back

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. GregoV1



    3. Rossco


      anyone else have a field that is barren of fucks that they give?

    4. Linka


      this seems to conclude the social experiment, ty @Main for being the bait. i deleted the screen shot 

  15. hbd @Zahzi you're doing great running the server


    @BumbaClat hbd cutie 

  16. we need more forum drama so start it in the replies of this

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Fuzy


      “Cross fire by the way” lmao. Who’s nigga is this? Water boy needs to be put on the bench. 

    3. Drippp


      Wym? I intentionally killed my friend in restraints

    4. Fuzy


      No what you were saying when I told you, you were gonna take a vacation. XD 

  17. buckie was robbed

  18. lil darkie

    1. Jopple123


      who the fuck do you think you are?

    2. Linka


      who the fuck do you think you are?

  19. my computer starts up, automatically shuts off, and repeats this unless the power cord is unplugged. send help

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ItsGG


      that happened to my pc, for me my harddrive was fried and i couldnt get past the boot screen because I had windows installed on it. I ended up redownloading it on my ssd hope this helps ❤️ 

    3. Millennium


      could be that your memory is corrupted or that its not plugged in fully too (the ram)

    4. Zeuse


      Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  20. really have paid 5k+ on a major I don’t want to be in, feelsgoodman

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Millennium


      Do wat u like, even if u try several different majors. My brother went through 3 b4 he found one that he likes ands its good

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Just work the street corner like the dirty crack whore you are!

    4. JuanDeaged


      Idk much about MLB or the minors bc baseball is gay but if you do a good job in the minors as a manager or whatever can u get moved up? If so I say go for it.

  21. jose altuve getting boo'd during spring training lul 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xDRO


      3 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

      Now that's a fucking yikes.

      If you think the Astros are the only team sign stealing with cameras you're livin in fantasy land bud.

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      @xDRO Y'all got caught using camera's in the stadium to relay the information. I'm not naive, it happens.

    4. Linka


      @xDRO Astro's pitchers performed very well in the ws, however they knew what was going on as well. Sign stealing happens, but not to that agree. I can tell you from personal experience, if I know a curve ball was coming, that shit is getting rocked. The goal of those kind of pitches is to throw hitters off balance, but if they know whats coming it ruins the over all effect of the pitch. 

      Yes, other teams steal signs, but again, not to that standard

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