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So whos your favorite people

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So was wondering who your favorite are in the following:



1. APD (higher ranks)

2. APD (lower ranks)

3.MEDIC (higher ranks)

4.MEDIC (lower ranks)

5. vigillantes

6. TAXI drivers



This is not to start a flame war just to give thanks and credit for those you think try to make the server more enjoyable when they play their roles and make it fun.

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4 minutes ago, McDili said:

Lincoln Williams

That's not the correct format, therefore making your opinion IRELEVANT. I have fixed it for you:

1. APD (higher ranks)  Lincoln Williams

2. APD (lower ranks) Lincoln Williams

3.MEDIC (higher ranks) Lincoln Williams

4.MEDIC (lower ranks) Lincoln Williams

5. vigillantes Lincoln Williams

6. TAXI drivers Lincoln Williams

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Guest Excision

1. APD (higher ranks) therealkylexd

2. APD (lower ranks) heyday

3.MEDIC (higher ranks) medics suck cock

4.MEDIC (lower ranks) medics suck cock

5. vigilantes Lil Bill

6. TAXI drivers Jazzy

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1. APD (higher ranks) @Gucci Mane

2. APD (lower ranks) @Virus

3.MEDIC (higher ranks) @Tman15tmb :Kappa:

4.MEDIC (lower ranks) @Lincoln Williams

5. vigillantes All the ones I ban for Vigi Abuse

6. TAXI drivers @Marty

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1. APD (higher ranks) None, they didn't let me keep my hat

2. APD (lower ranks) bigSMOKE

3.MEDIC (higher ranks) Epi-pens

4.MEDIC (lower ranks) Dave

5. vigillantes No

6. TAXI drivers Mr. Hippo

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1. APD (higher ranks): @RambleR and @Jordan540

2. APD (lower ranks): @Taylor Shwift

3.MEDIC (higher ranks): @Lincoln Williams

4.MEDIC (lower ranks): @Lincoln Williams (Kicked my ass in a fair fight like a man)

5. vigilantes: @Me

6. TAXI drivers: @Marty


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1. APD (higher ranks): Jordan is pretty dank (love you too Lucky, plz no spankings).

2. APD (lower ranks): To keep it outside the gang, DeadPool.

3.MEDIC (higher ranks): Tman, he's my dad, how could I not pick him???? (Sorry Isaac, but I know you agree with me, also plz no spankings)

4.MEDIC (lower ranks): There are other Medics than Tman and Isaac???

5. Vigillantes: None, they are all rats

6. TAXI drivers: Marty, and if anyone disagrees, I demand a duel against you in Kavala

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Guest G.O.A.T.
1 hour ago, Excision said:

1. APD (higher ranks) therealkylexd

2. APD (lower ranks) heyday

3.MEDIC (higher ranks) medics suck cock

4.MEDIC (lower ranks) medics suck cock

5. vigilantes Lil Bill

6. TAXI drivers Jazzy

blacklisted cy@

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1. APD (higher ranks) @G.O.A.T. @Dejay @EatMeth @Pledge @Goodman @McDili

2. APD (lower ranks) @Excision @heyday @3 Rip @Fushigi @Tiger @Lil Bill

3.MEDIC (higher ranks) @Isaac Newton nerdz nerdz nerdz 

4.MEDIC (lower ranks) whichever one sneak revives me at cartel

5. vigillantes LUL

6. TAXI drivers lul

These are just the people I play with the most. THE BOYS as some would say.

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11 minutes ago, TheRealKyle said:

1. APD (higher ranks) @G.O.A.T. @Dejay @EatMeth @Pledge @Goodman @McDili

These are just the people I play with the most. THE BOYS as some would say.


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1. APD (higher ranks) @TheRealKyle @TheCmdrRex @G.O.A.T. @Lucki

2. APD (lower ranks) @Stuart @Main @GoodDustin

3.MEDIC (higher ranks) @DaneG @Mercury @Hot Pocket @Dante Fleury

4.MEDIC (lower ranks) @DashTonic @Harley Quinn 

5. vigillantes: @Falcon :Kappa:

6. TAXI drivers: @Marty


These are just the people I play with the most. THE RATS as some would say.

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1. APD (higher ranks) - Me

2. APD (lower ranks) - Me

3.MEDIC (higher ranks) - Me

4.MEDIC (lower ranks) - Me

5. vigillantes - Me

6. TAXI drivers - Me

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1. APD (higher ranks) G.O.A.T. For the unblacklist

2. APD (lower ranks) falcoon 

3.MEDIC (higher ranks) mercury

4.MEDIC (lower ranks) Sociopthatic 

5. vigilantes none fuck you all

6. TAXI drivers ya boi marty


4 hours ago, Falcon said:

I am not a vigi :(

Your arrest say other wise lmao

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