Popular Post Noahhh! 3608 Posted September 15, 2021 Popular Post Report Share Posted September 15, 2021 My tenure here has been one to remember. I had the great opportunity to do different things in this community. I will never forget my experience with this community. Even though the days were fun, it’s time for me to move on to running my detailing business, experiencing life with the love of my life, and finishing up my education to start my accounting career. From 501st, to Bots, to Noble; from Civilian Council, to gang wars streamer, to APD; from boomtages to WTFI interviews, from the Olympus Wiki to Olympus Staff. The only good thing that came out of any of it was friendships. Anything else was minor compared to that. Now, I’m going to mention a few people who had a significant impact on my experience here. I’m going to leave some people out on accident I’m sure. If you’re a real one, you know, and you don’t need this post to tell you that. @ WALT I’ve never seen someone go from Kavala shitter to cartel fighter like you did. Back in FEAR, you literally had no fingers. When I re-joined Arma, you were clapping cheeks left and right. I appreciate you spending time on our A&D server training the Noble monkeys, and never saying a bad word about us while doing it. You’re a super humble and down-to-earth person. Keep putting out those montages. @ Erron White Thank you for teaching me the game. I miss the FEAR days, but I had the most fun with you during the Exile grind. I remember clapping kids from 1k+ out with those overpowered modded weapons and selling AI RPGs for boatloads of cash. I remember when SOA basically got in trouble for being too big of a gang on that server. I guess I was always meant to be in a zerg. @ nomadox I remember teaching you how to make Scotch on Asylum forever ago. I also remember teaching you how to quick-peek with @ Erron White and now you’re 10 times the player I am. Stay safe out there. Let me know if you ever need anything buddy. It was a fun ride. @ Blueangelman36 I don’t even know where to start. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to join 501st in the first place, I can’t imagine where I’d be if I didn’t join back then. I think this was all meant to be, because the journey from rank 0 in bots to rank 4 in Noble was so fucking quick. Thanks for realizing my potential, giving me a platform to lead, teaching me some important leadership lessons, talking me to death about politics and history, answering the phone when I was going through things, backing me up when I made choices for the gang, putting up with my horrible jokes, and being one of the best friends I’ve ever had. The server will never know how much of an intellectual person you are. You’re a natural born leader, like me. I’m confident we could take over the world together. @ MBPslyr You’re one of the most chill people I’ve ever met in life, next to Corgi of course. I feel like I always gave you a really hard time, but it’s only because I think you’re a cool cat. Nobody else could rally the Noble apes like you do. I had a lot of fun helping you build your new PC. I hope that it lasts as long as your last build did. I gave you a little shit for being inactive sometimes, but I want you to know that I really respect you for what you do for the American people IRL. You’re a real one. I hate how you got treated after Noble became inactive. I am truly sorry about that. Hit me up any time. @ Corgi_ We got promoted to Noble Captain at the same time. I knew we were friends when I started using your stupid lingo IRL. Thank you for always being my walking Olympus marketplace price checker. Let me know when we’re gonna get fucked up and RDM on Asylum. You’re a legend Corgito. Have fun on Anus I mean Anzus. @ HeadLESS Thank you for standing up for me when it meant the most. You always acted unsure if we were friends or not for some reason. Headless, in a time where I felt like a lot of people had turned on me - you were there trying to help me out. I appreciate everything that you've done for me. I hope to see you around soon man. I consider you a true friend. I miss you. Stay safe and stay in touch. This server is lucky to have you on their team dude. @ Iceman Some people said we were stupid for promoting you up the chain so fast, but I knew you were meant for it. I usually get all the credit for the insane mass recruiting, but few people know how much you helped with all of that. You are one of the biggest reasons Noble didn’t die early on. You were a godsend when you came out of retirement – we really needed another solid senior with all the new guys running around. Thanks for coming back and always staying active in Discord, even when you weren’t always playing on the server. Shoot me a PM anytime you want to talk about anything. We got to make the perfect map on Cities Skylines one day. Here’s to all the late nights we stayed up until 3AM just to make a terrible city that everyone was moving out of. You know how to get a hold of me. We got to catch up some time soon. @ Zahzi I thought you were a fucking cocky asshole when I first met you. Now I’ve realized that you’re just a faggot… All jokes aside, I consider you a true friend. Please let me know if you ever need anything. I feel like you really helped guide me into becoming the Olympus person that I am today. You taught me a lot about server politics during my tenure as a civilian council member, showed me how to debate those balance changes and such, talked me into submitting a moderator application, asked me to endure creating the long overdue Olympus wiki, and helped me be passionate about the server in general. Now, my time has come. It’s hard to believe that you’re still here too to be honest. @ Ryan When you first became the owner of the server, I thought it was going to go bad. I also thought that you were a bad owner for some reason, but I wasn’t very educated on all the issues that were occurring behind the scenes. I’ve learned that you’re a genuine person. I consider you a friend. Let me know if you ever want to link up in the future and I’ll do my best to make that happen. I’m glad that I could build the foundation for a fantastic wiki and wiki team. Thank you for all the opportunities that you’ve given me. Stay in touch boss man. @ Grandma Gary I really had fun breaking server rules with you. You’re an interesting and fun character. I wish more people would get the chance to hand out with you. You’re an amazing person. Please let me know if there’s anything that I can do for you in the future. You’re a real one. Thanks for standing up for me when it made sense. Thanks for always giving me solid ad vice and pushing me to pick my own brain. I never held a single thing against you. Don’t tell anyone, but you’re my favorite head admin @Kappa We’ve had our differences, but you were always the homie. You are a huge reason that I started off well on the server. We would grind those M-900 meth runs for hours and hours. Thanks for always being the hard carry in the gang, lord knows we needed it. You spent countless hours trying to train our guys and prepare them for cartels and stuff. I really appreciate all the time you put into the gang. I’m sorry how everything turned out for you and Noble in the end, and I really wish that you would have stuck around. Let me know if you ever need help in accounting classes or such. @ Mako You've done an incredible amount of work for this community and I really admire that. Thanks for always pushing me to bring the wiki to the next level. I'll stay in touch in case y'all need any wiki help. God speed. @ Roo It was always super difficult to be upset while playing with you. You always reminded us that we’re here to have fun. Thank you for keeping everyone grounded, watching the Noble night shift, camping moonshine processor to watch for competition, and being one of the most down-to-earth people I’ve ever met. I wish we could have played way more together, but it just wasn’t usually viable with the huge difference in time zone. I don’t know why it took us so long to promote you to Captain. We totally changed the ranking structure to do so, but you 100% deserved it; that shit was SO long overdue. You have the best Arnold impression I’ve ever heard. You’re as real as they come, don’t ever change you Aussie boomer. @ DubbedSoap Many people have no idea how responsible you were for the successfulness of Noble. Our gang most likely would have died without the NBC merge. I have never seen two communities or gangs conduct such a flawless merger. That shit was perfect. Thank you for accepting the Noble name like you did, and thanks for making it your own. Thank you for your help with the wiki early on. I’m happy that you were the one to pick up the titan launcher clout. You are the real “DP23 anti-air”. @ septober1 Thank you, 100 times, for the countless hours you’ve invested into our behind-the-scenes projects, activity watching, moonshine logging, and various other random jobs. Huge shoutout to you, the person who saved me from going bankrupt after buying all those Noble gang sheds. Very few people deserve your patience, intelligence, skills, dedication, and time. Anyone who knows you is lucky to know you. @ Brolaf I’m glad that I could pass the wiki onto you. I know you’re going to do a great job. @ AmericanWaffle I really admire your character and the person you are. Hit me up some time soon so we can do some catching up. Thank you for all your help on the wiki buddy. Keep doing all the cool stuff you’ve been planning to do! @ MawerSTGedzgnfj You’re one of the coolest administrators that this server has seen. Don’t ever change up, because you have an amazing character. @ Tech You are one of the best developers that this server has ever seen. Thank you for everything that you did for this community. You deserve more recognition. Thank you for everything you did for the wiki. You were always around when we needed facts and numbers for the wiki. You also helped us do testing and stuff all the time. I appreciate it. I wish we had more time to hang out bud. Stay in touch. @ Noble I initially forgot to add you on the o7 post. You were the one who I was initially talking to about leaving for good. We talked got what seems like an hour or so on snap. I appreciate that you pushed me to focus on the important things in life. The mark of a true friend is when another person can share your happiness during your successful times. Many people have trouble doing that - they have trouble simply being happy for others. So, thank you for that. Thank you for everything you did for Noble, you were one of the best seniors. Thank you for playing countless hours with us and killing shit all the time. Thank you for your work on the wiki. Stay in touch. @ Rafa I hard pushed for you to become mod. You 100% deserved it. I’m always here if you need any type of advice or help – you know where to contact me buddy. @ WavyTy Thank you for being such a trustworthy gang advisor. I wish you would have played the game more. Either way, having someone like you to help guide us was very important. You were able to understand things we were going through, put yourself in our shoes, but have a great outsider viewpoint. Call or shoot me a message if you ever want to chat dude. Good luck with everything. @ Zamira I wish you would have played with us more. You were one of the key characters of the Noble leadership. If you ever make your way down to my neck of the woods, let me know so we can go to the gun range and RDM some paper targets. Stay in touch. @ Falco I have a lot of respect for you boss. Let me know if you ever plan on upgrading the PC build we put together for you. I’d be happy to help you with that again. I’ll have to come back one night and fuck shit up with y’all again. @ Diamond_drop You’ve made me so fucking mad before dude. We must have talked about kicking you from Noble every month, but we also talked about promoting you just as much. All-in-all, I love playing Arma with you dude. You’re a solid guy, very decisive, always had my back, and highly trustworthy. I consider you a true friend. @ GG Mk1 I couldn't find your @ at first, but I finally got it. You’re one of my favorite people to play the game with. Everything feels more fun when you’re around. Sorry for saying the gamer word far too many times. Let me know if you ever want to hang out. @ Maddox I consider you a true friend. Let me know if you ever come down to the beach again! You’re welcome to bring that dumb hillbilly @juanjakoke with you. @ F U L T Thank you for everything you did for the Noble recruitment. Let me know if you ever want to play Forza. @brecken Just so you know, I don’t hate you. Shoot me a message whenever so we can catch up. @ SuWooP You’re a very genuine person. You put up with an insane amount of hate during your peak on the server. I don’t know how you dealt with it. Stay in toucher you sexy swimmer boy. @ haleychu @ Bignegus You two are a funny duo. I really enjoyed playing this game with y’all. If Arma 4 ever comes out, we need to group up for sure. @ Lil Savage Keep your head up. You’re a genuine person. Don’t let shitty people influence you or shitty circumstances define you. You’re going to live a fantastic life and make extremely loyal friends in no time because that’s what you deserve. @ Casperr You are a hilarious person. I miss your sense of humor. Stay in touch boss man, hit me up on snap some time. @ ChillX I probably almost got permed banned because of you. Sorry for losing your RTR mustang on Forza. Let me know when you wanna play Horizon 5 with me once it comes out. @ Sho-Time I hope everything has been going well for you. We should chat some time. You’re a down-to-earth person. I also must show you some of the cool “tools” that I picked up recently. @ Civak I remember that, during one of my first couple staff meetings, you would always shit on SAPD. I thought it was super entertaining. You’re a hilariously sarcastic asshole. Maybe our paths will cross someday. Stay safe out there and let me know if you ever need anything boss man. @ PUG I think that the activities that you participate in IRL are super cool. I love cars, racing, and motorsports in general. I wish the best of luck to you with all of that. You’re a cool dude. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you in the future. If you ever need a car detail in FL, you know who to call lmao. @ Cyanide You had my +1 to rejoin the staff team. You were a fantastic staff member, good friend, easy to talk to you, and nice to be around. @ Winters You are the best chief of police that I’ve ever served under. I hope you never give the position up. The server really needs someone like you. @ Monks Don’t care so much about what people think. You’re a good person, and people will learn to like you for who you are. Fuck ‘em if they don’t. @ Nemnock Sorry for holding your money from you – that was the wrong thing to do. Let me know if you ever need anything in the future and I’ll do my best to help you out. @ PoptartRex It was fun doing that interview with you. You’re an interesting person. Good luck with everything you’re trying to do. @Mason You’re a sexy gay man and I miss you. @ Mason Harrison I feel like you are my long-lost twin. Please stay in touch. You’re an amazing person. Anyone who knows you is lucky to know you. Stay safe. @ DeadPool Thank you for doing what you did with the civilian council, it allowed me to get more involved with the community and really appreciate the ability to voice my opinion. @ Rossco I wish that I would have posted our interview before my PC got bricked. Just know that I wanted to accept you on the wiki team. You’re a cool guy. Stay in touch. @ destruct I always enjoyed speaking with you. You’re a cool individual. Depending on where I’m at in my life, I may try to come back if Arma 4 ever shows its face. @ jig Stay in touch bud! Keep doing what you’re doing, and the sky is the limit for you. @ lukie Good luck with the taser collection my friend. Glad that I could contribute. @ olympus mascot You’re one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. You’re the best entertainer, troll, and gambler this server has ever seen. @ i win You really inspired me to invest time into the community. You and Zahzi are the ones who talked me into submitting a mod application. You’re a real one. Maybe our paths will cross again if Arma 4 comes out or something. @ ThatNerdyGuy You’re right, it’s easier to replace a mod than it is to replace the entire staff team. @ Mr GOAT Eat fucking rocks smooth brain. @ Kamikaze Choke on a dead frog. In case anyone ever wants to watch a few, here is a list of all the videos I ever made for Olympus. Everything is hyperlinked. ChannelsYouTubeTwitchOlympus YouTube Who the f*ck? 1. Mason Harrison 2. Brolaf 3. Suwoop 4. Crenshaw 5. Destruct 6. ThatNerdyGuy 7. ShoTime 8. CMDRREX 9. Panda 10. Pledge VideosTitantageBoomtage 1Boomtage 2Noble Shittertage || Zerg DocumentaryNoble Shitterage 2 || Rise of The Planet of The ApesDeadPool's MontageNoble v. Olympus StaffLeaked Footage of Staff Meeting OlympusUpdate Highlight: Casino & Art GalleryUpdate Highlight: Conquest Evolved1st Place Trailer ContestFull Version Trailer1/2 Version TrailerDirector's Cut Trailer 40 16 4 3 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/
nomadox 500 Posted September 15, 2021 Report Share Posted September 15, 2021 5 minutes ago, Noahhh! said: @ nomadox I remember teaching you how to make Scotch on Asylum forever ag. I also remember teaching you how to quick-peek with @ Erron White and now you’re 10 times the player I am. Stay safe out there. Let me know if you ever need anything buddy. It was a fun ride. Love you noah lotta good times ages ago good luck in life my guy, grabbed me straight outta kavala. o7 brother 1 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525274
PUG 250 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 @ Noahhh! you are the closest person i can call a true friend thanks for the awesome memories 1 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525275
Maddox 684 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 2 3 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525278
Noahhh! 3608 Posted September 16, 2021 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 22 minutes ago, nomadox said: Love you noah lotta good times ages ago good luck in life my guy, grabbed me straight outta kavala. o7 brother o7 homie Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525279
Venomm 2244 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 o7 dood Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525280
Noahhh! 3608 Posted September 16, 2021 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 Just now, Venomm said: o7 dood It was a pleasure knowing you buddy. I always enjoyed playing with you. 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525281
Mike Lit 1205 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 o7 man. Good luck with future endeavors. 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525282
Noahhh! 3608 Posted September 16, 2021 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 Just now, Mike Lit said: o7 man. Good luck with future endeavors. Thanks man. I appreciate all the advice you've given me. I always liked talking to you and the senior windows key pressers in TS. Y'all are an interesting bunch. 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525283
lukie 1012 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 34 minutes ago, Noahhh! said: Good luck with the taser collection my friend. Glad that I could contribute. Almost have all of them now, couldn't be this close without you 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525284
Noahhh! 3608 Posted September 16, 2021 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 Just now, lukie said: Almost have all of them now, couldn't be this close without you That's awesome dude! I'm glad to hear it @ _logan Hey, what games have you been playing? We need to link up soon bud. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525285
PanDa1771 39 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 o7 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525286
ThatNerdyGuy 5921 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 I hate seeing you go @ Noahhh! , you’ve done great work for this community. Without you we don’t have a Wiki, and without you I don’t personally learn the proper courses to handle difficult situations. I know I am the one that takes the blame for your original departure from staff and that’s only right. For the record, it was @ Creepy who’s line you referenced. I wish things could’ve gone different and you had been given the proper guidance to begin with, so in that statement I failed as well as every other admin to ensure you were properly trained. I’m glad that you came back and showed us that we were wrong. I’ll always appreciate your honesty and your work ethic. I wish you the best, take care. 1 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525287
Senior Texture Designer jig 2154 Posted September 16, 2021 Senior Texture Designer Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 36 minutes ago, Noahhh! said: @ jig Stay in touch bud! Keep doing what you’re doing, and the sky is the limit for you. adios my friend if you ever need anything hmu, was nice knowing you. GL with the detailing 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525288
Noahhh! 3608 Posted September 16, 2021 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 Just now, PanDa1771 said: o7 Thanks for letting me fly you around all the time on APD. Me, you, and @ Iceman were a good trio. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525289
The_Real_Jester 52 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 2 minutes ago, Noahhh! said: That's awesome dude! I'm glad to hear it @ _logan Hey, what games have you been playing? We need to link up soon bud. Been playing tarkov and rainbow hit me up if you wanna play sometime 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525290
Noahhh! 3608 Posted September 16, 2021 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 Just now, ThatNerdyGuy said: I hate seeing you go @ Noahhh! , you’ve done great work for this community. Without you we don’t have a Wiki, and without you I don’t personally learn the proper courses to handle difficult situations. I know I am the one that takes the blame for your original departure from staff and that’s only right. For the record, it was @ Creepy who’s line you referenced. I wish things could’ve gone different and you had been given the proper guidance to begin with, so in that statement I failed as well as every other admin to ensure you were properly trained. I’m glad that you came back and showed us that we were wrong. I’ll always appreciate your honesty and your work ethic. I wish you the best, take care. I'm sorry for that then. That's my fault, I thought it was your line. That actually changes my perspective a little bit. I think myself and the staff team contributed failures towards my first tenure. It's all good now though, I did get a second chance. I wish that I had the time to make my second tenure even better than it was. Unfortunately, it is time for me to leave now though. You're an incredibly knowledgeable person. I honestly did enjoy our conversations that we had. I feel like we could have been really good friends with a little more effort. Thank you for your kind words. I'll keep being honest and stay working hard. I also wish you the best. Stay safe Nerdy. 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525291
Zamira 23 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 o7 my man, not sure where im gonna get my olympus drama inside scoop from now :( On a real note its been an amazing run and its been incredible seeing you climb the ladder covered in lube that is the Olympus hierarchy Good luck moving forwards and ill always stay in touch 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525292
Noahhh! 3608 Posted September 16, 2021 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 3 minutes ago, _logan said: Been playing tarkov and rainbow hit me up if you wanna play sometime I might take you up on R6S, but I really do fucking hate Tarkov. 1 minute ago, Zamira said: o7 my man, not sure where im gonna get my olympus drama inside scoop from now On a real note its been an amazing run and its been incredible seeing you climb the ladder covered in lube that is the Olympus hierarchy Good luck moving forwards and ill always stay in touch You could just ask that retard Maddox lmao. He probably has an okay scoop, idk. Thanks for always backing me up in my endeavors. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525293
torre 190 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 nobody cares 2 1 3 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525294
Noahhh! 3608 Posted September 16, 2021 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 9 minutes ago, jig said: adios my friend if you ever need anything hmu, was nice knowing you. GL with the detailing I might actually need a logo for my business. Maybe you wanna help with that? I'm willing to pay for those kind of services. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525295
torre 190 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 its just way too long 1 1 3 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525296
Noahhh! 3608 Posted September 16, 2021 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 1 minute ago, torre said: nobody cares Chew on a brick downy. 3 1 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525297
torre 190 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 Just now, Noahhh! said: Chew on a brick downy. roger doger, what is a detailing buisness 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525299
Claysive 1479 Posted September 16, 2021 Report Share Posted September 16, 2021 o7! Good luck with all things to come! 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/40855-o7/#findComment-525300
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