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Altis Life Update - 3/9/2018




  • Donation Goal:
    • Purchasable Striders from Rebel (Illegal) (Temporary)
    • 15% discount on gang shed purchases & upgrades (Temporary)
    • 15% discount on house purchases & upgrades (Temporary)
    • Magazine Repacking (Perm)
      • Use CTRL + R to repack your magazines
  • Vigilante Overhaul
    • Tier-based system unlocks new armor and firearms as you progress
      • Tier 0: 0 arrests
        • PO7 9mm
        • Weak Vigilante vest
        • 40% payout on bounties
      • Tier 1: 5 arrests
        • Sting 9mm
        • Vigilante vest
        • 60% payout on bounties
      • Tier 2: 25 arrests
        • Spar 16 5.56mm
        • 90% payout on bounties
    • Progress is lost if you are arrested, your license is taken away, or you buy a rebel license
      • Vigilante license costs double if you own a rebel license
    • All vigilante weapons will lethal if you are not the proper tier
  • APD Training Dome at Pyrgos
    • Corporals+ will have the option to lock/unlock via windows key on the dome
    • Will not be able to lock the dome if civilians are near. (Does not auto-unlock if dome is already locked and civilians walk near it)
  • Corporals+ will now have the ability to pardon individual charges
    • Using the pardon button while selected on a specific charge will prompt a confirmation menu to remove one count of that charge 
    • Pardoning in full will work the same way as before (just don't be selected on any charges) and will now prompt a confirmation menu
  • APD Armed Planes now have sirens 
  • Civ's will now have to perform a "Repair Doors" action on the house (through the windows key menu), when the APD raids their house, to be able to lock it again
    • The APD will also be able to lock up the house (quicker) through a windows key option 
  • Ability to remove individual permanent house key holders
    • Access in the 'Manage Keys' tab when interacting with your house
  • "Deposit All" option for gang funds


  • R&R will now get $100 for repairing environmental objects
  • Moved around several illegal zones to better promote illegal runs
  • Rangefinders can now be bought from normals stores and will no longer be seized by the APD
  • Courthouse:
    • Added progress bar (speed based on bounty amount)
    • Will not work if a person has:
      • Any federal event charge
      • Hostage situation
      • Escaping jail
      • Kidnapping Gov Offical 
      • LEO manslaughter
    • Will not work if there are cops nearby (10 meters)
  • V-44X Blackfish price lowered by around 90%
    • Vehicle Transport: $6,300,000 to $750,000
    • Infantry Transport: $6,700,000 to $800,000
  • Players' names in your group that you are at war with will no longer appear red (changes after you leave the group).
  • Optimized SEVERAL server side files (Client to come later) to boost FPS/CPS performance
    • Some things may be broken, if you experience issues please post on this thread and we'll resolve as quickly as possible


  • Bug regarding killing/tazing/restraining someone while they are chopping/claiming a vehicle
  • Bug with bones not disappearing
  • Players that lockpick a vehicle will not appear on the registration list
  • NLR marker will no longer appear if you die on warzone island
  • Bug where contraband could not be picked if you canceled the animation
  • Cop actions related exploit
  • Cops can no longer collect salvage
  • Fixed chop shop logging data
  • Fixed a potential server lag culprit


  • M900 from APD

Hotfix #1:

  • Blackmarket near Pygros now has walls
  • Moonshine distributor has his own un-purchasable home
  • Whitelisted something in cop gear check script
  • Training dome fixed I suppose


Recommended Comments

8 hours ago, Blitzking said:

Why the removal of the M900 from APD? I'd say its fairly necessary for transport to federal events in the case that no corporal+ are on the server.

It was tested, there was a very minor increase in speed for using the m900 over a hatchback sport, so it was decided that the small difference wasn't enough to keep them.

@RogueMK   @NokiaStrong

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46 minutes ago, Stuuurrt said:

It was tested, there was a very minor increase in speed for using the m900 over a hatchback sport, so it was decided that the small difference wasn't enough to keep them.

@RogueMK   @NokiaStrong

Ok this is going to be easy, all we need is all P.O.s to become professional hatchback drivers and never crash their car on way to the fed, this is going to be much less risky than using a helicopter to fly above all the obstacles. 

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31 minutes ago, Crazychicken5574 said:

Ok this is going to be easy, all we need is all P.O.s to become professional hatchback drivers and never crash their car on way to the fed, this is going to be much less risky than using a helicopter to fly above all the obstacles. 

Sarcasm? Some people crash 3 or 4 times. Driving as fast as possible on the curvy road is much harder than going 200 meters up then hold shift + w

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  • All vigilante weapons will lethal if you are not the proper tier

does that mean the cop stings which are the same as vigi stings now lethal? Same with the cop PO7?

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1 hour ago, Stuuurrt said:

It was tested, there was a very minor increase in speed for using the m900 over a hatchback sport, so it was decided that the small difference wasn't enough to keep them.

@RogueMK   @NokiaStrong

In these tests, did you also consider that hatchbacks have to follow roads whereas a helicopter can just go in a straight line to a destination? I'm not angry, just genuinely curious.

For example, did you just do a race from, say, Kavala to Fed? Or did you just base this off of the max speed of the vehicle?

Edited by Destruct
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I enjoy the m900’s being removed. just adds more of a chance for civs to get ahead on their black water/fed. as well, with the sudden influx of corporals and sergeants, i would hope every server would more than likely contain one- and in the rare case one is absent, it is just an extra drive.

also, i am kind of disappointed u can’t differentiate from a BW strider and a Rebel bought strider. 

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47 minutes ago, ikiled said:
  • All vigilante weapons will lethal if you are not the proper tier

does that mean the cop stings which are the same as vigi stings now lethal? Same with the cop PO7?

Cop stings and vigi stings are separated by class name so cop stings will always taze and vigi stings will only taze if you have the proper rank.  Looking into making some sort of identifier for each in the future.

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38 minutes ago, Dirty Scrubz said:

Also I remember @Jessesaying this update would allow gangs to send war requests from anywhere, is that in this patch or was it left out?

It's in the in game patch notes but not here for some reason

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1 hour ago, Destruct said:

In these tests, did you also consider that hatchbacks have to follow roads whereas a helicopter can just go in a straight line to a destination? I'm not angry, just genuinely curious.

For example, did you just do a race from, say, Kavala to Fed? Or did you just base this off of the max speed of the vehicle?

We tested from Kavala to each of the different federal events, each with at least 1 crash, the difference if i remember was only like 10 seconds at MOST and for such a small difference, it wasn't worth keeping them

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1 minute ago, Stuuurrt said:

We tested from Kavala to each of the different federal events, each with at least 1 crash, the difference if i remember was only like 10 seconds at MOST and for such a small difference, it wasn't worth keeping them

Alright thanks mate

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2 hours ago, Crazychicken5574 said:

Ok this is going to be easy, all we need is all P.O.s to become professional hatchback drivers and never crash their car on way to the fed, this is going to be much less risky than using a helicopter to fly above all the obstacles. 

Even though not everyone isn't going to crash, we thought about that aswell, even if you take your time with corners, making sure to slow down every now and then, the biggest impact its going to have isn't going to be that much

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50 minutes ago, Jesse said:

I mean... I got it to work when Kurt and I just tried on S2...


Perfect! I'm going to test this when I log in later, I've been wanting this change for awhile now. 

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55 minutes ago, CucumberJack said:

the vigi changes are cancer 

" Tier 2: 25 arrests "

 might as well fucking apply for the APD at those rates, @Jesse @McDili

Sounds like it's working as intended.

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7 hours ago, Jesse said:

Some people are claiming it's not werkin.

From what it seems like War Request can be seen sometimes. Maybe someone processing drugs or doing something could affect it along with maybe another hint notification popping up over that one immediately or at least close to it?

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Guest Kden

Posted (edited)

Strider paint jobs don’t work only thing is that aids 6M chrome paint job which seriously should be lowered 

Edited by Kden
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For the Gang War System I sent someone a gang war request and they didn't receive the notification so we tried having them press F8 to see if it would still work and nothing.

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@Kurt noticed a bug that if you dont use 'U' to close house door that the door remains unlocked...not sure if this is intended (might be) - I used to scroll wheel close doors while on the run, but now its awkward because you almost have to stop to shut the door of you want it to be locked..

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2 hours ago, MAVE2ICK said:

@Kurt noticed a bug that if you dont use 'U' to close house door that the door remains unlocked...not sure if this is intended (might be) - I used to scroll wheel close doors while on the run, but now its awkward because you almost have to stop to shut the door of you want it to be locked..

that was in the game before this update

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4 hours ago, CucumberJack said:

if that's how you feel. Then remove vigi all together

It’s a buff if you’re a career vigi, so that doesn’t make any sense. I’m saying if you’re turning away from vigi cause you don’t wanna career vigi then it’s working properly.

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