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Everything posted by Mr GOAT

  1. Mr GOAT


    @Africa give me the name of the hoodlum
  2. What a dead server smh

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JuanDeaged
    3. Drippp


      @Silton that’s why we made ur gang log right? Yeah stupid mullet Aussie man

    4. Kedar


      but ur staff??????????

  3. Moderator Dripp cashing out the staff points already? Smh
  4. Agreed, but these kids are C R Y I N
  5. 86b5f80480aecad2f3a177baf4b52e75.png

    Added in BANKS to the hostage/player robbing. Don't be dumb fellas

    1. Millennium


      This was added the day after banks came out....

    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      promise it wasnt ACTUALLY there

    3. Millennium


      ahhh. well destruct atleast made a post about it

  6. also impressive, but the construction worker is just miles ahead of everyone here tbh
  8. "buff kidneys"

    accept my resignation jfc

    1. Hunter


      Please buff kidneys i need more money 

    2. Legendary


      LOL about to be worth more than gold bars

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      Make your second kidney rob-able. Then you die if you don't get to the hospital/clinic within 15 minutes.

  9. I think that would be up to upper management ( @Owner @Head Admin ) . I'm more than willing to answer any questions you guys have tho. Let me be clear: I'm not interested in participating in something that will portray Olympus in an overly negative light. If you're just gonna have plague kids saying "gOIng tO ASYLUM LOL BYE" then I have no interest.
  10. Ask me the questions and you'll get an answer
  11. https://i.imgur.com/6S2rGZd.mp4

    if you do this, you will be banned

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Vcx


      Ti crying because they lost absurd

    3. MAV


      lol too many grey areas with that one... sure if you have the perspective of the person doing it, it won't be hard to tell if they are trying to exploit or not.. but from the other side, ill bet itll look like every other smoke and slam.. not sure how this will be enforced... (outside the obvious smoke in a field for no reason.. and even at that it could be used to mask movements tactically..)

    1. Drippp


      jesus the game sense on that poop head guy is nuts, i mean look at how he flicks to the opponent behind him in such dapper fashion

  12. @Hisoka You didn't tell me that you were THIS BIG of a fan of mine, welcome to the club!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      You’re one of the biggest clowns on Olympus, that’s what I’m getting at.

    3. House


      ok forum janitor 

  13. #FreeUnjo

    1. Strae


      it was his cat idk why he's banned

    2. Unjo


      Yabba dabba didnu nuffin

  14. @destruct He didn’t dube?
  15. Since when did it become ok to bring your friends drama to the status updates? 3 letters

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JuanDeaged


      I’m never fucking home for this shit.

    3. billdroid


      Dirty admins always abusing and shit god it drives me crazy. Fucking ban these metagamers

    4. Parker R

      Parker R

      "sit on mitas fat cock" -Bumbaclat/ 12/15/19, 7:13

  16. also want to give a shoutout to this kid @Jerrod

    imagine being so mad you're banned that you ddos literal randoms

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vcx


      The kid did nothing wrong though

    3. Billeh


      (Buckie isnt a random)


    4. Hoonter


      The numbers mason the numbers

  17. PSA: If someone sends you a link in TS/Discord, and you don't know them, don't click it. Prolly an IP grabber.

  18. Not gonna lie that’s how it used to be when I ran the show
  19. [*] candle in the chat boys, we got a man back today



    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      @Hylos We thought you were a goner. Welcome back. 

  20. Think playing against UK kids is depressing? try the new germans lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      Three words.


      Russians playing CS:GO.

    3. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Hunter Russians playing CSGO is childsplay

    4. Hunter


      na fighting a chinese zerg is worse

  21. @Grego quit acting DUMB

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Creepy


      Why are GOAT and Grego feuding? Can someone give me the details?

    3. GregoV1


      @Bloodmoon after ryan got owner and chris got chief i didn't want to apply for mod, and who cares if that was even true.

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