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Altis Life Update - 1/13/19 - Vigilante Buddy System




  • Vigilante Buddy System
    • Vigilante's can buddy another vigilante to split payouts
      • Press Windows Key on another vigilante
    • Will receive your vigilante tier cut of money after 50% split
    • You will lose your buddy if either dies
    • Few kinks to work out on this. Updates will continue over time.
  • Automatic regeneration of health if not severely hurt and food/water above 75
  • Fireaxe for RnR to break into houses for revives
  • New RnR Rank (Staff RnR)
  • P90 Magazines to war point shop
  • HW HQ extra car spawn.
  • Big tower at Mushroom Cartel
  • P90 taser for Sergeants and higher
  • You will now process illegal drugs faster if you own the cartel
  • Diving Item Shop for excavating tools and easier access items
  • Founder's Circle donors get full-body VR suits (This is exclusive to Founders Circle, other players will not be able to wear these uniforms)
  • Support Team titles
  • New Medic Titles


  • Cops will no longer be able to seize cop vehicles
  • Medics will be able to see revive requests on their GPS (Open and close map to refresh revive requests)
  • R&R "Athira" spawn point changed to "Air"
  • Gold Bar weight decreased to 8
  • Kavala Black Market red zone size slightly increased
  • Server 3 now is back to normal week cycles
  • APD seizure prices more in line with market (some seize for less, some more)
  • Air Hospital has received a new bar gate near impound yard
  • Pyrgos Hospital has received some renovations
  • Sofia hospital has received some renovations
  • Heroin field has been moved
  • Cocaine Field has been made more defendable
  • Sofia Vigilante Outpost has been remodeled
  • New Rotated Ifrit Skin


  • Sofia DP point changed to HW Patrol
  • Autorun will not work while jailed
  • Beatdown hint
  • Winning bets should sync player money more successfully (less issues with losing bet money)
  • Bug causing housing physical to wipe and not be used anymore
  • Apples and Peaches can only be sold at regular market
  • Bolt-cutter displaying messages in chat when they were not able to be used
  • Betting button still appearing with betting disabled
  • Betting exploits
  • Trunk bugging when player dies while using it
  • People dying of malnutrition and thirst in handcuffs


  • APD Training Island
  • Admin Island
  • Neochori Hospital (This was removed due to performance reasons, will be reimplemented in the future)
  • APD Roadkits
  • Christmas Suit


As always if a bug is found please submit a bug report in https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/


Recommended Comments

37 minutes ago, Imawowboy said:

Does the APD just train at an HQ now, or will there be another training area added?

The APD will be training at the dome in Pyrgos from here on out. We will not be adding the island back in the near future.

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39 minutes ago, Claysive said:
  • Neochori Hospital (This was removed due to performance reasons, will be reimplemented in the future)

No!! I loved that hospital! Baby come back!

+1 tbh it was really cool looking

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1 hour ago, Claysive said:
  • Neochori Hospital (This was removed due to performance reasons, will be reimplemented in the future)

No!! I loved that hospital! Baby come back!

I got you fam

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36 minutes ago, LukeTheCoop said:

@Slumberjack we did it! Revives on GPS!

I can dig it. Although you do have to open the map to update your gps for the revive to show up and also for it to be removed from your gps, it's actually pretty cool to have this feature. 

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On 1/13/2019 at 11:26 AM, Claysive said:
  • Neochori Hospital (This was removed due to performance reasons, will be reimplemented in the future)

No!! I loved that hospital! Baby come back!

This was easily the best part of the update if we’re being honest

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