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Altis Life Update - 9/28/19 - September Update




  • Qilins
    • Doorless
    • $200k or 13 warpoints at rebels
    • Available for APD Corporals+
  • Donor Civilian Qilin skin
    • $15 Supporter
    • Works with Armed Qilin
  • New restrictions system
    • Don't have to wait for a physical update anymore
  • Fee for transferring illegal vehicles
    • 400k for Blackwater ground vehicles
    • 800k for Blackwater air vehicles
    • 10% of Illegal Vehicle cost
  • Medic invoices
  • 10 minute cooldown on banks after they are completed
  • Logging for several high value purchases
  • Contact DLC Radio backpacks added to Rebel Clothing shops
  • Undercover vans for APD
  • Ability for APD to open side doors on the jail
  • Ability to store legal vehicles at cartel flagpoles
  • Added new NPC tags and settings for toggling features of it
    • NPC Tags - Displays a description of what the NPC does
    • NPC Names - Displays the NPC's roleplay name


  • Vehicle ammo refills Ifrit and Strider smoke
    • For Ifrit you must be in the driver seat
    • For Strider you must be in the commander seat
  • Excavation radius for shipwrecks
  • Gang rank 3 can now pay gangshed rent
  • Players who have restrictions cannot use loadout saving
  • Centered several map markers and expanded several redzones
  • Changed the Altis Bank
    • Changed the Bank Marker
    • Moved North closer to the Federal Reserve
    • Given its own event ring
      • KOS when the bomb is planted
  • Moved Pyrgos Turtle Poaching
  • Changed the model of the destroyed jail door
  • Changed appearances of some NPCs
    • Rebel NPCs
    • Cop NPCs
    • Some Processing NPCs
  • Changed Appearance of Interior Prison walls before and after being blown open
  • Increase Promet MR to 90k and Promet to 80k
  • Several sound effects for buttons
  • Most Rebel NPCs will no longer have weapons
    • Changed animations so they no longer gesture as if they have guns
  • Allowed re-arming Ghosthawk and Hurons while the pilot is in
    • This means they can be re-armed in flight only while the vehicle is auto-hovered
    • You must be in the gun you want to be re-filled, and pilot may refill his flares similarly
  • Increased prices of APD vests at Corporal and above
  • Moved Weed Processor
  • Cocaine Processor
    • Area and redzone size
  • Meth Lab and Sofia Rebel
    • Increased redzone size
  • Nitro Boost title
  • Vehicle Ammo
    • Increased use time from 10 seconds to 20 seconds
  • Black Markets
    • Reduced tax from 20% to 10%


  • Gang Talk Channel
  • Various NPCs
  • Flaregun weight
  • Fixed medic uniform
  • Some very old broken skins
    • Rescue Van
    • Several admin vehicles
  • Sofia cop spawns
  • Spawning with standard equipment
    • GPS, Map, etc. will now spawn even if you have no clothes
  • Black Market weed processing
  • Vehicles taking damage while spawning
  • Lights and sirens on medic RHIB and Speedboat
  • Medics reviving people who allow Epi-Pen but do not request medic
  • Cops tasing people during Roulette events
  • Being able to capture cartels without a gun
  • Several perk discounts
  • Moonshine Brewery's color
  • Warzone boundary lines
  • Cops paying for loadouts when they die in warzone
  • Plane delivery missions not working when entering with Windows key
  • Issue with plane delivery missions and the new 'Exit' options for civilians
  • Loadout saving is back and works for all factions!


  • Medic discounts on all equipment
  • Misc. items from Hospitals
  • NPCs from Air Service Stations
  • Blackfish insurance

As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.

We can not continue to do updates like this without your support. You can help here.


Hotfix #1


  • Buff Qilin armor
  • Remove doors from Qilins after restart
  • Add Qilins to warpoint shop for 12pts
  • Reduce salvage sell prices by 10%
  • Reduce restrain blocking radius of APD by 25%


  • Dispatch cooldown from misuse charge will persist through soft-log
  • Added Spar16 to CPL+ (also still available in PO shop)
  • Some objects at bank are no longer pushable
  • Cop loadout saving now allows certain cosmetic items
  • Fix server 3 autolocking
  • Excessive time unrestrain timer is set to 15m to be inline with the hostage rule.


  • Allow vehicles to be stored on flagpole
  • Add food and water to dope crates


Hotfix #2


  • Potential Performance Fix
  • Truck Price Changes
    • HEMTT Box 625k -> 465k
    • HEMTT Fuel 525k -> 390k
    • HEMTT Transport 450k -> 335k
    • Truck Boxer 175k -> 130k
    • Fuel Truck 225k -> 170k
    • Truck 100k -> 75k
    • Zamak Transport (Covered) 250k -> 187,500
    • Zamak Fuel 225k -> 170k
    • Zamak Transport 200k -> 150k
    • Tempest Transport (Covered) 450k -> 330k
    • Tempest Fuel 425k -> 320k
    • Tempest Transport 375k -> 280k
  • Arrest Payout Percentages
    • 1 Cop: Unchanged - 22%
    • 2 Cops: 54% split -> 50% split
    • 3 Cops+: 90% split -> 75% split
    • Vigilante Tier 1: 40% -> 30%
    • Vigilante Tier 2: 60% -> 40%
    • Vigilante Tier 3: 75% -> 60%
    • Vigilante Tier 4: 90% -> 75%
  • Patrol Officers+ pay 100% of their loadout if killed in warzone


  • Qilin (Armed) to the Rebel Outpost vehicle shop for $2,000,000


  • Qilin (Armed) from Blackwater loot pool


Recommended Comments

  • Carrot Kid


Qilins for warpoints and Defibs will be in a hotfix later this week.



Who's dumbass idea was it to remove the R&R discounts? There is no point in removing the discount it just makes saving people way more expensive if you end up losing your vehicle. A lot of new players become EMTs to earn a little extra cash but now with the discounts gone it's tough. 

  • Downvote 5


1 hour ago, TheHeroNoob said:

Who's dumbass idea was it to remove the R&R discounts? There is no point in removing the discount it just makes saving people way more expensive if you end up losing your vehicle. A lot of new players become EMTs to earn a little extra cash but now with the discounts gone it's tough. 

Whitelisted factions aren't there to farm money lolol

  • Like 2
  • Downvote 4


10 minutes ago, Unjo said:

Whitelisted factions aren't there to farm money lolol


  • Downvote 2


2 hours ago, Unjo said:

Whitelisted factions aren't there to farm money lolol

Still doesn't take away from the fact that there was no reason to remove the discount rather than making R&R a more expensive endeavor. You can say that they aren't there to farm money but running around the map hitting the windows key doesn't do anything else besides make money. This goes for other things the R&R do as well such as dropping dope crates, give dope, healing players, and towing. Every action the R&R does brings in cash besides being nice enough to go and pick someone up if they are stranded. I just see it as an unneeded and unwanted change to the R&R.

  • Like 2
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1 minute ago, TheHeroNoob said:

Still doesn't take away from the fact that there was no reason to remove the discount rather than making R&R a more expensive endeavor.

Medics can't get robbed, should be respecting their equipment and not crashing it.

Why do they need discounts, its basically a one time purchase with ground vehicles

  • Like 1
  • Downvote 2


5 minutes ago, Unjo said:

Medics can't get robbed, should be respecting their equipment and not crashing it.

Why do they need discounts, its basically a one time purchase with ground vehicles

Fair enough. I've just always know the discounts to be a helpful thing to the R&R since they help everyone else whether it be they are doing it for the cash or they are just wanting to help. 

Logan Paul


Quilins for Corp+ Thats dumb AF should have kept it PO+. Because trying to chase an Ifrit or something thats not on the main roads is aids. 

  • Like 1
  • Downvote 6


29 minutes ago, TheHeroNoob said:

Fair enough. I've just always know the discounts to be a helpful thing to the R&R since they help everyone else whether it be they are doing it for the cash or they are just wanting to help. 

I’m hoping for half payout revives in kavala next so y’all actually move around 🤐

  • Like 1
  • Downvote 1


36 minutes ago, Logan Paul said:

Quilins for Corp+ Thats dumb AF should have kept it PO+. Because trying to chase an Ifrit or something thats not on the main roads is aids. 

I'm not trying to have every Tom, Dick and Harry running around with them. That's what the issue was last time we had them. With a hatchback you can pit someone, that's what I've been doing for the last year.

32 minutes ago, Trenton The God said:

I’m hoping for half payout revives in kavala next so y’all actually move around 🤐

Big facts! Hell, I'd be for cutting payouts in half for all areas. As for cops I'd like the reduce those payouts too.

  • Like 3


  • Cops paying for loadouts when they die in warzone

i don’t say this often but good job

  • Like 2
  • Kappa 1


1 hour ago, Superiorr said:

200k for a qilin yall are on crack



Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Superiorr said:

200k for a qilin yall are on crack


Edited by Elements


1 hour ago, JuanDeaged said:
  • Cops paying for loadouts when they die in warzone

i don’t say this often but good job

i dont think u understand they fixed that cause it was something that was happening now it wont.

  • Downvote 1


Damn. You guys just really fucked up BFO. The only gang that does weed regularly got nerfed.

If you want people to do runs, stop moving the processors and fucking people out of their house locations. There was literally no need to move any processors.

  • Like 5


eta on Pyrgos Rebel location revert??? 

Not only did you put it on a low lying beach, next to a hill , right underneath DP22... but you also disabled all the viable houses within a 1km of it. Way to make the moonshine gangs even more OP..

boi you dumbashell for that one.. 

  • Like 1


31 minutes ago, FULTKING said:

i dont think u understand they fixed that cause it was something that was happening now it wont.

Other way around. It was something that was meant to be happening but wasn't.



10 hours ago, Zahzi said:

Defibs and Qilins for warpoints will be in a hotfix later this week.

Will defibs be available for cash or no? I strongly believe they should.


47 minutes ago, Dab said:

Way to make the moonshine gangs even more OP

I mean, the new location is more inconvenient for a fresh spawn at the dp23 gang shed who is trying do moonshine runs. Instead of staying in the South, we have to go North, which is out of the way. I haven't seen the new rebel outpost in game yet, but solely based off the map, it's a little bit of added time to getting a run started. 


55 minutes ago, Millennium said:

Damn. You guys just really fucked up BFO. The only gang that does weed regularly got nerfed.

If you want people to do runs, stop moving the processors and fucking people out of their house locations. There was literally no need to move any processors.


I understand that in some circumstances, it's important to tweak the location of processors, but it can also render people's houses a lot less useful. At least the processor is closer to the field, but I'm sure those old Southern weed processor houses aren't going to be used for processing anymore. Just seems like it would be too much of a hassle at this point.

3 hours ago, Superiorr said:

200k for a qilin yall are on crack

At least we have them back. If they're more expensive, maybe less people will use them, resulting in the civilians being able to keep them around.

  • Carrot Kid


1 hour ago, Millennium said:

Damn. You guys just really fucked up BFO. The only gang that does weed regularly got nerfed.

If you want people to do runs, stop moving the processors and fucking people out of their house locations. There was literally no need to move any processors.


14 minutes ago, Noahhh! said:

Will defibs be available for cash or no? I strongly believe they should.

Sorry, that was phrased poorly. Defibs will be added for cash in the hotfix, Qilins will be added for warpoints in the hotfix.

15 minutes ago, Noahhh! said:

I understand that in some circumstances, it's important to tweak the location of processors, but it can also render people's houses a lot less useful. At least the processor is closer to the field, but I'm sure those old Southern weed processor houses aren't going to be used for processing anymore. Just seems like it would be too much of a hassle at this point.

Weed maybe needed some buffing, but I personally don't like moving processors around much

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1


47 minutes ago, Zahzi said:

Weed maybe needed some buffing, but I personally don't like moving processors around much

Yeah, theoretically, moving the field and processor closer to each other is a buff, but just a difficult switch for the people who've been running it out of houses. It doesn't directly affect me, but just a thought really.

49 minutes ago, Zahzi said:

Sorry, that was phrased poorly. Defibs will be added for cash in the hotfix, Qilins will be added for warpoints in the hotfix.


  • Like 1


7 hours ago, Trenton The God said:

I’m hoping for half payout revives in kavala next so y’all actually move around 🤐

Why don’t you all move around and kill someone outside of Kav?  We go where the action is.

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