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Civ Rep Round Table 4/14/19



Cartels- @Jimmy Jarvis @HyperGoat @swervy @Toasty @nomadox

  • Cartel event put on the back burner for devs link here
  • Adding more clothing to rebel shop

Feds-   @Kamikaze @indian @billdroid @Cyanide @ryan beck

  • Nothing for now sadly

Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @John Wayne @Nex is the name

  • Moving kav black market back to the old location and shorten the redzone

Runs- @Bloodmoon @indian @NokiaStrong @Mudiwa @Zahzi

  • Reworking black market to how it was in 2015 
  • Nerf the tax on the black market from 15% to 5%
    Make black market how it was in 2015
    Have to capture to buy the high-end gear. High-end gear being anything not gun store
    If not captured you can buy any gun
    This does not affect Y shop
    Says whose capturing the black market on the map
  • Decrease Salvage again by 20% - GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WATER

Vigis-@Tyrone @CorNfLower @Creepy @Onyxcaboose @|REAL| Boing

  • Spar 16 price being increased to 100k
  • All Tier 1 - 3 helmets added to vigi 

As always if you have an Idea feel free to msg anyone of your civ reps.


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spar 16 price being increased to 100k be like


Personally, I think it should be increased to 65k at the most. No reason to fuck tier 4 vigilantes even more because someone cried.

  • Like 2


Just now, Gregbot said:

spar 16 price being increased to 100k be like


Personally, I think it should be increased to 65k at the most. No reason to fuck tier 4 vigilantes even more because someone cried.

If a vigi at their 4 is making 90% of the bounty and paying less than 100k for a loadout when they are taking a civs 100k+ loadout. It is fair



Just now, DeadPool said:

If a vigi at their 4 is making 90% of the bounty and paying less than 100k for a loadout when they are taking a civs 100k+ loadout. It is fair

Make the tier 3 vest 50k and make the spar 16 65k.

When I hop on my vigilante alt I us need to buy gear it usually costs me 300k-350k.

Just nerf the % of the bounty to 80% for tier 4 if people are crying about something so small. 



1 minute ago, Gregbot said:

When I hop on my vigilante alt I us need to buy gear it usually costs me 300k-350k

wtf are you buying lmao? Definitely isn't at a vigi shop.



3 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

wtf are you buying lmao? Definitely isn't at a vigi shop.


  • Head Civilian Council


might wanna say your moving Kavala or weed blackmarket instead of just saying moving blackmarket



who had the idea of making my spar 100k, im already broke enough



  • Spar 16 price being increased to 100k
  • All Tier 1 - 3 helmets added to vigi 

bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit




75 rank 4 1 robbery=lose license and gun=100k only reason is They want to reduce number but they just eat a dick

  • Hmm 1


When you have a big group of friends controlling civ council, they’ll push their agenda before everyone else. No surprise vigilante is getting nerfed again. @Gregbot


good thing Tarkov finally wiped and I could get off Olympus for a bit 

  • Like 1
  • Hmm 1


42 minutes ago, Titimus said:

When you have a big group of friends controlling civ council, they’ll push their agenda before everyone else. No surprise vigilante is getting nerfed again. @Gregbot


good thing Tarkov finally wiped and I could get off Olympus for a bit 

dirt cheap loadouts with 90% money made off bounties, does that sound right?

  • Like 1
Ryan Beck


I wasn't at meeting sadly beacuse of family stuff but i trust you i got stuff to bring upppp 



be gone thot. spar 16 is literaly the same amount of money as a mk1.

be gone thot. spar 16 is literaly the same amount of money as a mk1. might aswell add mk1 to the vigi shop

  • Like 1


Nerfing Black Market down to 5% is far too overpowered. The locations are easier to defend than the real processors and from Gather-Process-Sell its always far quicker at a Black Market rather than to the real processor hut.



36 minutes ago, rapidaax said:

Killing 2 birds with one stone. Vigis and salvagers :pog:

Dont forget the taser script is fixed too

4 minutes ago, Orgondo said:

Nerfing Black Market down to 5% is far too overpowered. The locations are easier to defend than the real processors and from Gather-Process-Sell its always far quicker at a Black Market rather than to the real processor hut.

It will tell the whole server you have captured the blackmarket. Thats why its low. 



1 minute ago, DeadPool said:

It will tell the whole server you have captured the blackmarket. Thats why its low. 

Lol you think that matters? You are trying to make BM the way it was in 2015 yet you obviously don't remember 2015 very well then. MC owned Heroin Black Market literally 24/7 and was always running it. The whole server knew they were doing it however they were hardly ever robbed because of how easy it is to defend and the shear amount of property available there. Nerfing to basically nothing and justifying that by saying there will be announcement is irrelevant. A real tip to everyone is if this goes through buy BM property because you will make brain dead amounts of money.


3 minutes ago, Orgondo said:

Lol you think that matters? You are trying to make BM the way it was in 2015 yet you obviously don't remember 2015 very well then. MC owned Heroin Black Market literally 24/7 and was always running it. The whole server knew they were doing it however they were hardly ever robbed because of how easy it is to defend and the shear amount of property available there. Nerfing to basically nothing and justifying that by saying there will be announcement is irrelevant. A real tip to everyone is if this goes through buy BM property because you will make brain dead amounts of money.


Also, MC back in 2015 was far richer than current Tree is by a LARGE portion because of the Black Market and that was with a 15% taxation. So keep that one in mind.



13 minutes ago, Orgondo said:

Nerfing Black Market down to 5% is far too overpowered. The locations are easier to defend than the real processors and from Gather-Process-Sell its always far quicker at a Black Market rather than to the real processor hut.

Seems balanced to me considering you aren't able to double process at black markets, announces a capture, and as well as a healthy cop population on at all hours.

5 minutes ago, Orgondo said:

Lol you think that matters? You are trying to make BM the way it was in 2015 yet you obviously don't remember 2015 very well then. MC owned Heroin Black Market literally 24/7 and was always running it. The whole server knew they were doing it however they were hardly ever robbed because of how easy it is to defend and the shear amount of property available there.

There aren't really any big gangs that do runs anymore, only those that come to mind are those that own shine and meth sheds across all servers, not to mention that the gangs that still focus on runs are pretty bad.

i win


4 hours ago, Titimus said:

When you have a big group of friends controlling civ council, they’ll push their agenda before everyone else. No surprise vigilante is getting nerfed again.


Ok I get it, you're upset you preferred play style is being balanced and bought into line. Feel free to apply to the civilian council next time some seats open up. 

1 hour ago, Orgondo said:

Nerfing Black Market down to 5% is far too overpowered. The locations are easier to defend than the real processors and from Gather-Process-Sell its always far quicker at a Black Market rather than to the real processor hut.

We have access to far better stats and metrics than we did back then. If there is an obvious out of whack uptick in money generated from these locations then of course we will look at them again. Olympus isn't the same as it was back then, things are far easier to get iterated on than ever before.

5 hours ago, mohsen98 said:

75 rank 4 1 robbery=lose license and gun=100k only reason is They want to reduce number but they just eat a dick

You're supposedly a vigilante, you know the risk when you rob a guy instead of sending them to jail. 

6 hours ago, Gregbot said:

When I hop on my vigilante alt I us need to buy gear it usually costs me 300k-350k.

What the fuck?



1 hour ago, Eased said:

Why not just remove salvage?

Its like saying why not remove vigis. Staff dont want to remove something the community uses or playes as. No matter how many people complain or if it is being abused.

1 hour ago, an overweight giant retard said:

@Pledge they're nerfing themselves now, just sit back and put your feet up fam

We are balancing the vigis T4 gun since they make 90% of the bounty and have no net money loss compared to the other groups of civs.

As for salvage no one is doing truck runs they are doing underwater safety runs that makes more than meth and moonshine.

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